Using fabricated government documents to merge the
identities of Harvey and Lee
The conflicting employment records of “Lee Harvey Oswald” from the year
1955 strongly suggest complicity of the FBI in the merging of the
histories of HARVEY and LEE in order to create a single biography of
"Lee Harvey Oswald." The FBI's evidence and initial findings a week
after the assassination were eventually etched in stone by the Warren
Commission. A close study of the employment and school records
from the year 1956 reveals even greater obfuscation on the part of the
FBI. Following the assassination of President Kennedy employment
records and elementary and junior high school records for HARVEY and
LEE were confiscated almost instantly by the FBI. At least one and
probably several top FBI officials had prior and detailed knowledge
about the backgrounds of these boys. Some of these records were
destroyed, others were altered and, in some instances, new records had
to be created. An examination of the existing evidence helps us
understand how the employment records of HARVEY and LEE were merged in
order to create a single "Lee Harvey Oswald." And an examination of the
existing evidence shows why income from three different companies,
earned by HARVEY and LEE in 1956, 1957, and 1958, was included on a
fabricated 1956 tax return that was allegedly filed by Oswald.
In January, 1956 two teenage boys with the last name of "Oswald"
(HARVEY and LEE) were living and working in New Orleans,
intelligence was sponsoring and directing these boys in a multi-year
operation that was designed to eventually allow them to switch
identities (the "Oswald project"). Tall, husky, American born LEE
Oswald was still working for the Gerard F. Tujague, Inc. freight
forwarding company on the 3rd floor of the Sanlin Building. I met Frank
DiBenedetto, Oswald's supervisor, in 1995. Frank said that Oswald
worked for Tujague's "a year, maybe longer." He told the HSCA in 1978
that (LEE) Oswald worked at Tujague's "a year to a year and a half."
Secretary Gloria Callaghan, who still worked at Tujague's in the
mid-1990s, recalled, "I went on maternity leave in March, 1956 (her son
was born March 15) and he (LEE Oswald) was still working for us at that
NOTE: Frank and Gloria's memories of LEE
had they testified
before the Warren Commission, could have exposed HARVEY and LEE. While
LEE was working at Tujague's on the 3rd floor of the Sanlin Building,
in January, 1956, Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald was working on
the 2nd
floor of the Sanlin Building for the J.R. Michels, Jr. freight
forwarding company. The manager of J.R. Michels, Jr. was Nick Mazza,
and was a close friend of Frank DiBenedetto. HARVEY and LEE worked in
the same building, for freight forwarding companies, in January, 1956.
On Friday afternoon, November 22, Gerard Tujague told
his employees
about the assassination. Mr. Tujague said, "The FBI will be here soon,
so you can all go home now." Mr. Tujague asked employee Jimmy Hudnell
to gather up Oswald's payroll records, time cards, and canceled
checks. Jimmy said that when the FBI arrived they took anything
and everything related to LEE Oswald's employment. Frank DiBenedetto
recalled that Oswald's employment file was given to SA James Schmidt.
When the FBI arrived they took anything and everything related to LEE
Oswald's employment. The FBI now had payroll records that showed LEE
Oswald worked at Tujague's from July, 1955 through August, 1956.
of these records were ever given to the Warren Commission and
disappeared while in FBI custody.
On Monday, November 25, FBI agents arrived at the J.R.
Michels, Jr.
company, on the 2nd floor of the Sanlin Building. When manager Nick
Mazza entered the ground floor lobby of the Sanlin Building one of his
employees was waiting for him by the elevator. The employee told Nick
that two FBI agents were in the office and wanted to talk to him about
"Lee Harvey Oswald." Nick took the elevator up to his office and was
immediately confronted by the agents. Nick told the agents "he never
worked here," and then turned to J.R. Michels employees and asked if
they remembered Oswald. None of the employees remembered Oswald but,
without any explanation, one of the FBI agents told Nick, "Yes, he did
work here. Go check your payroll records for January, 1956." Nick
searched through J.R. Michels cancelled checks and was surprised to
find one cancelled payroll check (#21499) issued to "Lee Oswald" in the
amount of $34.20. Before giving the original check to the FBI Agents
Nick Mazza did something that few people had done-he copied the front
and back side of the check and kept the copies. He gave the agents the
original check and never again saw them or any FBI agent. There are no
FBI reports which indicate that agents picked up a payroll check from
Nick Mazza, nor is there any indication the check was turned over
the Warren Commission. Once again we see that the FBI obtained an
original document, in this case Oswald's payroll check, that was never
given to the Warren Commission and disappeared while in FBI custody.
The payroll check was dated January 20, 1956, and the bank endorsement
showed that the check was cashed at the National American Bank of New
Orleans the same day (before 3:00 pm). By comparing the signature on
the reverse side of this check with known signatures of Lee Harvey
Oswald in 1962 and 1963, it appears to be the same signature. The
16-year-old boy who endorsed the J.R. Michels check in 1956 appears to
be the same person who endorsed payroll checks in 1963 and was later
accused of assassinating President Kennedy--Lee HARVEY Oswald.
NOTE: It is worth noting there are differences
between the hand
writing of HARVEY and LEE Oswald. One difference is in the formation of
the letter "L." LEE Oswald normally writes a capital "L" by using a
curved loop at the bottom left side of the "L." HARVEY Oswald normally
writes a capital "L" by using a sharp "V" at the bottom left side of
the "L."
On 11/26/63 FBI agent Merriman Diven wrote a report, which was
unsigned, that stated, "Mazza has searched the records of his firm and
was only able to locate a U.S. Treasury form W-4 which listed the
following information: employee's name, residence, social security
number, exemptions and date."But Nick Mazza did not find a W-4
statement; he found only one cashed payroll check. Researchers have
learned from experience that an unsigned FBI report may or may not be
accurate and may or may not have been created by the agent who
conducted the interview. In 1995 I met with Nick and asked him if
Michels had an employment file for Oswald, which would have contained a
W-4 form, employment application, payroll records, quarterly
withholding tax filings, and year end W-2 forms. Nick said that he
never saw Oswald's employment file, and the only document he
ever saw
relating to Oswald was the cancelled payroll check. I also asked
if he had checked his company's bank statement to see if $34.20 had
been charged against the account, but he had not. Nick Mazza said
was no W-4, no W-2, and no payroll records. The payroll check for
$34.20 that was not mentioned in the FBI report soon disappeared.
The original Tujague and J.R. Michels, Jr. records showed that while
HARVEY Oswald was working at the J.R. Michels, Jr. company on the 2nd
floor of the Sanlin Bldg, LEE Oswald was working at the Gerard F.
Tujague company on the 3rd floor of the Sanlin Bldg. These
could never be made public. Something had to be done. To
eliminate this
problem the FBI created and fabricated government documents which
purported to show that LEE Oswald ended his employment with Tujague's
on January 14. He then began working at J.R. Michels, Jr. on January
17. Once again the Warren Commission relied upon photographs
originals, never original documents) taken of unreliable and
documents provided by the FBI. One interview with Frank DiBenedetto,
secretary Gloria Callaghan, Jimmy Hudnell, or obtaining certified
copies of payroll checks from the originating bank would have provided
the correct information.
NOTE: In 1995 I met with Frank DiBenedetto.
Tujague died many years
earlier and Frank had taken over the company. The office was still
located at 442 Canal Street, in the same building and on the same floor
where LEE Oswald worked under Frank's supervision 40 years earlier.
Frank remembered that (LEE) Oswald lived a couple of blocks away, on
Exchange Place, and described him as well-built, approximately
5-foot-10, and dark brown or nearly black hair. Frank's description was
very different from the thin, 5-foot-2 inch HARVEY Oswald who worked
with Maury Goodman, Rita Paveur, and Louis Marzialle at Dolly Shoe only
three months earlier-in April, 1955. Frank repeated the same story to
me that he told to the HSCA years earlier--that Oswald worked at
Tujague's for "a year, maybe longer." I told Frank the Warren
Commission said that Oswald began working at J.R. Michels the day after
he quit Tujague's. Frank told me, "Oswald didn't work there (at J.R.
Michels). He couldn't have worked there. We are on the 3rd floor of
this building (Sanlin Building, 442 Canal Street) and they were one
floor below us. We were in the same business. I was very good friends
with Nick, and was in his office nearly every day. We went to lunch
often and were good friends. If Oswald had worked for Nick, I would
have known it." The tall, husky LEE Oswald worked for Frank DiBenedetto
from July, 1955 through August, 1956, while the short, thin, HARVEY
worked briefly at J.R. Michels in January, 1956. If and when Frank
visited J.R. Michels office during this time, he would have no reason
to associate the short, thin, HARVEY Oswald with the tall, well-built
LEE Oswald.
On November 22nd and 23rd the Dallas Police found and confiscated 225
items of evidence (Oswald's possessions). Each item found by Dallas
Police officers was initialed, dated, listed on their handwritten
inventory, typed at Dallas Police headquarters, and photographed on the
floor at DPD headquarters. Both inventories were printed in the Warren
Volumes as Stovall Exhibit A & B (items found at the Paine
residence) and Turner Exhibit #1 (items found at 1026 N. Beckley). The
original 225 items of evidence were sent to the FBI in Washington, DC
on 11/23/63. FBI document expert James Cadigan received the evidence
told the Warren Commission, "Time was of the essence and this
material, I believe, was returned to the Dallas Police within two or
three days.....There was insufficient time to desilver it." Desilvering
was the process used to neutralize and remove the brown fingerprint
ink. The dark portions that appear on the W-2 shown below are the
result of a brown ink used by the FBI to detect fingerprints. The FBI
lab did not "desilver" this document, and many other documents, prior
to returning them to the Dallas Police. Three days later (11/26/63) the
FBI sent the original 225 items of evidence, and an additional 230
items of evidence, to the Dallas Police. None of the additional
items had the initials of Dallas police officers, none were listed on
the DPD inventories, and none were photographed on the floor of the
Dallas Police station. Included among the 230 additional items of
"evidence" was the J.R. Michels W- 2 form shown below. This form was
created/fabricated at FBI headquarters between November 23 and November
25. On the reverse side of this form are the initials of FBI lab
technician Robert Frazier ("RF"). The J.R. Michels W-2 form appeared,
for the first time, on 11/26/63 at Dallas Police headquarters
when the
Dallas Police and FBI jointly inventoried and photographed 455 items of
evidence. It was identified and listed as item #175 on the joint DPD
and FBI inventory. After the 455 items of "evidence" were inventoried
and photographed, on 11/26/63, they were immediately flown back to FBI
headquarters in Washington, DC. The J.R. Michels fabricated W-2 form
was now included in the joint DPD/FBI inventory which was given to the
Warren Commission (CE 2003).
On 11/26/63, as the FBI and Dallas Police were busy
inventorying and
photographing 455 items of evidence, FBI agent Diven was writing his
report about J.R. Michels in New Orleans. Diven, or whoever wrote
report, stated that Nick Mazza provided a copy of a 1956 W-4 form
filled out by Oswald, which Mazza denied. Three weeks later, on
17, 1963,
the FBI tried to "legitimize" the J.R. Michels W-2 form. An FBI summary
report (12/17/63) states, "The only record he (Mazza) had of his
employment was a W-2 form (not a W-4 form as described by SA Diven).
The FBI had changed the W-4 form, named in SA Diven's report, to a
form. This report gave the fabricated J.R. Michels W-2 form the
appearance of "legitimacy," and the FBI soon gave this fabricated
document to the Warren Commission. The J.R. Michels W-2 form, and
other items of evidence, were fabricated in Washington, DC while
Oswald's possessions were in FBI custody (Nov
NOTE: The Gerard F. Tujague, Inc. W-2 form
(below) was one of five W-2
forms listed on the joint Dallas Police/FBI inventory of November 26,
1963. None of these W-2 forms contain the initials of Dallas Police
detectives; none are listed in the DPD inventory of November 22nd and
23rd (Stovall A, Stovall B, and Turner Ex. No 1); and none were
photographed in Dallas on November 22nd and 23rd. But all of the W-2
forms appear to contain the initials of FBI lab technician Robert
Frazier (RF), and all are listed on the joint FBI/DPD inventory of
November 26 (CE 2003). Between November 23 and November 26, all of
these W-2 forms were fabricated while in FBI custody and all were
included among the additional 230 returned to the Dallas Police on
11/26/63. An obvious sign of fabrication is the fact that all five W-2
forms (not including J.R. Michels), allegedly issued by different
companies, at different locations
in 1955 and 1956, were all typed with the same typewriter. All W-2
forms contain the same identical typewritten characters.
Oswald's income from the J.R. Michels company, as reported by the FBI,
is a bundle of confusion--nothing is factual. The FBI began its
charade by using a single bi-monthly hand-written payroll record from
Tujague's to show that Oswald's employment ended on January 14,
(below, right). The FBI then claimed that his employment at J.R.
Michels began on or after January 15, 1956, with no proof
The FBI claimed that Oswald began work at J.R. Michels, Jr. on January
17th, worked on January 18th and 19th, and then quit. His gross wages
for three days of employment, at $.75/hour, should have been $18.00.
But the check that Nick Mazza gave the FBI, dated January 20, was for
$34.20-far too much for 3 days of work. At $.75 per hour, Oswald
paid for working 57 hours, or 7 days (8 hours per day) and 1 hour. If
Oswald's last day of work at J.R. Michels, Jr. was on January 19, then
it appears he began work 7 days earlier--on January 10th. This
conflicted with LEE Oswald's employment at Tujague's.
Additional confusion comes from the fabricated J.R. Michels W-2 form.
This document shows Oswald's income to be $80.00, FICA withholding of
$.80, and withheld tax of $6.00. But these amounts do not agree with
the J.R. Michels payroll check in the amount of $34.20 found by Nick
Mazza. The $80 shown on the W-2 is not even close to the amount shown
on Oswald's payroll check ($34.20), which casts further doubt on the
authenticity of this form. In addition to the total lack of verifiable
documentation, there is also a question as to the address listed on the
W-2 form. The J.R. Michels, Jr. office had always been on the 2nd floor
of the Sanlin Building at 442 Canal St. Yet the address listed on the
W-2 form is shown as 805 American Bank Building. This address
appears on the check that Nick Mazza gave to the FBI, which may explain
why the same address is shown on the W-2 form.
The Warren Commission, with nothing more than a fabricated W-2
statement, concluded that Oswald "worked briefly as an office boy for
J. R. Michels, Inc." They assumed that he began work at J.R.
after he left Tujague's on January 14, 1956. They also assumed,
the $80 income shown on the fabricated W-2 form, that he worked
at J.R. Michels for two weeks. They assumed that he was paid
$40 for
one week's work and assumed that he was given a second check in
amount of $40 for one week's severance pay. But the only known
check given to Oswald was for $34.20, and it was never shown to the
Warren Commission. The WC did not have a single verifiable document to
support their assumptions. It is difficult for this author, and
for many people, to believe that 16-year-old Oswald was given one
week's severance pay after only 3 days of work. And it is also
difficult for this author to believe that 16-year-old Oswald would keep
a 1956 W-2 form for the next 7 years.
In 1956 LEE Oswald worked at Tujague's from January until August. He
was there when secretary Gloria Callaghan took maternity leave in
March (her son was born March 15). Frank DiBenedetto told the HSCA that
Oswald worked at Tujague's
"a year to a year-and-a-half." Frank told this author that Oswald
worked at Tujague's "a year, maybe longer." Frank remembered that
Oswald said he had to quit work because he was going to join the
marines. He also remembered that when Oswald quit, "it was hot, very
hot." Frank's memory is supported by the employment of Oswald's tall,
nice-looking mother, who terminated her employment at Goldring's on
July 31, according to office manager Marion Schubert. LEE Oswald quit
Tujague's a few days later when it was "very hot," in August. Mother
and son moved to Ft. Worth where LEE briefly resided with his tall,
nice-looking mother in apartment #3 at 3830 W. 6th, and soon joined the
Marines. On November 9 the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald
a letter to the Ft. Worth Red Cross, and gave her address as 3830 W.
6th, Ft. Worth, TX. In late August, 1957, LEE Oswald was en route to
Japan when the Naval vessel docked in Honolulu for a few days. LEE
mailed a post card to his mother at 3830 W. 6th in Ft. Worth (the
short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor lived at 4936 Collinwood
until June 1, 1957).
NOTE: When LEE Oswald and Marguerite left New
Orleans, they were
probably driven to Ft. Worth by Robert Oswald. John Pic told the Warren
Commission, "He (Robert) told me about a trip that he made to pick them
up or something down there. They called him up one time and he drove
down and got them and drove back all in the same trip." Their move to
Fort Worth probably occurred in September 1956, and this date was known
to former CIA Director Allen Dulles. When the short, dumpy, heavy-set
Marguerite Oswald impostor became confused during WC testimony about
the date she moved from New Orleans to Ft. Worth, it was Allen Dulles
who said, "I think you moved to Fort Worth with LEE in September." This
is a strong indication that Dulles may have known about HARVEY and LEE.
HARVEY Oswald worked for J.R. Michels, Jr. in January, 1956,
dates of his employment remain unknown. After quitting J.R. Michels,
HARVEY Oswald and his short, heavy-set caretaker may have moved to
California. On October 7, 1955 Lee HARVEY Oswald delivered a note to
Warren Easton High School in New Orleans that was found in Oswald's
school file after the assassination. The note read, "Becaus (sic) we
are moving to San Diego in the middle of this month Lee must quit
school now. Also, please send by him any papers such as his birth
certificate that you may have. Thank you. Sincirely (sic).... Mrs. M.
In early October, 1963 (probably October 8th) Texas Employment
Commission (TEC) counselor Laura Kittrell interviewed a woman who told
Laura that she used to work as a maid for an attorney named Murray
Chotiner in California. Their conversation was overheard by a young man
sitting at the desk of TEC counselor Donald Brooks. After completing
the interview with Mr. Brooks the young man, wearing a black leather
jacket, stood with three other people against a wall in the waiting
area and watched as Laura continued to interview the woman. After Laura
completed her interview the young man walked over to her desk and said,
"Excuse me, I don't mean to be butting in, or anything like that, but
didn't I hear that colored woman tell you that she had worked in
California for Murray Chotiner?" Laura said, "Look, I know this is
going to sound pretty silly to you, since you have been listening, and
no doubt have heard practically everything said, but this is a
government office, and there is a rule here that anything a person says
at an interview is supposed to be confidential. So I can't answer your
question." The young man said, "Well, I'll be damned," and pounded his
hand on Laura's desk with such force that her flower vase tipped over
spilling water down the side of her desk. The young man then left
without saying a word.
A few days later the same young man, wearing a black motorcycle jacket,
took a seat in the waiting area. Laura recognized the young man as the
person who had previously asked her about Murray Chotiner. She
remembered that he was clean shaven, his hair was neatly cut, and his
fingernails were clean. After introducing herself Laura asked the young
man how he knew the name "Murray Chotiner." When the young man failed
to answer she asked, "Did you work for Murray Chotiner in California?"
The young man remarked, "He's a crook." Laura wondered how this young
man, who identified himself as Lee Harvey Oswald, could have known the
name of a little-known political figure in another state unless he,
like the colored woman, had worked for Chotiner in California.
NOTE: In the 1940's Chotiner defended Meyer
Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and
other mob connected people. In 1946 Chotiner became a consultant on
Richard Nixon's campaign staff and in 1950 arranged a fund raising
dinner for Nixon's Senatorial Campaign from members of Lansky's
syndicate. From 1949-1952 Chotiner defended clients in 221 organized
crime cases and, by 1963, had become a highly successful Beverly Hills
attorney. After Nixon became President, Murray Chotiner came to
national attention when he was named as special counsel for the
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP).
While interviewing Oswald a Cuban man, who spoke no English, handed
Laura a card with directions to a job interview. Laura tried to help
the man and spoke with him in her "Tex-Mex" brand of Spanish. After the
man left she had a brief discussion with HARVEY Oswald and soon
realized that he knew a lot about the Cuban situation. Oswald told
Laura, "You know, your Spanish isn't half bad." Laura replied, "Oh, you
speak Spanish?" Oswald replied, "Oh, I speak three languages-Russian,
I've been to Russia. Matter of fact, married a Russian girl." When
Laura said, "Tell me, what did you like best about Russia?" Oswald
replied, "The opera!" Laura then said, "I have read about this art
museum in Leningrad where they have the great French Impressionists
stacked in the basement." Oswald replied, "I've never been to
Leningrad... I was in Moscow for sometime and in... [Oswald named a
town which Laura could not remember]. You see, I had this job in a
factory there...I worked for months in this electronics factory
in... [name not remembered by Laura]. I was taking these little bitty
metal parts and doing something with them."
Laura suggested to Oswald that he accept any type of job because he had
been unemployed for months. When Oswald expressed his desire to find a
white-collar job in downtown Dallas, Laura said that he would be
wasting his time. Oswald replied, "I used to sell shoes (Dolly Shoe in
New Orleans?) and that is white-collar experience, isn't it?" He then
told Laura about working in an office in California when he was 16
years old. Oswald explained, "It was before I went into the Marines,
even. It was when I was just sixteen. I had this messenger-boy job in
California. It was a motor-scooter messenger-boy job, but I worked in
the office too, filing and taking care of mail. It was for an
investment company and I worked there six months. The name of
it was
the ETI Realty Company and Laura thought it was the same town the
colored maid had mentioned as the place where she had worked for Murray
Chotiner. Laura said, "The ETI Realty Company.... I thought you said it
was an investment company." Oswald replied, "It was, the name of it was
the E.T.I Realty Co., but it was an
investment company too." Before Oswald left he gave Laura a new
number and a new address in Oak Cliff (the original address given by
Oswald was the address and phone number of Ruth Paine). The telephone
number was WH 3-8993 and the address was 1026 N. Beckley. The interview
with the young man lasted one hour and forty-two minutes, which was one
of Laura's longest interviews and was noted and recorded by her boss.
Laura recalled that she interviewed Oswald during the time the Texas
State Fair was running, which was from October 5 to October 20.
A few days later Laura tried to contact Oswald (Oct 17 or 18?) and
recalled that a woman with a gruff voice answered the phone and
identified herself as the house keeper (Earlene Roberts). When Laura
asked for Mr. Oswald the woman said, "Who? Who?.... Oh, You mean Mr.
Lee [Oswald registered as "O.H. Lee"]? The woman told Laura that "Mr.
Lee" was not in and said that his wife lived at another location. After
the assassination Laura recognized Lee HARVEY Oswald as the young man
that she had interviewed in her office. She repeatedly tried to contact
authorities and tell them about her meetings with Oswald, but was
ignored. On December 26,1963 she sent a 2-page letter to Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy and kept the postal receipt for her certified
letter. In April 1964 she sent a 20-page letter to the Warren
Commission through the US Attorney's office in Dallas, and asked that
someone from the Commission contact her. She later wrote a lengthy
manuscript about the difficulties she encountered as she tried to
report her contacts with Oswald to authorities. On June 4,1965 she sent
a 14-page letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and asked that
someone contact her. In July, 1965 two FBI agents interviewed Laura
Kittrell for the first time. They asked her to explain who Murray
Chotiner was and then asked her if there was such a person. Laura
recounted this contact in her manuscript.
NOTE: In 1963 Lee HARVEY Oswald was
interviewed by TEC counselors
Helen Cunningham, Don Brooks, and Laura Kittrell. None of these
counselors were interviewed by the Warren Commission and all TEC
records of their interviews with Oswald were given to the FBI and
From the chart below we can see the location and activities of HARVEY
Oswald (left) and LEE Oswald (right) in 1956. From the end of January
through June, 1956, the whereabouts of HARVEY Oswald are unknown. This
may have been the time during which HARVEY Oswald worked "6 months
as a
motor-scooter delivery boy" for Murray Chotiner in California. We
also see how the FBI and Warren Commission merged the identities of
these two boys into a single "Lee Harvey Oswald."
The year 1956 is also critical in introducing the extent to which
Robert Oswald had a relationship with both HARVEY and the Marguerite
Oswald impostor. On July 1, 1956 HARVEY Oswald, Robert Oswald, and the
short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor moved into a furnished
apartment at 4936 Collinwood in Ft. Worth. The living arrangement
gave Robert his first opportunity to reside under the same roof with
HARVEY and the "Marguerite Oswald" impostor. On July 13, Robert opened
a savings account at the West Side State Bank with a deposit of $220
and listed his address as 4936 Collinwood. Stripling Junior High school
was a few blocks south of their apartment, where Robert Oswald had
attended the 9th grade in the spring of 1949. While residing with his
new "family" at 4936 Collinwood, Robert probably learned from HARVEY
that he too had attended the 9th grade at Stripling, in the fall of
1954. Robert went along with the HARVEY and LEE charade, but his
occasional lapses in memory during his Warren Commission testimony
provide us with a window into the truth about the two Oswalds.
NOTE: In 1964, while testifying before the
Warren Commission, Robert
Oswald became confused about the backgrounds of HARVEY and LEE. He
mistakenly told the Commission that his "brother" had attended
Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth. But school records show that
Robert's brother, LEE Oswald, attended all of his junior high school
years in New York and New Orleans-not a sing/e day in Fort Worth. It
was HARVEY who attended Stripling, and Robert was momentarily
confused. Robert's blunder caused this author to contact Frank Kudlaty,
the former assistant principal at Stripling. Frank gave HARVEY Oswald's
school records to the FBI less than 24 hours after the assassination.
Those records disappeared. This author then contacted former students
at Stripling who remembered that Oswald was in the 9th grade and lived
directly across the street at 2220 Thomas Place (click to view Frank
Kudlaty/Fran Schubert).
The Marguerite Oswald impostor, HARVEY, and Robert Oswald moved into
4936 Collinwood in Ft. Worth on July 1, 1956. The tall,
Marguerite Oswald and LEE moved into apt 3 at 3830 W. 6th in September.
When testifying before the Warren Commission the "Marguerite Oswald"
imposter became momentarily confused. When asked what year she and her
son moved from New Orleans to Fort Worth this "Marguerite" answered, "I
said 1959-I am sorry. 1955. No, wait now. 1956-when we left New Orleans
is 1956. Am I correct?" It was former CIA director Allen Dulles who
helped resolve Marguerite's "memory lapse" by stating, "I think you
moved to Fort Worth with LEE in September, 1956." Dulles knew the
date that LEE Oswald and his tall, nice-looking mother moved from New
Orleans to Ft. Worth. It is clear that Dulles was working from a
carefully prepared timeline of the two Marguerites and the two Oswald
boys (HARVEY and LEE). The former CIA Director knew the entire
story of Oswald becoming an "agent" and wanted to steer the
conversation into what would become a single "merged" biography of the
two Oswald boys. Dulles had considerable first hand knowledge about
HARVEY and LEE, and this was the reason why he attended more WC
hearings than any other member.
NOTE: A key figure is James Jesus Angleton,
was serving as liaison
between the CIA and the Warren Commission. With his files on the
"Oswald Project," Angleton may have prepared the "script" used by
Dulles in merging the biographies of the two boys.
In September HARVEY Oswald enrolled at Arlington Heights High, a large
school located in an upper-middle class section of Fort Worth. One day
Lee HARVEY Oswald walked up to Richard Garrett, a former student at
Ridglea West Elementary School where tall, husky LEE Oswald was the
tallest kid in his class. Garrett, who was 6 ft 4 inches tall in high
school, told Life Magazine, "I remember I had to look down to talk to
him, and it seemed strange, because he had been the tallest, the
dominant member of our group in grammar school. He looked like he was
just lost. He was very different from the way I remember him." Short,
thin HARVEY Oswald withdrew from Arlington Heights on September 28,
1956. On October 24 HARVEY Oswald joined the Marines and was sent to
Camp Pendleton in California for basic training.
NOTE: Garrett knew and befriended the tall,
husky LEE Oswald at Ridglea
West Elementary School, and met the short, thin HARVEY Oswald 11 years
later at Arlington Heights High. Garrett was one of the few
non-conspiratorial people who knew both HARVEY and LEE and, like Ed
Voebel, died at a young age.
During the summer of 1956 Mrs. James E. Taylor, the manager of 4936
Collinwood, remembered that "Marguerite" often quarreled loudly with
both Robert and Lee HARVEY. Robert Oswald became engaged to marry Vada
Mercer, yet he never introduced his future wife to his "family" while
living with HARVEY and the MO impostor. Vada told the FBI that during
this period prior to her marriage she never met her husband's brother,
"Lee Harvey Oswald." She also never met her future mother-in-law, the
short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" impostor. This makes
perfect sense when we realize that HARVEY Oswald was not Robert's
brother and the short, heavy-set caretaker was not his mother. Mrs.
Taylor said that Robert Oswald remained in the apartment until he was
married (November 20, 1956) and then moved out. "Marguerite" remained
in the apartment until June 1, 1957, and left with unpaid utility bills.
NOTE: Rachel Oswald Porter said that Robert
Oswald has never once
communicated in any way with either her or June.
After the assassination John Pic suggested that Robert Oswald may have
been withholding information about "Lee Harvey Oswald." The FBI
reported, "In his (Pic's) estimation, Robert Lee Edward Oswald, Jr.
knows considerable more about 'Lee Harvey Oswald' than does Pic." The
FBI never questioned John Pic about this statement or its meaning, but
Pic may have been referring to Robert Oswald's knowledge of both HARVEY
and LEE.
To resolve the problems created by HARVEY and LEE's conflicting
employment records, the FBI had to "merge" their employment histories
(see chart above). They had to fabricate documents that showed one "Lee
Harvey Oswald" worked for J.R. Michels, Tujague's, and the Pfisterer
Dental Lab BEFORE he moved to Ft. Worth in July, BEFORE
he attended Arlington Heights High School in September, and BEFORE
he joined the Marines in October. They accomplished this by fabricating
the W-2 forms and fabricating a 1956 income tax return.
As we all know, one of the first steps in preparing an income tax
return is gathering information related to our income. Oswald's 1956
return shows that the income reported matches perfectly with the
fabricated W-2 forms. When Oswald was hired he allegedly filed out W-4
forms for each company and listed his address as 126 Exchange. But in
late January or February, 1957, when J.R. Michels and Tujague's mailed
the 1956 W-2 forms, both HARVEY and LEE were in the Marines in
California, and the Marguerite Oswald impostor was living at 4936
Collinwood in Ft. Worth. Without notifying each employer, or filing
a USPS change of address (126 Exchange to 4936 Collinwood), the W-2
forms would have been mailed to 126 Exchange and then returned unopened
to each company. If the W-2 forms were, somehow, mailed to 4936
Collinwood, then who provided this new address to J.R. Michels,
Tujague's, and the Pfisterer Dental Lab? There is no record
any of these businesses were notified of a change of address. However
if, somehow, the W-2's were mailed to 4936 Collinwood, then the MO
impostor would have to re-mail the W-2's to Oswald at Camp Pendleton in
California. Once again, there is no record of such communication.
And without
these W-2 forms Oswald would have no way of knowing his income and
withholdings to show on his tax return. Whoever completed the 1956
tax return for 17-year-old Oswald had possession of these three W-2
forms. But one very important W-2 form was missing.
NOTE: The last employer listed on the 1956 tax
return, the Pfisterer Dental Lab, will be discussed in the 1957 and
1958 essays. However, in the next two essays we will see that HARVEY
Oswald was working in New Orleans in 1957 and 1958, while LEE Oswald
was in the Marine Corps in Japan at the same time.
On February 7, 1957, the date the tax return was signed, HARVEY and LEE
were both in the Marine Corps in California. Both young men had
received income from the Marine Corps since enlistment on October 24,
1956. Incredibly, Oswald's income from the Marine Corps in 1956 was
not included on the tax return! It is nearly impossible to believe
that either young man, going through Boot Camp in 1956 and Marine Corps
infantry training in February, 1957, would forget to include their
Marine Corps income on a federal tax return. But there was a very good
reason why Oswald's Marine Corps income was not included--because
Oswald was not the person who filled out the tax return, and the person
who filled out the tax return did not have access to military payroll
Above is the forged
1956 tax return allegedly signed by "Lee Harvey Oswald."
Does anyone believe that an active Marine Corps soldier would
forget to
report his Marine Corps income?
In mid-to-late January, 1957, employers mailed W-2 forms to their
employees. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) mailed W-2
forms to military personnel. Oswald's address, listed in his military
file, was 4936 Collinwood, Ft. Worth, TX. The Warren Commission would
like us to believe that Oswald somehow received the J.R. Michels,
Tujague's, and Pfisterer W-2 forms, but never received the W-2 form
mailed by the DFAS. The WC would also like us to believe that Oswald
kept the J.R. Michels, Tujague's, and Pfisterer W-2 forms for the next
7 years--from 1956 to 1963, yet lost or never received the W-2 form
from the Marine Corps. If Oswald never received a W-2 from DFAS,
he could easily have obtained payroll information through his company
commander. Why would a Marine complete a tax return and not list his
Marine Corp income on the return? The answer is simple: Oswald did not
complete the 1956 tax return. Finally, the 1956 tax return was mailed
from California on February 7, yet the return was received by the
IRS only one day later in Dallas, TX, on February 8.
A W-2 form from DFAS was never found by the FBI nor requested by the
FBI or Warren Commission. Is it possible that income for both HARVEY
and LEE would appear on DFAS W-2 forms (1956-1959)? The individual who
filled out the 1956 1040 did not have a W-2 form from DFAS and did
not have access to Oswald's payroll records from the Department of the
Navy. In fact, the Department of the Navy did not release Oswald's
military pay records until Sept, 1964 (see below). With no information
whatsoever concerning Oswald's earnings from the military, the Marine
Corps was not listed as an employer and no income was reported. The
1956 return was fabricated/created by the same people who
fabricated/created the J.R. Michels, Tujague's, and Pfisterer W-2
The W-2 forms were created at FBI headquarters, and supplemented the
1956 tax return in order to show that one "Lee Harvey Oswald" worked at
J.R. Michels, Tujague's, and the Pfisterer Dental Lab during the first
half of 1956, BEFORE he moved to Ft. Worth in July, BEFORE he attended
Arlington Heights High School in September, and BEFORE he joined the
Marines in October (see chart above). After the FBI confiscated and
destroyed HARVEY and LEE's employment records these fabricated
government documents provided a fictitious background for one "Lee
Harvey Oswald." They were instrumental to the merging of HARVEY and
LEE. But the truth about HARVEY and LEE comes from the memories of
co-workers like Frank DiBenedetto, Gloria Callaghan, Jimmy Hudnell,
Nick Mazza, Richard Garrett, and the many people who knew these young
boys. These people were never interviewed by the Warren Commission for
a very good reason: because their statements could have easily
exposed HARVEY and LEE.
In 1964 the Social Security Administration was administered by the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). On 2/3/64 Mr. J.Lee
Rankin received a letter (shown below) from HEW (NOT FROM THE SOCIAL
SECURITY ADMINISTRATION) that contained information that was allegedly
"extracted" from Social Security files concerning Lee Harvey Oswald.
There are no dates of employment, no financial information included,
but there are enough errors to question the authenticity of this
- Parent's name is listed as "Margret Cleviery" (instead of
Marguerite Oswald or Marguerite Claverie)
- Tujague's address, for over 50 years, was 442 Canal St. #300,
New Orleans, LA. The address listed on CD353a is 300 Sahlen [sic] Bldg.
is the same address that appears on the 1956 tax return. The correct
address for Tujague's and the correct spelling of the company's locaton
was "Sanlin Bldg., #300."
- J.R. Michels address is shown correctly on CD353a, but on the
1956 tax return as 805 American Bank Bldg--the same address shown on
the payroll check that Nick Mazza gave to FBI SA Diven, and the same
address that appears on the fabricated W-2 form. But young Oswald
worked for J.R. Michels on the 2nd floor of the Sanlin Bldg. at 442
Canal St.--5 blocks distant from the American Bank Building at 200
Carondelet St. It is extremely doubtful that while working at J.R.
Michels for 3 days young Oswald would have any reason to remember the
address of the American Bank building. It is likely that the address of
"American Bank Bldg." came from Oswald's payroll check that Nick Mazza
gave to FBI agent Diven.
- CD353a lists no income from the Marine Corp for the 3rd
quarter, 1959, yet Oswald left the Marine Corp on September 11, 1959.