Setting up HARVEY Oswald as the "Patsy"
by John Armstrong
The author believes that numerous CIA officers were involved in the
assassination of President Kennedy. The most likely conspirators
include Richard Helms, Allen Dulles, James Angelton, E. Howard Hunt,
and in particular David Atlee Phillips.
The author believes that Phillips, together with E. Howard Hunt, were
the two people most responsible for planning and creating situations
and events designed to "set up" HARVEY Oswald as the "patsy." A brief
overview of the following events shows how HARVEY Oswald's activities
were orchestrated and manipulated in order to blame him as the
assassin, and blame Cuba/Castro as his sponsor. In the author's
opinion, it was David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt who gave
instructions to HARVEY Oswald, through associates Guy Bannister/David
Ferrie in New Orleans and Jack Ruby in Dallas, in order to make it
appear as though HARVEY Oswald was a strong supporter of Castro/Cuba
and preparing to kill JFK. If the American people could be convinced
that Oswald, as an agent of Castro/Cuba, was responsible for
assassinating JFK then these CIA conspirators were convinced that a
retaliatory US military invasion of Cuba would follow.


David Atlee Phillips
E. Howard Hunt


Guy Banister
David Ferrie
The "setting-up" of HARVEY Oswald began when he was instructed by his
CIA handlers to relocate from Dallas to New Orleans in May, 1963, while
LEE Oswald remained in Dallas/Ft. Worth. It was in New Orleans that
HARVEY Oswald spent time with former FBI agent Guy Banister, who was in
constant contact with his long time friend and FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover. In the author's opinion the purpose of HARVEY Oswald's
relocation to New Orleans, as directed by CIA operatives, was twofold:
1) to initiate and to show HARVEY Oswald's determined support for
Castro/Cuba thru his promotion of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.
While passing out FPCC literature in front of the New Orleans
Trade Mart (Clay Shaw, Managing Director), with FBI informant Charles
Steele, the two men were filmed and photographed by the FBI. At the
same time it appears that William (Bill) Shelley, foreman of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, was nearby, but why?? Why was Shelley standing close to HARVEY Oswald in New Orleans on August 9, 1963--two months before Oswald began working under Shelley at the Book Depository in Dallas?
2) for HARVEY Oswald to
begin working undercover for the FBI as an informant (allegedly to
identify and report on Castro supporters), with help and support from
Guy Bannister. HARVEY Oswald's employment as an FBI informant, however,
was a ruse that was cleverly implemented for a specific purpose. That
specific purpose was to insure that 5 months later, when HARVEY Oswald
was accused of killing JFK, the Bureau would cover up any and all
connection to Oswald and to his (CIA) sponsors. It
is important to remember that during the time HARVEY Oswald was in New
Orleans, in the summer of 1963, LEE Oswald and Jack Ruby were seen
together on numerous occasions in Dallas, TX. The
following FBI report lists an address for LEE Oswald in Ft. Worth in
July, 1963 when HARVEY and Marina were living in New Orleans.
NOTE: In 1965
former President Gerald Ford wrote in his book, Portrait of the
Assassin, that in January 1964, members of the Warren Commission were
called to an emergency meeting by Chairman Earl Warren. The Attorney
General of Texas, Waggoner Carr, told J. Lee Rankin (Warren Commission
General Counsel) that the accused assassin of President Kennedy (the
"patsy," HARVEY Oswald) was an undercover FBI informant. All Texas
officials (including Waggoner Carr and Dallas District Attorney Henry
Wade) who had knowledge of this allegation were immediately, and
secretly, summoned to Washington, DC. They met with J. Lee Rankin, WC
staff members, and advised that (HARVEY) Oswald was hired by the FBI,
assigned undercover-agent number 179, paid $200 per month, and was on
the FBI payroll on 11/22/63. In Oswald's address book he had written
the name of FBI agent James Hosty, his phone number, and the license
plate number of Hosty's car. In Dallas, the Western Union office had
regularly received money orders from an unreported source for Lee
Oswald. When reporters asked Western Union to identify the name of the
sender of the money orders they refused. Neither the Dallas Police, the
Dallas District Attorney's office, nor the Warren Commission dared to
ask Western Union to provide the name of the sender. Reporter Joe
Golden wrote in the Philadelphia Inquirer (12/8/63) that the FBI had
attempted to recruit Oswald in September, 1963. Reporter Lonnie Hudkins
wrote in the Houston Post (1/1/64) "Oswald Rumored as Informant for
U.S" and quoted Dallas DA Henry Wade: "It may be true, but I don't
think it will ever be made public." According to reporters, the FBI
soon asked witnesses not to talk to reporters about evidence they might
have relating to the Oswald matter. When reporters contacted witnesses
they were told, "Well, the FBI told me to keep my mouth shut."
During the time HARVEY Oswald was in New Orleans, from May thru
September, 1963, Jack Ruby and LEE Oswald were seen together on
numerous occasions in Dallas, TX. In the author's opinion it was during
the summer of 1963, in Dallas, when preparations were made whereby LEE
Oswald would impersonate HARVEY Oswald for the purpose of setting up
the former Russian-speaking "defector" as the accused assassin of
President Kennedy--a perfect "patsy." According to employees of Jack
Ruby's Carousel Club, LEE Oswald often drove Ruby's car during the
summer of 1963. Cliff Shasteen, a barber and Irving City Council
member, said that (LEE) Oswald drove Ruth Paine's station wagon to
Hutchinson's Grocery Store and to his shop for a haircut every other
week beginning in late August, 1963 (HARVEY
Oswald, his daughter June, and 7-months pregnant Marina were then
living in New Orleans).
(LEE) Oswald was seen by many people, in several different locations,
driving a car in the summer of 1963. LEE Oswald likely showed his
driver's license to employees of Downtown Lincoln Mercury when he test
drove a new Mercury Comet. LEE Oswald likely showed his driver's
license when he applied for auto insurance at the Tower Agency, and
showed his driver's license to Fred Moore on the morning of 11/22/63
when he purchased beer at the Jiffy Mart. LEE Oswald had a valid Texas
driver's license, which was returned to the Texas Department of Public
Safety (TDPS) soon after the assassination. Several employees of the
Texas Department of Public Safety (drivers license section) saw and
handled LEE Oswald's pink Texas driver's license, yet why the Warren
Commission never requested information from the TDPS pertaining to
Oswald remains unknown.
HARVEY Oswald was never known to own a car, drive a car, nor did he
have a driver's license. When Ruth Paine was interviewed by the Warren
Commission she discussed teaching Oswald how to drive her car. However,
insisted that (HARVEY) Oswald did not know how to drive and had never
driven her car. If (HARVEY) Oswald never drove a car, yet LEE Oswald
drove Mrs. Paine's station wagon to Cliff Shasteen's barber shop and to
Hutchinson's Grocery Store (among other places), then Mrs. Paine's
involvement with both HARVEY and with LEE is undeniable. Shortly after
the assassination, and before HARVEY Oswald's arrest had been made
public, Dallas Police arrived at the Paine's. Det. Gus Rose said, "Just
as soon as we walked up on the porch, Ruth Paine came to the door." She
said, "I've been expecting you all." Almost everything used to convict
HARVEY Oswald in the public mind came from the Paine's garage. During
Warren Commission testimony Ruth Paine described Oswald's demeanor on
one occasion in New Orleans. She said, "It was more like HARVEY that I
had seen him before." Years later Marina was asked if she still
associated with Ruth Paine, and she replied, "No." When asked why not,
Marina said that her decision was based upon the advice of the Secret
Service, who told her that if the public found out the "connection
between me and Ruth and the CIA" it would look very bad. Marina was
then asked, "In other words, you were left with the distinct impression
that she (Ruth Paine) was in some way connected with CIA?" Marina
replied, "Yes."
June-August, 1963. In New Orleans HARVEY Oswald was most
likely given
instructions by either Guy Banister or David Ferrie, at the behest of
David Atlee Phillips and E. Howard Hunt. CIA asset Gordon Novel was a
close friend of both Banister and Ferrie. In a lawsuit brought against
Playboy magazine, for publishing Jim Garrison's claim that Novel worked
for the CIA, Novel testified in deposition that Guy Banister worked
under CIA operative David Atlee Phillips. When Oswald was handing out
FPCC literature, together with Charles Hall Steele (an FBI informant),
in front of Clay Shaw's International Trade Mart, photographs and
movies were taken by FBI informants. Within hours of the assassination
these photographs and movies were shown on national television, for the
purpose of showing (HARVEY) Oswald's connection to Castro/Cuba. CIA
agent William Gaudet had an office in the Trade Mart and watched as
HARVEY Oswald passed out the FPCC literature. Gaudet told the HSCA "I
observed Banister talking to LHO in front of the International Trade
Mart.... I saw him (Banister) in deep conversation with Lee Harvey
Oswald on Camp Street. They were leaning over and talking and it was an
earnest conversation.... It seemed to me Banister wanted Oswald to do
something." Following the assassination of JFK Gaudet said, "The man
who probably knows as much as anybody alive on all of this... is... I
still think is Howard Hunt." Oswald was soon confronted by anti-Castro
Cubans, and taken into custody by police. While in jail HARVEY Oswald
asked to speak with an FBI agent and was soon talking with FBI Agent
John Quigley.
August, 1963. Antonio Veciana was head of Alpha 66, a large
and CIA
supported anti-Castro group. Veciana reported to a CIA contact he knew
as "Maurice Bishop," whom he had met with "hundreds of times." CIA
agent Ron Crozier, who worked in Cuba under Phillips, said that
Phillips sometimes used the code name "Maurice Bishop." In late August
or early September, while HARVEY Oswald was in New Orleans with his
family, Veciana was in Dallas, TX. At the Southland Building, only a
few blocks from Jack Ruby's Carousel Club in downtown Dallas, Veciana
saw "Bishop" talking with a man he later recognized as Lee Harvey
Oswald. Veciana stood nearby and watched as the two men talked for
about 15 minutes. Phillips later confirmed, under oath in deposition,
that he was in Dallas in early September, 1963. The name "Bishop"
(likely a reference to David Atlee Phillips) appears in Jack Ruby's
notebook with telephone number RI 87991. It was during this time (Sept,
1963) that Jack Ruby and LEE Oswald were seen together on numerous
occasions in Dallas, while HARVEY Oswald was with his family in New
Orleans. The author believes that after HARVEY Oswald returned to
Dallas (in early October, 1963) it was David Phillips who gave
instructions through Jack Ruby, to LEE Oswald, who would then
impersonate HARVEY Oswald for the purpose of setting him up as a
"patsy," the man accused of murdering JFK.
Following the assassination of JFK Dallas Constables Billy Preston and
Robbie Love were contacted by a woman who gave her name as "Mary." Mary
told the constables that she had a box of documents that she was
holding for her Latin boyfriend. The letters mentioned Oswald and Ruby,
and she wanted to get rid of the box because she was scared. The
constables picked up the box and took it to their office where they,
together with constables Mike Callahan and Ben Cash, examined the
contents. Cash and Preston remembered a receipt from a motel near New
Orleans with Oswald and Ruby's name. The receipt showed that several
long distance telephone calls were made to numbers in Mexico City, which
were later found to be those of the Cuban and Russian
Other handwritten notes recounted a plan to assassinate Kennedy during
the dedication of a lake or dam in Wisconsin. Cash said, "We kept quiet
about this. We figured it would be handled on a higher level. And when
it didn't come out, we thought at that time possibly they (Warren
Commission) thought that kind of information tying it into the Cubans
or Russians couldn't be released at that time because it might put us
in World War III."
Following the assassination Chuck Boyles, night talk show host on KLIF
radio in Dallas, received a call from an unidentified woman who said
that she worked as a telephone operator in the WHitehall exchange in
Dallas. The woman explained that her company had records of many calls
between Jack Ruby and Oswald. The woman explained that when Ruby tried
to call Oswald, and was unable to get through because the pay phone
Oswald was using was busy, he would call the operator and tell her that
his call was an emergency. The operator would then interrupt the call,
ask the callers to get off the line, and make a record of the call as
required by the phone company. The woman said that Ruby used this trick
so frequently that she remembered his name and his numerous calls. The
area manager, Raymond A. Acker, took phone company records to the
Dallas Police Department after the assassination and told police they
were proof of calls between Ruby and Oswald. Acker said that after he
gave the records to the Dallas Police, he was told to go home and keep
his mouth shut. In the author's opinion Jack Ruby was in close
with LEE Harvey Oswald in the summer and fall of 1963, but never had
any contact with HARVEY Oswald.
Sept, 1963. On Labor Day weekend, when HARVEY Oswald and his
family were on holiday with the Murret's at Lake Pontchartrain, a young
man and a tall, latin man, drove to the home of Robert McKeown, who
lived in Baytown, TX.
Six year earlier, in 1957, McKeown was living in Baytown, a small
community adjacent to Kemah, Texas where Jack Ruby collected and stored
guns and ammunition for shipment to Mexico. In nearby Houston, at the
Shamrock Hotel, McKeown met Fidel Castro, with whom he began a long and
close relationship. McKeown soon began delivering large quantities of
arms, munitions, and supplies to Mexico for delivery to Castro. He was
paid with CIA cash bundled in Pan American Bank of Miami wrappers.
Castro himself piloted his boat to Mexico, picked up the arms from
McKeown, and returned to Cuba. By the end of 1957, McKeown was
furnishing Castro's forces with large quantities of supplies and had
become a close, personal friend of Castro.
A year later, on February 18, 1958 the FBI's San Antonio office
notified US Customs that Robert McKeown had purchased a yacht, and was
probably using it to transport arms and supplies to Cuba. US Customs
soon seized McKeown's vessel and it's cargo of two million dollars
worth of arms while en route from Patterson, LA to Houston. His home
was raided by agents from the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
(ATF), who found a small arsenal of weapons. McKeown was charged with
conspiracy to smuggle guns and related equipment to Castro's
revolutionary forces in Cuba. Eight months later he went to trial, was
given a 60-day jail sentence, and five years probation. McKeown
accepted his sentence and quietly retired from gun-running and Cuban
A year later, on April 15, 1959, 33-year-old Fidel Castro visited New
York City and Washington, DC. On April 28, he flew directly to Houston,
Texas in his personal plane. Castro had one reason and one purpose for
his trip to Houston--to meet with Robert Ray McKeown, his close
personal friend who had supplied Castro with large quantities of
armaments during the revolution.The April 28th edition of the Houston
Chronicle newspaper reported Castro's visit and included a photograph
of Castro and McKeown on the front page titled "Castro and the
Gunrunner." Castro was grateful for McKeown's help, and tried to
persuade McKeown to return to Cuba. Castro told reporters that if
McKeown would return to Cuba he (Castro) would give McKeown, "A post in
the government or perhaps franchises." McKeown thanked Castro for his
offer, but declined, explaining that he was still on probation for
running guns to Cuba and could not leave the United States.
The FBI was well aware of Robert McKeown and his gunrunning activities.
In a letter to the Warren Commission, J. Edgar Hoover wrote, "The
neutrality and registration act investigation related primarily to the
activities of Carlos Prio Socatras who, with a number of others
including McKeown, was involved in a conspiracy to ship arms,
munitions, and other war material to Fidel Castro to assist him in his
efforts to overthrow the Batista regime in this investigation. McKeown,
however, was never interviewed by the Warren Commission.
August 31/September 1, 1963--Labor Day weekend. While HARVEY
Oswald and his family were on holiday with the Murret's at Lake
Pontchartrain, a young man and a tall, latin man, drove to the home of
Robert McKeown, who lived in Baytown, TX. The young man, accompanied by
a tall latin man, identified himself as "Lee Harvey Oswald," and said
he was willing to pay a lot of money (up to $10,000) for four .300
Savage automatic rifles with telescopic sites. McKeown, who was still
on a 5 year probation for illegally shipping and selling armaments to
Castro said, "I don't want to get involved with no rifles." The young
man left and returned a short time later and pleaded with McKeown to
sell him rifles. Once again McKeown refused to sell rifles to Oswald,
and suggested he buy the rifles at Sears Roebuck for $35 each.
McKeown's friend, Sam Neil, was an electrician who worked for NASA.
Neil was visiting McKeown when Oswald arrived and discussed purchasing
rifles. Neil said this man was Lee Harvey Oswald. Had McKeown sold one
or more rifles to Oswald (LEE Oswald), then one of these rifles would
likely have been found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository by
police. The rifle would be traced back to McKeown, and the clear
implication would be that Castro, thru McKeown, had supplied the rifle
that Oswald used to murder JFK.
n 1978 McKeown was interviewed by the HSCA for several hours, and was
asked about his personal relationship with Fidel Castro. McKeown
responded by telling the HSCA about an incident involving some of his
brother's friends who, while fishing, had strayed into Cuban coastal
waters. The men were arrested by the Cuban militia and imprisoned.
McKeown's brother pleaded with him to contact Castro and explain the
situation. McKeown placed one telephone call to Castro and the
prisoners were released immediately. Such was the close relationship
between "Castro and the Gunrunner." McKeown and his gun running were
well known to the FBI, the CIA, and later to the HSCA. When asked by
the HSCA to identify the source of the guns that he had supplied to
Castro, McKeown replied, "Well mostly from the Mafia and from the, er,
I can't afford to tell you (McKeown chuckled)... because I would
jeopardize myself... my life." The HSCA interviewer asked, "Still, 15
years later (after the assassination)?" McKeown responded, "Yes." There
is no doubt that McKeown's source of guns and supplies was the CIA. A
multi-hour tape recording of the HSCA interview with McKeown is
available at the National Archives. Click
here to view Dan Rather's interview of McKeown and Neil. Begin at 50:22.
Sept-Oct 3, 1963. To further connect HARVEY Oswald to
Cuba/Castro it
was important to show that he had direct contacts with Cuba. E. Howard
Hunt, when interviewed by Cigar Aficianado magazine, said that
he was
acting temporary Chief of Station (CIA) during Oswald's alleged visit
Mexico City (Sept 25 - Oct 3). Hunt's close friend, and fellow CIA
agent David Phillips, was then Chief of Cuban Operations, Chief of
Psychological Operations, and supervised the CIA's surveillance posts
Mexico City (photographic surveillance of the Russian and Cuban
Embassies). Pulse activated surveillance cameras automatically took
photos of anyone and everyone who approached the entrance to the Cuban
Consulate and/or the Russian Embassy. Yet there was not a single photo
taken of HARVEY Oswald at any time. When questioned as to why no
photographs were taken of Oswald during his visit to the Cuban
Consulate and the Russian Embassy, David Phillips testified that the
CIA's surveillance cameras were not working. The author believes that
HARVEY Oswald was never in Mexico City, and that the entire "Oswald in
Mexico City" was a hoax planned and perpetuated by David Atlee Phillips
for the purpose of showing a close relationship between Oswald and
Post assassination. Phillips provided the Warren Commission
information that Oswald was at the Russian and Cuban embassies in
Mexico City, then later admitted that the information he had provided
was false. Following the assassination Gilberto Alvarado Ugarte told
the US Embassy in Mexico City that he observed a negro with red hair
inside the Cuban Consulate pay Oswald $6500 to kill President Kennedy.
Phillips allegedly interviewed Ugarte and reported, "This officer was
impressed by Alvarado....the wealth of detail Alvarado gives is
striking." Phillips described Alvarado as "quiet, very serious person,
who speaks with conviction." A few days later Phillips admitted his
involvement in fabricating this story, which was designed to show
Cuba/Castro's involvement in JFK's assassination. Phillips then told
Antonio Veciana that he would like to recruit Veciana's cousin, Cuban
Consulate employee Guillermo Ruiz, and pay him a large amount of money
to say that Oswald was a Cuban agent and that he had seen Oswald
receive money in the Cuban Consulate. A few days later Guillermo's wife
was walking from her house to the Cuban Embassy. As she approached the
Consulate she saw a large amount of US currency scattered on the
sidewalk. A Mexican person standing nearby said, "Lady, this money is
yours." She became frightened and ran into the Cuban Embassy where her
husband was working. A few days later Phillips' plan to implicate Cuba
in the assassination was exposed as a hoax. In total there were more
than a dozen fabricated plots/plans, created or directed by Phillips,
that were intended to link Cuba/Castro to the assassination of
President Kennedy. There is no credible evidence that proves HARVEY
Oswald was ever in Mexico City, nor had any contact with Cuba. In
author's opinion Oswald's alleged visit to Mexico City was a hoax,
created entirely by Hunt and Phillips in a failed attempt to show
HARVEY Oswald's alleged support and allegiance to Castro/Cuba.
September, 1963. Mrs. Lou Hayes was a lifelong resident of
New Orleans
and a close personal friend of Warren Commission member Hale Boggs. At
2:00 PM Mrs. Hayes boarded a public service bus at South Claiborne
Avenue and Carrolton. A few stops later a young male boarded the bus
and sat next to her. Without introducing himself the young man said, "I
just got back from Cuba....I saw Castro, he's a fine guy, a great
person." The young man got off the bus at Broadway and South Claiborne
and Mrs. Hayes never saw him again. On December 11, 1963 Mrs. Hayes
wrote a letter to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and told him of her
encounter with Oswald. Her letter was forwarded to Hale Boggs, who then
wrote a letter to Warren Commission General Counsel J. Lee Rankin and
advised, "Mrs. Hayes is a thoroughly responsible person and information
contained in her letter of December 11, 1963 should be checked out
thoroughly by the Commission." Mrs. Hayes was never interviewed by the
September, 1963. While Oswald was supposedly en route to
Mexico City
on a bus, “Leon” Oswald and two other men visited prominent Cuban
dissident Sylvia Odio at her apartment in Dallas. One of the men who
accompanied Oswald phoned her the following day and said that Oswald
wanted JFK assassinated following the Bay of Pigs.
In New Orleans Oswald was living with his wife and child and, according
to Marina, he came home every night. This created a conflict when LEE
Oswald was impersonating HARVEY Oswald in Jackson, MS (seen with
Ferrie/Clay Shaw), in Baytown, TX (trying to buy rifles from Robert
McKeown), or meeting with David Atlee Phillips at the Southland
Building in Dallas (seen by Antonio Veciana). HARVEY Oswald was in New
Orleans, while at the same time LEE Oswald was in Jackson, MS, Baytown,
TX, and Dallas, TX. When HARVEY Oswald
returned to the Dallas--Ft. Worth area in September, it was important
that he live alone, apart from Marina. LEE Oswald would then be able to
impersonate HARVEY and create events and situations that made it appear
as though he (HARVEY) was preparing to assassinate President Kennedy.
For the next two months, while LEE was impersonating HARVEY, the
conspirators arranged for HARVEY to be employed in the Texas School
Book Depository and live alone. He rented a very small room at 1026 N.
Beckley, in nearby Oak Cliff, and rode a bus to work. Every other
weekend HARVEY would ride with 19-year-old Wesley Frazier to visit his
wife and child, who lived in the home of CIA asset/agent Ruth Paine
(Irving, TX). Frazier, who was recently unemployed and living in
Huntsville, TX., had just re-located to Irving, TX, and was living with
his sister and her family--only two blocks from Ruth Paine's home.
Frazier managed to get a job at the TSBD just a few weeks before HARVEY
Oswald was hired, and drove his 1954 Chevrolet from Irving to Dallas
every day (15 miles one way). Oswald's boss at the TSBD was Bill
Shelley, who I believe was a co-conspirator.
During the weeks leading up to 11/22/63 HARVEY Oswald, unbeknownst to
him, was constantly being watched. As the man who was being "set-up" to
be accused of assassinating the President of the United States, nothing
could be left to chance. At his rooming house he was watched and
observed by a fellow room mate, probably Herbert Leon Lee. In Irving,
TX he was watched by Ruth Paine. At the TSBD he was watched by Bill
October 3, 1963. During
the afternoon HARVEY Oswald visited
the Texas
Employment Claims office at 2210 Main Street in Dallas and met with
Interstate Claims Clerk Henry McClusky. While HARVEY Oswald was meeting
with McClusky, at 3:39 PM, a man who spoke broken Spanish and broken
English telephoned the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. The man
identified himself as Lee Harvey Oswald and asked if his visa had been
processed. On October 3, when HARVEY Oswald was in Dallas, 4
books were returned to the New Orleans Public Library that were checked
out on September 19 with Oswald's library card (Goldfinger, Thunderball,
Ape and Essence, Brave New World).
October 12, 1963. At 6:45 AM, LEE Oswald arrived at Ciff
Shasteen's barbershop for a haircut, once again driving a 1955
Chevrolet stationwagon that Shasteen thought belonged to Mrs. Paine.
HARVEY Oswald was in his room at Mary Bledsoe's house in Oak Cliff
until he received a phone call at 10:00 AM. The caller advised that
Oswald's wife was going to have a baby, so Oswald left the rooming
house and rode a city bus to Ruth Paine's house in Irving, TX.
October 16, 1963. HARVEY Oswald began working at the Texas
School Book
Depository in Dallas. During the next five weeks, while HARVEY Oswald
worked Monday thru Friday at the Book Depository and spent most
weekends with his wife and daughters in Irving, TX, LEE Oswald was
impersonating him in order to make it appear that HARVEY Oswald was
making plans to assassinate President Kennedy.
October 25, 1963. At 10:00 AM Aldeane Magee, who lived in
Baton Rogue,
LA., received a phone call from a man who asked to look at an apartment
she had available for rent. A few hours later Mrs. Magee met this man,
who identified himself as Lee Harvey Oswald, and was accompanied by his
wife and baby in an older model light colored Chevrolet station wagon.
Oswald said he was from New Orleans, where he had worked for a coffee
company. While looking through the apartment Oswald asked Mrs. Magee if
the apartment had good locks, explaining that he had a collection of
guns that he didn't want stolen. As Oswald returned to his car he said,
"I hear that Kennedy's going to make a tour down to the Southern
states." He then said he was going to "look around" and drove off.
October 26, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald spent the day with his
wife and
two daughters at the Paine residence in Irving, TX, an Oswald impostor
(LEE Oswald) visited the Sports Drome Rifle Range in Dallas. Malcolm
Price told the WC, "...it was just about dusky dark and he came in an
old model car, I would judge it was possibly a 1940 or 1941 model
Ford....he was by himself and I have heard that he couldn't drive, but
he was driving that day because he was the only one in the car, and he
came down and inquired if there was anyone there that could set a
scope, a telescope on a rifle, and I told him that I could, and he
said, well-he had one that he had mounted and boresighted but it hadn't
been fired on a range and that he would like to have it sighted in, so
I went down and set up a target on a hundred yards... he (Oswald) fired
three shots after I got it set to where I could fire a pattern, with
three shots in a bull's eye... and he (Oswald) fired three shots and he
scored bull's eye with all three-a very tight pattern."
October 31, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald was working at the
TSBD a young man visited the 18 story Statler-Hilton Hotel on Commerce
St. in Dallas. The young man filled out an employment application and
said he was married with two children, had recently been employed as a
printer, completed the 10th grade, and spoke Russian. When the
receptionist (Laura Layfield) asked the man where he learned to speak
Russian, he became very angry and said it was none of her business (LEE
Oswald, who filled out the employment application, could not speak
Russian). The young man quickly grabbed his employment application
and left. Laura remembered the incident clearly and never forgot the
man's name was Oswald.
Late October-early November, 1963. Doorman
Leander D'Avy worked for the Court of Two Sisters Restaurant in New
Orleans, and was
for his boss, Gene Davis, to collect his paycheck. A waiter told D'Avy
that Davis was in the storeroom above the restaurant. D'Avy entered the
storeroom, asked Davis for his paycheck, and saw David Ferrie, LEE
Oswald, and four unidentified men standing nearby. It is important
realize and understand David Ferrie knew LEE Oswald from the Civil Air
Patrol in June-July, 1955 and met and knew HARVEY Oswald while working
with Guy Banister in 1963.
November 2, 1963. An Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald) visited
Morgan's Gun
Shop in Fort Worth and caused a well-remembered commotion. Later that
same day an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald) visited the Downtown Lincoln
Mercury dealership where he test drove a car recklessly at high speed.
He told the salesman that cars were built better in Russia, but that he
would soon come into a lot of money and come back to buy a new car. The
salesman wrote down the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" on a business card.
November 6 or 7, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald was working in
Dallas at the
Book Depository, an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald), driving a 1957 or
1958 blue and white Ford, with wife and two children, visited the
Irving Furniture Mart (Irving, TX) looking for a gun part. Gertrude
Hunter, a friend of store owner Edith Whitworth, referred the young man
to the Irving Sports Shop, one block to the east. After the
assassination Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Whitworth were shown photographs of
Lee HARVEY Oswald handing out FPCC literature in New Orleans. Neither
woman recognized him as the man who visited their store. Mrs. Hunter
was then shown two other photographs of Lee HARVEY Oswald and she said
"they resembled" or "could look like him." Mrs. Whitworth told the WC,
"That little girl, the oldest one, isn't she a dark headed girl, and at
that time she wore-she had her bangs cut... she had straight hair and
she had little bangs in front...." However, 22 month old June Oswald
blond hair--not dark hair. When questioned by the Warren
Marina Oswald emphatically denied ever visiting this store.
November 8, 1963. A young man walked into the Tower Insurance
Office and told agent Edward Brand that he wanted to buy automobile
insurance. The young man identified himself as O.H. Lee and showed
Brand his Texas drivers license. Oswald told Brand he had just moved
from San Antonio to Dallas, he lived across the street in a rooming
house owned by Mrs. A. C. Johnson, and was looking to buy a car. After
Brand told the young man to return after he purchased a car, the young
man left.
NOTE: two weeks later, on the morning of
November 22, LEE Oswald again showed his drivers license to Fred Moore,
store clerk at the Jiffy Store, near the TSBD, when buying two bottles
of beer. After the assassination numerous employees at the Texas Dept
of Public Safety saw, handled, and discussed LEE Oswald's drivers
license. TSBD employees said that Oswald's drivers license and file was
soon confiscated by "a federal agency." The Warren Commission had
several FBI reports of witnesses who saw LEE Oswald's drivers license,
and they knew of numerous witnesses who saw LEE Oswald drive a car:
The Warren Commission failed to ask the Texas Dept of
Public Safety if Oswald had a drivers license, but why? The obvious
reason is that one or more people in the Commission knew that LEE
Oswald had a drivers license, knew this information would expose the
two Oswald's, and knew such information would lead directly the agency
that created and sponsored them--the CIA.
November 8, 1963. At 5:30 PM a young man arrived at
Hutchinson's Grocery Store in Irving, TX and presented a $189.00 check
to store owner Leonard Hutchinson. The young man said, "I would like to
get this check cashed." Mr. Hutchinson remembered the check was made
payable to "Harvey Oswald," and drawn on a counter-check form. After
Hutchinson told Oswald that he did not cash two party checks the young
man left. Marina told the Warren Commission she did not believe her
husband ever had a check for $189.00. And employees of the Book
Depository were always paid in cash (Oswald was paid $104.41 every two
weeks, in cash). That same evening LEE Oswald and a 14 year old boy
arrived at Cliff Shasteen's Barber shop at 6:50 PM. Shasteen was
putting away his barber tools and getting ready to leave for a high
school football game when he saw Oswald drive to his shop in a car.
This was LEE Oswald's last visit to Shasteen's barber shop.
November 9, 1963. A letter, typed on a typewriter that
belonged to Ruth PaIne, was mailed to the Consular Division of the
Embassy of the USSR in Washington, DC (click here to read letter). The
letter described his (Oswald's) recent meeting with Comrade Kostin in
Mexico City, FBI agent James Hosty's meeting with him (Oswald) on
November 1, a reference to "their unfinished business," and requested
information as to the status of his (Oswald's) Soviet entrance visa.
The purpose of the letter, when intercepted and read by US authorities
(through monitoring and reading of letters to the Soviet Embassy), was
to show Oswald's frustration with life in the USA, his unfinished
business with the Soviets, and his desire to return to the Soviet
Union. This letter, however, contained enough mistakes to show that it
was not written by HARVEY Oswald. Marina's maiden name was misspelled,
three week old daughter Audrey's name was written incorrectly, a
reference to Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue Lopez being replaced was
incorrect and, finally, incorrect information about his (Oswald's)
meeting with FBI agent Hosty on November 1. The person who wrote this
letter had access to confidential data about the Cuban Consulate and
Russian Embassy in Mexico City, confidential information about FBI
surveillance of Oswald, detailed knowledge of Oswald's Russian wife and
family, and access to Ruth Paine's typewriter. One of the very few
people in the world who had access to such information was David Atlee
November 9, 1963 (Saturday). While HARVEY Oswald was at the
residence with his wife and children, an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald)
visited the Sports Drome Rifle Range for a second time. The owner of
the range, Floyd Davis, recalled that his good friend, Malcolm Price,
Jr., sighted in a rifle for Oswald. Davis told the WC, "He (Price) said
Oswald was there on the 9th and the 10th....This Mr. Price did say that
Oswald was in an old model Chevrolet when he was out there... and Mr.
Price helped him sight that rifle in. Helped him sight the scope in on
the rifle, and he had two comments to say about that rifle, sir... he
said that the markings, all but the serial number had been filed off
this particular rifle... and he said that the scope was the clearest
scope that he had ever seen for a small scope."
November 10, 1963 (Sunday). While HARVEY Oswald was at the
residence with his wife and children, an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald)
visited the Sports Drome Rifle Range for a third time. Garland Glenwell
Slack, a 58 year old heating contractor and real estate developer, was
at the rifle range when Oswald arrived. Slack told the WC, "Oswald was
there the 10th.... The 10th was the turkey shoot. And I contacted him
three or four times trying to get him to pay a dollar and get in the
turkey shoot. Ten men were paying a dollar to shoot, and he commented
he could win the turkey but he didn't have the dollar." Malcolm Price
also saw Oswald and said, "They had a turkey shoot and I went down to
participate in a turkey shoot and he was sitting in booth 6 or 8 and
was firing on a 100-yard line with a heavy bore rifle and I didn't talk
to him then...."
November 14, 1963. At 12:40 PM Jack Ruby came into the New
Port Motel
in Morgan City, LA. Ruby asked Corrine Villard, whom he had known for
15 years, to talk with Pete Guarisco, who was not available. As Corrine
talked with Ruby she noticed a man sitting at a table about 15 feet
away. Corrine said, "After we finished talking he walked out of the
motel toward his automobile. He walked out of the side door under the
carport and Oswald got up and walked out the front door. They met at
the car and both got in." When shown photos of Oswald Corrine said, "I
am sure that this is the man that was in the motel with Ruby that day."
Once again, Jack Ruby and LEE Oswald are together--only eight days
before the assassination.
November 15, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald was working at
the Book
Depository an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald) went to the Southland Hotel
parking garage (Allright Parking Systems) and applied for a job. Oswald
asked the manager, Hubert Anderson Morrow, how high the Southland
Building was and if it had a good view of downtown Dallas. Morrow wrote
down the man's name as "Lee Harvey Osburn," but was quickly corrected
when the young man said, "No, my name is Oswald." Two fellow employees,
Emmett Montgomery and Charley Dabbs, also remembered Oswald when he
applied for a job.
November 16, 1963. LEE Oswald's fourth visit to the
Sports Drome Rifle
Range. At 3:00 PM Dr. Homer Wood and his 13 year old son, Sterling,
drove to the Sports Drome Rifle Range. As Sterling began sighting-in
his rifle in booth #4 a man walked up and entered booth #5. Dr. Wood
told the Warren Commission, "So they fired several rounds, and after
they would fire three or four rounds, then the keeper out there would
say let's go look at our targets, and we would go down and I would look
at my boy's target and he wasn't doing so good, but the second round we
went down there and we noticed this fellow's target to our right, and
my boy made a statement, 'Daddy, this fellow is not having much
trouble.' So I did notice his target, and most of his shots was within
the target, but there were a few that was outside the target, from an
inch to 2 inches outside of it." Dr. Wood said, "And as we came back to
shoot again, I talked to him (Oswald) and I said, 'Sir, is that a 6.5
Italian carbine?' And he said, 'Yes it was.'" After the assassination
Dr. Wood and his wife saw Lee HARVEY Oswald on TV and he said, "Honey,
that looks exactly like the fellow that was sitting next to Sterling at
the rifle range." Within an hour a photograph of Oswald appeared on the
TV screen, which young Sterling Wood saw, and said "Daddy, that is the
fellow that was sitting next to me out on the rifle range."
November 17, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald spent the entire day
in the rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley, an Oswald
impostor (LEE Oswald) visited the Sports Drome Rifle Range for the
fifth time. Malcolm Price was shooting in booth #9 and recognized
Oswald in the adjoining booth (#8). Price asked Oswald if his gun was
still sighted-in properly and Oswald replied, "It is shooting just
fine." Price told the Warren Commission, "I handled it--it was a
Mauser-type rifle... it's strictly a military rifle and it's patterned
after the German Mauser.... I looked for a brand name so I could see
approximately where it was made, and the only thing that I could find
on it was a serial number." Attorney Liebeler asked, "Is this the same
kind of scope that you saw on the rifle?" Price replied, "I believe it
was a Tascosa, since I examined it--it was a Japanese made scope." However,
the scope on the rifle found on the 6th floor of the TSBD
stamped "Ordinance Optics." After Price finished looking at
scope he (Price) left, and the booth was soon occupied by Garland
Slack. Soon there was an altercation. Floyd Davis told the Warren
Commission, "Mr. Slack come to me and was complaining about someone
shooting his target.... So there was two young fellows... in booth No.
8.... I went to see these fellows... and was giving them heck about
shooting at the wrong target."
November 20, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald was working in Dallas
at the
Book Depository, an Oswald impostor (LEE Oswald) was hitch-hiking on
the R.L. Thornton Expressway in Oak Cliff, and carrying a 4 foot long
package wrapped in brown paper. The hitchhiker was picked up by Ralph
Leon Yates and soon introduced himself as “Lee Harvey Oswald.” He told
Yates the long package contained curtain rods and then showed Yates a
photo of himself holding a rifle. Oswald asked Yates if he thought the
President could be shot from a high-rise building with such a rifle.
Yates, quite perplexed by the young man's question, kept silent. As
they approached downtown Dallas the young man asked to be dropped off
at the corner of Elm and Houston, across the street from the Texas
School Book Depository (where Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald was
November 20, 1963. While HARVEY Oswald was working at the Book
Depository, three people arrived by car at the Redbird Airport, five
miles south of downtown Dallas. When the car stopped at American
Aviation a heavy-set man and woman got out of the car and approached
the owner, Wayne January. They wanted to rent a 310 Cessna, asked how
far the plane could fly, how far it could travel without refueling, and
said they wanted to fly to the Yucatan Peninsula on the afternoon of
November 22. Mr. January got a close look at the third person who was
waiting in the car. After the assassination, when Oswald's photo
appeared on television, January said the man was Lee Harvey Oswald.
November 20, 1963. Two days before the assassination, on
Wednesday, a package was mailed in Irving, TX to "Lee Oswald, 2515 W.
5th St, Irving, TX." The package was not delivered on Thursday because
of insufficient postage (which is an indication the package was
"dropped" into a mail box instead of taken to a postal clerk to be
weighed). A "notice of attempted delivery" card was left by the postman
in the Paine's mailbox (notice of $.12 postage due), which was found by
police the day after the assassination among HARVEY Oswald's
possessions. So, HARVEY Oswald received the attempted delivery card
with $ .12 postage due, but did not receive the package.
Following the assassination Irving parcel post carrier Harold Reed
heard from co-workers that the Irving Post Office was holding a package
for Lee Oswald. This package was held at the post office for nearly two
weeks until finally, on December 4, it was "discovered" by Irving
Postmaster C.G. Twiley in the "Nixie Section." The Nixie Section
was for letters and packages with unknown addresses. This package
was a brown padded mailing envelope postmarked "Irving, Tex 5:30 AM,"
with no legible date. A gummed label, with the handwritten words "Lee
Oswald, 601 W. Nassau Street, Dallas, TX" was affixed to the
envelope directly above the handwritten words "Irving, TX" that were
handwritten on the mailing envelope (see below). The gummed label,
affixed to the mailing envelope, was placed directly over the original
handwritten name and address on the brown mailing envelope. The author
believes this package was originally mailed to Lee Oswald, 2515 W. 5th,
Ivring, Texas, but not delivered because of $.12 postage due. If
the original handwritten address on the envelope was NOT Lee Oswald,
2515 W. 5th, Irving, TX., then how would the Irving post office know to
leave the $.12 postage due notice at this address?
the assassination a gummed label, with the non-existent address of 601
W. Nassau St., Dallas, TX, was affixed to the mailing envelope. No
effort was ever made to
remove the gummed label, and the package and contents soon disappeared.
When opened by postal authorities the package was found to contain a
folded brown paper bag that was opened at both ends. The bag was very
similar in appearance, color, and texture to the brown paper bag found
on the 6th floor of the Book Depository that the Warren Commission said
was used by Oswald to carry the Italian rifle into the building. The
author believes that HARVEY Oswald's uncharacteristic visit to the
Paine's on Thursday evening, instead of on Friday evening, may have
been to pick up this package. If HARVEY Oswald had received this
package, and removed the contents, then he would have unwittingly
placed his fingerprints on the paper bag. This bag could then have
been placed on the 6th floor of the TSBD for police to find with the
intact fingerprints of HARVEY Oswald. This package, however, was in the
Irving post office on 11/22/63, and the long paper bag found on the 6th
floor did not contain Oswald's fingerprints.
NOTE: On November 20 Ralph Yates picked up a
hitchhiker who was carrying a 4 ft long brown paper package that he
(the hitchhiker) said contained "curtain rods." On November 22 HARVEY
Oswald rode to
work with Wesley Frazier, and allegedly told Frazier that the brown
paper package laying on the back seat of Frazier's car contained
rods." The author cannot help but wonder if the brown paper bag,
found in the package mailed to Oswald, was supposed to have been used
by Oswald to carry "curtain rods" to the Book Depository on the morning
of November 22. If the brown bag mailed to Oswald had been used for
this purpose, then Oswald would have been seen by Frazier and other
TSBD employees carrying a long brown paper bag into the Book
Depository, which would later be found Dallas Police and covered with
Oswald's fingerprints.
By this time, only two days before the assassination, many people had
mistaken LEE Oswald for HARVEY Oswald, and the "setting up" of HARVEY
as the patsy was nearing completion. The conspirators had managed to
portray Lee HARVEY Oswald as a strong supporter of Cuba/Castro through
FPCC leaf-letting, radio interviews, and his alleged visit to the Cuban
Consulate and Russian Embassy in Mexico City. They prepared and sent a
letter to the Russian Embassy that described Oswald's dissatisfaction
with American life, a reference to their "unfinished business," and
asked about the status of his (Oswald's) Soviet entrance visa. The
conspirators were able to show that HARVEY Oswald had allegedly
purchased a mail order rifle and, after repeated visits to the Sports
Drome Rifle Range, was a very capable marksman. They had (LEE) Oswald
apply for jobs at high rise buildings in downtown Dallas. They had him
ask a local Dallas man, Ralph Yates, if he (Yates) thought the
President could be shot from a high rise building with a rifle. (LEE)
Oswald pointedly asked Mr. Yates to drive him to the corner of Elm and
Houston in downtown Dallas. When they arrived, across the street from
the Book Depository where HARVEY Oswald was working, (LEE) Oswald got
out of the vehicle and was last seen carrying his 4 ft long package,
which he told Mr. Yates contained "curtain rods." Two days before
President Kennedy's visit to Dallas, (LEE) Oswald's visit to Redbird
Airport made it appear as though he was planning to flee to Cuba by
renting a private airplane that could take him to the Yucatan Peninsula
in Mexico, only 130 miles from Cuba. Finally, and perhaps the most
clever part of setting up HARVEY Oswald as the "patsy," was
establishing a close working relationship between Oswald and Guy
Banister in New Orleans. In the author's opinion it was David Atlee
Phillips, the CIA's Chief of Psychological Operations, who instructed
Guy Banister to arrange for HARVEY Oswald to be employed by the FBI as
an informant while promoting the Fair Play for Cuba in New Orleans
(according to Gordon Novel, Banister worked under Phillips). This
clever and well thought out plan guaranteed the FBI would not only deny
Oswald's FBI employment, but would cover up any and all connections he
may have had to any government agency. A few days after the
assassination the FBI had completed a lengthy report that named Lee
HARVEY Oswald as the lone assassin of JFK. Phillips' plan worked to
perfection. HARVEY Oswald was blamed for killing JFK and Officer
Tippit, even though he shot neither man, and the government coverup
continues to this day.
Now, who conveniently met HARVEY Oswald and his wife, and within a few
months shared her house with the Oswald family? Who wrote on a calendar
"LHO purchase rifle?" Who conveniently managed to get Oswald a job at
the Book Depository? In whose garage was the Manlicher Carcano rifle
allegedly stored? In whose house and garage was nearly all of the
evidence found that linked Oswald to Mexico City? In whose garage were
the backyard photos found? And who, during a phone conversation with
her estranged husband shortly after the assassination said, "We both
know who is responsible." Who was this person?
November 22, 1963. David Atlee Phillips, according to his
brother James
Phillips, was in Dallas on the day JFK was assassinated. In the summer
of 1988, as Phillips was dying of lung cancer, he telephoned his
brother James. During their conversation James asked David, "Were
you in Dallas on that day?" David said "Yes," whereupon James
quickly hung up the phone (click
here to read Jan, 2003 email to Gary Buell
from Shawn Phillips, son of James Phillips). In July, 1986 Phillips
told former HSCA investigator Kevin Walsh "My private opinion is that
JFK was done in by a conspiracy, likely including rogue American
intelligence people."
November 23-24, 1963. Following the assassination of JFK,
stalking HARVEY Oswald, Jack Ruby told friends and employees that he
could be reached through KLIF Radio. Jack Ruby and Ft. Worth
native David Atlee Phillips were both close friends of Gordon
McLendon, owner of radio station KLIF in Dallas. Phillips and
McLendon attended school together in Ft. Worth. When Phillips founded
the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), an organization
for retired CIA agents, McLendon was one of the founding charter
members. In 1972 an undercover Cuban intelligence agent met with a man
who identified himself as "Harold Benson." After a few drinks the
subject of President Kennedy's assassination came up. Benson told the
agent that he had visited the slain President's grave and had "peed" on
it. The Cuban agent later identified a photograph of David Atlee
Phlllips as "Harold Benson."
During the seven weeks prior to the assassination of President Kennedy
LEE Oswald was in various locations identifying himself as "Lee Harvey
Oswald," often showing disdain and contempt for President Kennedy,
while actively setting up HARVEY Oswald as the man who would be blamed
for killing JFK. During these impersonations HARVEY Oswald was either
at his rooming house, working at the TSBD, or at the Paine house in
Irving, TX. It was American-born LEE Oswald who, through instructions
from David Atlee Phillips and/or E. Howard Hunt, who was responsible
for LEE Oswald "setting up" the Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald as the
lone assassin of
President Kennedy. When HARVEY Oswald told reporters "I didn't
shoot anybody, no sir.... I'm just a patsy" he was telling the truth,
which has been confirmed by voice stress analysis.