FBI provided the WC with no verifiable documentation that established
HARVEY and LEE's beginning and ending dates of employment in
1955-56. The FBI then "merged" the employment history of these
two young men and concocted a ficticious work history for one person,
"Lee Harvey Oswald."
Interviewing employers and employees who knew and worked with HARVEY
and LEE
Today, decades later, we can re-read witness statements and interview
people who knew and worked with HARVEY and LEE in 1955-56. Where these
two young men
worked and which companies they worked for in 1955 and 1956 is
But what is much more important is understanding how the FBI was able
to "merge" the work history of HARVEY and LEE into one "Lee Harvey
Oswald," and in doing so hide the existence of the CIA's Oswald
Dolly Shoe, Warren Easton High School,Tujague's, JR Michels, Pfisterer
Dental Lab
1955-Dolly Shoe
The Secret Service report relating to Oswald's employment in 1955-56,
as allegedly recorded by the Social Security Administration, shows that
Oswald worked at Dolly Shoe in 1956. The FBI interviewed the companies
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Moses Brenner, who allegedly
provided a W-4 form, handwritten in pencil, that was supposedly signed
by fifteen year old (HARVEY) Oswald on February 10, 1955 (below). The
FBI provided a photograph of this item to the Warren Commission, which
was then used establish Oswald's beginning date of employment for Dolly
FBI failed to provide the Warren Commission with any of
Oswald's payroll checks or any documents that could verify his
beginning and ending dates of employment and/or income with Dolly Shoe
(payroll checks, vouchers, bank statements). I spoke at length with
former store manager Maury Goodman, who remembered both (HARVEY) Oswald
and his his short, heavy-set caretaker/mother. I sent Mr. Goodman a
photo of Marguerite Claverie Oswald (mother of LEE Oswald) taken in
late 1957, and asked him if this was the same woman who worked for him
at Dolly Shoe in 1955 (see below). Mr. Goodman replied to my letter and
said that he "didn't recognize this woman at all" (below). The one
thing that Mr. Goodman remembered, more than anything else, was that
Mrs. Oswald continually refused to provide personal information
required by the companies insurance carrier. A few months later, after
continually refusing to provide information, Mrs. Oswald (the short,
heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor) was fired. HARVEY Oswald's
caretaker/mother (the Marguerite Oswald impostor) avoided working for
companies that withheld taxes and sent reports to state and federal
agencies, because such reports might conflict with similar reports
relating to Marguerite Claverie Oswald (mother of LEE Oswald). This
impostor preferred instead to work for cash as a bar maid, caretaker,
or practical nurse in order to avoid generating taxation and credit
When I interviewed Maury Goodman in 1995 he gave me the names of Rita
Paveur and Louis Marziale as former employees who would remember young
(HARVEY) Oswald. I spoke with Rita, who remembered Oswald as very short
and thin, and described his mother as short and heavy-set--and a woman
who never smiled. Rita remembered they lived “uptown,” near the corner
of Magazine St and Canal.
Store manager Maury Goodman hired Louis Marziale (
click here for YouTube interview)
day after Easter. Louis observed Oswald and soon realized that he was
doing very little work. Louis terminated young Oswald that afternoon,
and later saw his mother/caretaker working as a bar maid at the
Tradewinds Bar on Decatur St. The FBI allegedly obtained two W-4 forms
(questionable !!), both handwritten and signed in pencil, to show that
HARVEY Oswald and his caretaker/mother began work at Dolly Shoe in
early 1955
(below). While 15 year old HARVEY Oswald was working at Dolly Shoe
(winter/spring, 1955), LEE Oswald was in the 9th grade at Beauregard
Junior High with a near perfect attendance record.
Mr. Gerard F. Tujague
Gerard F. Tujague was in the business of import/export and freight
forwarding, and was well connected with the intelligence community in
New Orleans. On January 9, 1961 former FBI agent Guy Bannister was one
of the incorporators of the Friends of Democratic Cuba, while Gerard
Tujague was Vice President and a first officer. The stated purpose of
the Friends of Democratic Cuba was to raise funds for the CIA-backed
Frente Revolucionario Democratica (Cuban Democratic Revolutionary
Front). The company soon rented an office in Clay Shaw's International
Trade Mart building, where Shaw and CIA agent William Gaudet had
offices. CIA asset Gordon Novel, in sworn deposition, said that in 1961
he worked with the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front together with
Guy Banister and a “Mr. Phillips," who represented a government
intelligence agency. Phillips was most likely David Atlee Phillips, the
CIA's head of propaganda for Cuban operations. Novel said that Banister
reported to and was supervised by Mr. Phillips.
In January, 1961, while HARVEY Oswald was in Russia, a “LEE Harvey
Oswald” visited the Bolton Ford Dealership in New Orleans and tried to
buy trucks on behalf of the Friends of Democratic Cuba. In February,
after existing less than a month, the Friends of Democratic Cuba was
merged with the Cuban Revolutionary Council. The Chief Political
Officer was E. Howard Hunt (head of the CIA's Domestic Operations
Division), a close friend and associate of David Atlee Phillips (head
of Cuban Operations) and a frequent visitor to Guy Banister's office in
New Orleans. In 1961 the CIA, FBI, and Cuban exiles who frequented Guy
Banister's office were united in one common cause—the elimination of
Fidel Castro. One individual who was occasionally seen in and around
New Orleans during this time (early 1960's) was LEE Oswald, and he was
among friends. In 1963, however, it was HARVEY Oswald who was in and
around Guy Banister's office, for the express purpose of creating the
image that he (HARVEY Oswald) was an avid supporter of Castro, Cuba,
and communism.
BUT IN 1963 IT
June, 1955-Gerard F. Tujague
The Secret Service report (above), allegedly based upon information
provided by the Social Security Administration, showed that Oswald
worked at Tujague's in 1955 and 1956. However, these dates of
employment presented a problem for the FBI. During this time “Lee
Harvey Oswald” was supposed to have worked for 3 other companies and
attended Warren Easton High School in Sept/Oct, 1955.
In June, 1955 fifteen year old LEE Oswald graduated from Beauregard
Junior High and briefly joined the Civil Air Patrol with Ed Voebel.
Around the same time he began working full time for the Gerard F.
Tujague Co. (LEE) Oswald's supervisor was Frank DiBenedetto, who
personally worked with him every day. When Mr. Tujague died Frank took
over the company and 40 years later was still working in the same
office in the Sanlin Building on Canal St. when I met him in 1995.
In July, 1955 American-born LEE Oswald's brother, Robert Oswald,
recently discharged from the Marine Corps, visited his mother and
brother for one week at
126 Exchange Place in the
French Quarter.
Robert said that during his visit LEE was working for an import-export
company sending packages around the world (below). That
company was the Gerard F. Tujague, Inc. freight forwarding company.
In 1978 Frank DiBenedetto was
interviewed by the House Select Committee on assassinations (HSCA).
Frank told HSCA investigators that Oswald worked at Tujague's for a
year to a year and a half (see below).
Gloria Callaghan was Tujague's secretary and was on maturnity leave in
March and April, 1956 (her daughter was born on March 15). Gloria said
that Oswald was working at Tujague's during her maternity leave. I
asked Frank if he remembered when Oswald quit working at Tujague's.
Frank could not remember the date but said, "it was hot, very hot," and
"he quit so that he could join the marines." (LEE) Oswald likely quit
Tujague's in August, and then moved to Ft. Worth where he joined the
Marines in Oct, 1956.
LEE Oswald working continuously at Tujague's from June, 1955 thru
August, 1956 was a problem for the FBI. In the fall of 1955, while LEE
Oswald was working at Tujague's, HARVEY Oswald was attending Warren
Easton High School from Sept 8 thru Oct 10. The FBI could not ignore
Oswald's attendance at Warren Easton because they had his school
records and many students and teachers remembered Oswald as a
student. On October 7 a note was delivered to Warren Easton that
read, “Becaus (sic) we are moving to San Diego in the middle of this
month Lee must quit school now. Also, please send by him any papers
such as his birth certificate that you may have. Thank you. Sincirely
(sic) ….Mrs. M. Oswald."
The FBI needed to somehow "merge" (LEE) Oswald's employment at
Tujague's in the summer and fall of 1955 with (HARVEY) Oswald's
attendance at Warren Easton High School in Sept/Oct, 1955. To
accomplish this they needed the cooperation of Gerard Tujague, who
owned the company where (LEE) Oswald worked continuously for a year to
a year and a half--from June, 1955 thru August, 1956. Mr. Tujague's
cooperation, thru his close relationship with FBI/CIA connected people
like Banister, Shaw and Hunt, was no problem.
On the afternoon of 11/22/63 Mr. Tujague told employee Jimmy Hudnell to
gather all company records relating to Oswald. When I met Jimmy at his
home in New Orleans, he told me that he had collected "dozens" of
Oswald's payroll checks and time cards which he gave to Mr. Tujague.
Tujague then gave these records to the FBI, but never testified before
the Warren Commission. The FBI photographed five (ONLY FIVE !!) of
(LEE) Oswald's time cards which they gave to the Warren Commission,
along with photographs of a handwritten ledger, and a photograph of a
W-4 form, handwritten in pencil (see below).
These photographs purported to show that (LEE) Oswald was first
employed at Tujague's on November 10, 1955, and ended his employment on
January 14, 1956. The FBI was now able to tell the Warren
Commission that “Lee Harvey Oswald” was unemployed during the summer of
1955, attended Warren Easton High School from Sept 8 thru Oct 10, 1955,
then dropped out of school and began working for Tujagues on November
10, 1955. The WC accepted the FBI's report and photographs of Oswald's
time cards, but never bothered to interview Mr. Tujague, Frank
DiBenedetto, Gloria Callaghan, Jimmy Hudnell or any other Tujague
other words the Warren Commission relied on FBI photographs, but had no
testimony and no verifiable documents with which to establish Oswald's
beginning and ending dates of employment at Tujague's.
The FBI told the WC that (LEE) Oswald began working for
Tujague's on November 10, 1955.
But Robert Oswald told the WC that in July, 1955, while visiting his
mother and brother for one week, (LEE) Oswald was working for an
import/export company (Tujague's-see below). The FBI had good
reason to be concerned but the Commission, either knowingly or
unknowingly, ignored this portion of Robert's testimony.
The FBI was also concerned with some of Tujague's employees, who could
testify they knew and worked with (LEE) Oswald for a year to a year and
a half, and not for only 2 months as reported by the FBI. To overcome
this problem, the Bureau needed a little help from one or more of the
Warren Commission members. The Warren Commission originally listed
Frank DiBenedetto and Gloria Callaghan as witnesses. Their testimony
would have placed LEE Oswald at Tujague's in 1955 and 1956, while at
the same time school records showed that another “Lee HARVEY Oswald”
was attending Warren Easton High School. The WC, for reasons never
explained, failed to interview Frank DiBenedetto, Gloria Callaghan,
Jimmy Hudnell, or any other employee of Tujague's. Someone within the
Warren Commission was probably aware that these people's testimony had
the potential expose the two Oswalds.
former CIA Director and Warren Commission member Allen Dulles have
interceded and blocked their testimony? Someone did.
The Warren Commission, instead of taking testimony from DiBenedetto,
Callaghan, Mr. Tujague, Jimmy Hudnell, or other Tujague employees,
relied on FBI photographs of five time cards and a handwritten payroll
ledger which showed that Oswald worked for Tujague's from November 10,
1955 thru January 14, 1956.
NOTE: (LEE) Oswald's employment at
Tujague's for "a year to a year and a half" generated dozens of weekly
time cards and payroll checks. It is important to remember that Tujague
employee Jimmy Hudnell collected and gave “dozens” of Oswald's payroll
checks and time cards (issued 1955-56) to Mr.Tujague on the afternoon
of November 22, 1963, which Mr. Tujague gave to the FBI. The FBI,
however, gave photographs of only five of these time cards (FBI D-111)
to the Warren Commission. These five time cards showed that Oswald
worked at Tujagues from Nov 10, 1955 thru Jan 14, 1956. The remainder
of Oswald's time cards and all of Oswald's payroll checks disappeared.
The FBI also provided the Warren Commission with a photograph of a
termination agreement and a w-4 form, allegedly filled out and signed in pencil
by Oswald. With only photographs of these documents, which were likely
created by the FBI, the Bureau was now able to show that Oswald's
ending date of employment with Tujague's as January 14, 1956. The WC was given no
verifiable documentation with which to establish Oswald's ending date
of employment at Tujague's.
J.R. Michels Co.
The Secret Service report (above), allegedly based upon information
provided by the Social Security Administration, showed that Oswald
worked at J.R. Michels in early 1956. However, from January thru
August, 1956, according
to Tujague employees Frank DiBenedetto and Gloria Callaghan, (LEE)
Oswald was working at Tujauge's. This date presented
another problem for the FBI, and had to be "corrected."
On Monday, November 25, 1963, two unnamed FBI agents arrived at the
office of J.R. Michels Co. in New Orleans and asked to speak with the
manager. The manager had not yet arrived, so the employee took the
elevator to the first floor and waited for office manager Nick Mazza to
arrive. When Nick arrived the employee told him that two FBI agents
were in the office and wanted to talk with him about Lee Harvey Oswald
working at J. R. Michels. When I met Nick in 1995 he said, “They told
me (TOLD ME !) that Lee Harvey Oswald had worked for J.R. Michels in
January, 1956 and they wanted all of his records. I told them that
Oswald had never worked for J.R. Michels at any time.” They said, “go
check you records for January, 1956” (how would the FBI know the exact
dates of Oswald's employment, because the SS report said he worked at
J.R. Michels the "first quarter 1956"). Nick then checked company
records and found one item—a company check dated January 20, 1956, in
the amount of $34.20, payable to Lee Oswald. Before giving the original
check to the FBI agents, Nick copied the front and back side of the
check. Thirty two years later Nick gave me a copy of that check
Nick said that he spoke with FBI agents only one time. When I met Nick
he said that other than the one visit by the two FBI agents on
11/25/63, I was the only person who had ever asked him about Lee Harvey
Oswald working for J.R. Michels.
The FBI's version of events regarding J.R. Michels is very
different. An FBI report states that at 9:45 AM, on Tuesday, 11/26/63,
Nick Mazza called the FBI's office in New Orleans and said that he
found a copy of Oswald's W-2 form dated 1/17/56. However, there are two
problems with the FBI report: #1--on 11/26/63 Oswald's W-2 form,
created by the FBI, was not in New Orleans, it was among the 455 items
of "evidence" returned by the FBI to the Dallas Police; #2--Oswald's
W-2 form was not dated. Another FBI reports states that on 11/26/63 FBI
agent Merriman Diven picked up a W-4 form, handwritten in pencil, from
Nick Mazza. Nick, however, said the only item in Oswald's file was one
payroll check. An FBI report of an alleged interview with J.R. Michels
President, John Russell of Houston, TX, said that Oswald worked for J.
R. Michels in January, 1956 and was paid $80 for one weeks work and one
weeks terminal pay, but provided no documentation.
SUMMATION: Oswald allegedly signed a termination agreement with
Tujague's on Saturday, January 14, 1956, in time for him to begin work
at J.R. Michels on Tuesday, January 17. Three days later, on Friday,
January 20, a check from J.R. Michels was issued for $34.20 and
supposedly cashed the same day. However, the FBI reported that Oswald
was paid $80 for one weeks work (actually 3 days of work) and one weeks
terminal pay—but where is the $80 check, where are the payroll records,
and where is there any proof whatsoever that (HARVEY) Oswald worked at
J.R. Michels? And who works for 3 days and is paid for a week? And who,
after working only 3 days, receives an additional week's severance pay?
The only document found by Nick Mazza was one payroll check in the
amount of $34.20—nothing else, despite what FBI reports claim. HARVEY
Oswald may or may not have been employed at J.R. Michels while LEE
Oswald was working at Tujauge's. But ending (LEE) Oswald's employment
at both Tujague's and J.R. Michels in January, 1956 provided the time
necessary for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to work “for several months thereafter” at the
Pfisterer Dental Lab before moving to Ft. Worth (July 1, 1956).
NOTE: If HARVEY Oswald did begin working for J.R. Michels on
17, 1956, then "Lee Harvey Oswald's" employment at Tujague's had to end
before January 17.
1956-Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
The Secret Service report (above), allegedly based upon information
provided by the Social Security Administration, showed that "Lee Harvey
Oswald" was working at the Pfisterer Dental Lab during the first half
of 1956. However, according to Tujague employees Frank DiBenedetto and
Gloria Callaghan, (LEE) Oswald was working at Tujauge's during the
first half of 1956. To further complicate Oswald's employment history
as a teenager, the FBI interviewed Palmer Edwin McBride who reported
that he worked with (HARVEY) Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
in 1957 and 1958 (while LEE Oswald was in Japan). The FBI now had to
"merge" LEE Oswald's employment in 1956 (Tujague's) with HARVEY
Oswald's employment in 1957-58 (Pfisterer Dental Lab) and show the Warren Commission that one
person, "Lee Harvey Oswald," worked at Dolly Shoe, Tujague's, J.R.
Michels, and the Pfisterer Dental Lab before moving to Ft. Worth in
June, 1956 and joining the Marines in October, 1956.
Nothing but lies, lies, lies, and more lies from the FBI.
On Monday morning, 11/25/63, three days after President Kennedy was
assassinated, FBI agents arrived at the dental Lab. The agents took the
owners of the company, one by one, into a private room and told them
they were not to discuss the “Oswald matter” among themselves or with
anyone. The agents then took all records and files relating to Oswald
and left the building. Those files disappeared and were never seen
again. The FBI provided no verifiable documentation whatsoever to show
that Oswald worked for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in 1956. The
Warren Commission, based upon no verifiable documentation and no dates
of employment, reported that "Lee Harvey Oswald" worked at the dental
lab “for several months thereafter..." (below).
1957-58-Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
The FBI and Warren Commission's most serious problem, by far, was with
(HARVEY) Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in 1957
and 1958. The day after President Kennedy was murdered airman Palmer
Edwin McBride contacted the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) at
Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. McBride told the air force Office of
Special Investigations (OSI) that he had known and worked with (HARVEY)
Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans in 1957-58.
The OSI immediately contacted the FBI who then interviewed McBride on
Saturday, November 23, 1963. McBride provided a detailed statement
concerning he and Oswald's friendship, their association with the New
Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association (NOAAA), and their employment at
the Pfisterer Dental Lab in New Orleans in 1957-58.
The FBI had Oswald's Marine Corps file and knew that in 1957-58 Oswald
was in the Marine Corps in Japan, the Philippines, and the South China
Sea. The FBI, once again, had to "merge" the background of HARVEY and
LEE. But in this case, (HARVEY) Oswald's employment in 1957 and 1958
had to be backdated to the year 1956. The FBI dealt with this problem
in two ways. First, the FBI issued a memorandum which stated, "Inasmuch
as OSWALD was in the US Marine Corps from Sept, 1956 until November,
1959, this information is unfounded, and no investigation is being
conducted" (below).
Second, the FBI had to fabricate documents (they created a w-2
form) in order to "change" the date of Oswald's employment at
Pfisterer's from 1957-58 to the winter/spring of 1956. Third, (HARVEY)
Oswald's employment at the dental lab had to have occurred before he
moved from New Orleans to Ft. Worth on July 1, 1956. With no time
cards, no payroll checks, and no verifiable documentation whatsoever
the FBI and Warren Commission reported that Oswald had worked “for
several months thereafter..." at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
The Warren Commission knew that Palmer McBride said that he worked with
(HARVEY) Oswald in 1957-58. On March 30, 1964, the Commission listed
McBride as one of the witnesses they intended to interview (below). Six
weeks later, on May 13, 1964, members of the Warren Commission were
provided with a list of proposed witnesses. Once again Palmer McBride
was on the list.
could NEVER be allowed to testify (not to the Warren Commission, not to
the HSCA, not to the Church Committee, not to the ARRB). Someone
on the Warren Commission was aware that McBride's testimony would place
HARVEY Oswald in New Orleans in 1957-58, while at the same time Marine
Corps records showed that LEE Oswald was in Japan, the Philippines, and
the South China Sea. Someone was responsible for McBride not
Could that someone have
been former CIA Director and Warren Commission member Allen Dulles?
Very likely.
Understanding and determining the whereabouts of HARVEY Oswald and of
LEE Oswald in 1957-58 is not that difficult. We only need to talk with
people who knew and worked with HARVEY Oswald in New Orleans in 1957-58
and who served in the Marines in Japan with LEE Oswald at the same
time. Every year, for many years, I traveled to Adelphi, MD and shared
an apartment for one month with fellow researcher Malcolm Blunt. We
walked to the National Archives, arrived when they opened and left when
they closed, and spent our evenings reading and re-reading documents
that we had copied during the day. One weekend Malcolm and I drove to
Rhode Island where we met and spoke with Richard Cyr and his wife
(Linda) at their home. Cyr had served with LEE Oswald in Japan in
1957-58 and remembered him well. Cyr was nearby when (LEE) Oswald shot
himself in the arm with a .22 derringer. Cyr bunked in the same hut as
(LEE) Oswald and was with him on most maneuvers. I also spoke with Zack
Stout (El Dorado, KS) who served with LEE Oswald in the Marine Corps in
Japan. Zack said that he met LEE Oswald the first day that Oswald
arrived in Japan. They shared the same bunk house and were together
every day on maneuvers in Japan, the Philippines, and the south China
sea in 1957-58. Stout served with LEE Oswald in Japan until the day he
departed for the USA. Tall, husky, LEE Oswald was definitely in the
Marine Corps in Japan in 1957-58, and remembered by fellow Marines.
I asked Zack Stout if Oswald had studied Russian in Japan he laughed
and said, "Who makes up these stories?" LEE Oswald did not study
Russian in boot camp (late 1956), during ITR training (early 1957),
radar school (May-June, 1957), at El Toro, CA (July-Aug, 1957), or at
any time while he was in Japan or on maneuvers in the South China Sea
(Sept, 1957 thru Dec, 1958). If anyone, at any time, suggests that
Oswald attended a Russian language school while in the Marines, ask
them to product a single document or a single witness.
I flew to California and met Palmer McBride at his home in Sun Valley.
Palmer had recently retired from a 40 year career in the aerospace
industry. He was a friendly, serious, down-to-earth, straight-forward
type of man with an incredible memory for details. Palmer had a habit
of relating most everything in his past life to events that happened in
the aerospace industry. For example, on the day Sputnik was launched
(October 4, 1957) he and (HARVEY) Oswald discussed recent Russian space
successes. A week later Oswald and Palmer attended the Boris Gudenov
opera, where McBrides father was working part-time as an usher. Palmer
recalled that while working at the dental lab Oswald and his mother
lived directly across the street at the Hotel Senator. Yet Palmer
wondered how (HARVEY) Oswald and his mother (caretaker) could afford to
live month after month in a relatively expensive hotel. Palmer provided
the names of Amelda Smith, Walter Gehrke, William Wulf, and Harrison
Vance as some of the people who also knew (HARVEY) Oswald in 1957-58.
In 1997 I brought Palmer to a JFK Lancer conference in Dallas, where he
met attendees and told the audience about his friendship and
interaction with (HARVEY) Oswald in 1957-58.
Amelda Smith worked as a receptionist for Pfisterer's, but only in 1957
and 1958 (not in 1956). Amelda told he FBI that Oswald worked as a
messenger, which agrees with McBride statement as to the time that
(HARVEY) Oswald worked at the dental lab.
In early 1958 Palmer took HARVEY Oswald to a meeting of the New Orleans
Amateur Astronomy Association (NOAAA) at the home of Walter Gehrke.
Gehrke told the FBI that none of the NOAAA meetings were held at his
home until early 1958. Genrke's statement to the FBI agrees with
McBride knowing and working with HARVEY Oswald in 1957-58.
In early 1958 McBride brought Oswald to a few of the NOAAA meetings
where he was introduced to the association's president, William Wulf. On one occasion Oswald came to
Wulf's home late one evening. Oswald's late night visit was well
remembered by Wulf, because Oswald and Wulf's father got into a heated
argument over communism. Wulf's father was a veteran of WW2 who hated
the Russians and despised communism. When he overheard Oswald praising
communism, he told Oswald told to leave.
I flew to New Orleans and met William Wulf near his home in Slidell,
LA. I asked Mr. Wulf to pinpoint, as close as possible, the date when
he first met (HARVEY) Oswald. Wulf related his first meeting with
Oswald to the 1956-57 school year (Sept, 1956 to June, 1957), which he
missed entirely due to illness. In the fall of 1957 Wulf returned to
school and said that he met Oswald shortly after the Christmas/New Year
holidays in early 1958. He remembered that McBride brought (HARVEY)
Oswald to several meetings of the NOAAA at Walter Gehrke's home.
The Warren Commission had the FBI interview of Palmer McBride (CE
1386) and one or more of their members may have been concerned about
Oswald working at Pfisterer's in 1957-58. This problem was solved when
the Commission refused to interview McBride, Gehrke, or Amelda Smith,
who met and knew Oswald in 1957 and 1958. Instead, the Commission
interviewed McBride's friend, William Wulf. The Commission needed to
obtain testimony as to the year in which Oswald and McBride worked
together in New Orleans—and that year could not be 1957 or 1958 as
remembered by McBride. Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler was
chosen to interview Wulf. When Liebeler deposed Wulf, he did not bother
to ask Wulf when he met or knew Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans.
Instead, Liebeler intentionally fixed the date of Oswald's presence in
New Orleans as 1954-55, and then quickly changed the subject.
Liebeler said to Wulf, “We want to inquire of you concerning possible
knowledge that you have of Lee Harvey Oswald during the time he lived
in New Orleans during the period 1954-55. Before we get into the
details of that, however, will you please state your name for the
record.” (below).
intentionally and deliberately made sure
that the WC record established the date of Oswald in New Orleans as
1954-55 (and
NOT 1957-58). This
is a clear indication that WC members and staff attorneys were aware,
and very concerned, about Palmer McBrides statement that he worked with
Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957-58. Liebeler never once
mentioned or suggested that Oswald was in New Orleans in 1957 or 1958.

When I met Mr. Wulf in 1993 I asked him if he remembered agreeing
with the WC attorney that he knew Oswald in 1954-55. Wulf said, “I
don't remember telling them that, but it's possible.” Wulf said, “It's
sketchy. I really cannot say for sure. I told them that I could get it
(the date) from the Astronomy Club's records.” The WC never asked for
the records of the NOAAA but, thanks to Wesley Liebeler, the WC was now
able to report that Oswald worked “a few weeks for the Pfisterer Dental
lab" in 1956 (below). The FBI and Warren Commission ignored all of the
witnesses from the Pfisterer Dental Lab, ignored members of the NOAAA
(except Wulf), and provided no documentation whatsoever to the Warren
Commission that showed Oswald's beginning or ending dates of
employment. The Warren Commission, however, was very much aware of the
1957-58 time problem, and they chose attorney Wesley Liebeler to fix
the date as 1954-55. Problem solved.
A few years later, after meeting William Wulf, I met Linda Faircloth,
president of the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory, at their office in
Metairie, LA. I was surprised to learn that years before I became
interested in JFK, Linda was asked to give a presentation relating to
her dental laboratory. The subject of her presentation was "Lee Harvey
Oswald" (
here for YouTube video of Linda Faircloth). Linda spoke
with the owners and former employees of Pfisterer and determined that
(HARVEY) Oswald had worked at the laboratory, first as a waxer and then
as a delivery boy, with Palmer McBride in 1957 and 1958. The president
of the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory confirmed that (HARVEY) Oswald was
employed at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957 and 1958.
The FBI fabricates W-2 forms to show Oswald's employment in 1955-56
On the afternoon of 11/22/63 Dallas Police detectives searched Oswald's
rooming house (
1026 N.Beckley) and Ruth Paine's garage (2515 W.
Irving, TX), where the majority of evidence they collected consisted of
Oswald's personal possessions. The police took 225 items, and each and
every item was initialed by Dallas Police officers, listed on a
handwritten inventory, and listed on a type-written inventory at DPD
headquarters (WC-Stoval A, Stoval B, Turner 1). Around midnight all
items were photographed on the floor of the Dallas Police station. The
Dallas Police had jurisdiction to investigate the murder of JFK in
Dallas, but their investigation was soon interrupted and they were
ordered to turn over all of their evidence to the FBI.
President Lyndon Johnson told his aide, Cliff Carter, to order Dallas
Police Chief Jesse Curry to immediately turn over all of the evidence
collected by the Dallas Police to the FBI. Curry told the Warren
Commission, “We got several calls insisting we send this, and nobody
would tell me exactly who it was that was insisting, 'just say I got a
call from Washington, and they wanted this evidence up there,'
insinuated it was someone in high authority that was requesting
this....” When former CIA Director and Warren Commission member Allen
Dulles heard Chief Curry's answer, he abruptly adjourned the hearing.
When Curry's testimony resumed not another word was mentioned about
“someone in high authority.” Chief Curry later said, “about midnight
Friday night --- November 22 --- we agreed to let the FBI have all the
evidence and they said they would have an agent stand by and when they
were finished with it, return it to us.”
During the early morning hours of November 23, FBI agent Vincent Drain
took the 225 items of evidence from the Dallas Police, boarded an Air
Force C130 at Carswell AFB, and departed at 3:10 am (11/23/63) for
Washington, DC. A few hours later, around 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning
(11/23/63), FBI document specialist James Cadigan received Oswald's
possessions (a total of 225 items) at FBI headquarters in Washington,
DC. Warren Commission attorney Melvin Eisenberg questioned Cadigan
about certain documents that were included among Oswald's possessions.
Cadigan said, “On November 23, when the vast bulk of this material came
in it was photographed... to select one item out of four or five
hundred, I cannot, in all honesty, say I definitely recall seeing
this....” The particular item of evidence that Eisenberg was discussing
is not important. What is important--very important--is that Eisenberg
and the WC now knew the FBI had received all of the evidence gathered
by the Dallas Police,
in secret--with
no written chain of custody--during the early morning hours of
November 23.
Even more important is that former CIA Director Allen Dulles, and
now a member of the Warren Commission, changed Cadigan's testimony.
Read Cadigan's testimony on the right, below. Cadigan told the Warren
Commission, "there was a large volume of evidence being examined at the
time. Time was of the essence and this material, I believe, was
returned to the Dallas Police within two or three days..." Notice the
lines, marks, and the notation "delete" that were handwritten on
Cadigan's typewritten testimony by Mr. Dulles. Now, look at Cadigan's
"revised" testimony as it appears in the Warren Volumes, below on the
left. Allen Dulles deleted references to the "large volume of evidence"
returned to the Dallas Police in two or three days. Dulles didn't want
the record to show that 225 items of Oswald's personal belongings had
been secretly sent to the FBI on November 23, and three days later
(November 26) the FBI secretly returned an additional 230 items of
evidence to to the Dallas Police--a total of 455 items. This is proof
positive that a member of the Warren Commission, Allen Dulles, altered
The Death of top level FBI officials
In 1977, around the same time the House Select Committee on
Assassinations was becoming active, numerous top level FBI officials
suddenly died.
1) William C. Sullivan was the third highest ranking
FBI official, behind Hoover and Tolson, and played a major role in the
in-house investigation of the JFK Assassination. In June, 1972 Sullivan
had lunch with his friend, Robert Novak. He told Novak that someday he
would probably read about his (Sullivan's) death in some kind of an
accident, but not to believe it because he would be murdered. Sullivan
had become a critic of the tactics of J Edgar Hoover. He had publicly
called Hoover a “master blackmailer” and a man who was suffering from
“senility.” Sullivan knew a great deal about the inter workings of the
FBI and had likely had most of the inside details on the development of
the so called fingerprint evidence. The Committee wanted to question
him, but on November 9, 1977, only days before he was to testify to the
House Select Committee on Assassinations, he was murdered. Twenty
minutes before sunrise sixty-five-year-old Sullivan was walking through
the woods near his retirement home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. He was
on his way to meet hunting companions when twenty-two-year-old Robert
Daniels, Jr., son of a state policeman, shot and killed him. Daniels
had a .30 caliber rifle, with a telescopic sight, and said he mistook
Sullivan for a deer. The authorities called it an accident, and Daniels
was fined five hundred dollars.
2) Louis Nicholas, special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover and his liaison with the Warren Commission died from heart attack in June, 1977.
3) Alan H. Belmont was head of the FBI's Domestic Intelligence
Division Belmont and was in charge of investigating the assassination
of JFK. In 1964 Belmont tried to persuade the Warren Commission that
the palm print found on the alleged assassination rifle was Oswald's.
The HSCA wanted to carefully question him again about his testimony,
but before he could testify Belmont died in August of 1977.
4) James Cadigan was a document expert who told the Warren
Commission that Oswald's possessions first arrived at FBI headquarters
in the early morning hours of November 23. He then said those items
were returned to the Dallas Police a few days later (on November 26).
Cadigan examined the paper bag from the Texas School Book Depository
Building that the alleged Oswald RIFLE was supposed to have been
wrapped in along with the tape. In August, 1977, before he was able to
tesify to the HSCA, Cadigan died from a so-called "accidental fall"
fall in his home.
5) J. M. English was head of the FBI Forensic Sciences
Laboratory where Oswald’s rifle and pistol were tested. He was in
charge of the FBI forensic lab that had conducted forensic analysis of
all of the JFK assassination evidence. English had examined the alleged
OSWALD rifle and pistol. The HSCA wanted to know what happened to the
evidence pertaining to the rifle and fingerprints, but English died of
a heart attack in October, 1977 and never testified.
6) Donald Kaylor was a chemist and fingerprint expert who
examined prints found at the assassination scene. In 1964 Kaylor told
the Warren Commission that the palm print found on the alleged
assassination rifle was Oswald's. The HSCA wanted to carefully question
him, as well as Alan Belmont, again about his testimony, but before he
could testify Kaylor died of a heart attack in October, 1977.
7) Regis Kennedy was a senior agent in the FBI assigned to New
Orleans. He was one of two FBI agents assigned as contact men for Lee
Harvey Oswald in his role as FBI informer. Kennedy had been sent to
Dallas to help in the JFK investigation and knew a great deal about the
fingerprint evidence. Kennedy died of a heart attack in 1978, shortly
after testifying before the House Select Committee.
Going back to the immediate aftermath of the Kennedy assassination, on
November 23, 1963, FBI Associate Director Clyde Tolson sent a memo to
FBI official Alan Belmont. Tolson wrote, "Shanklin said results of the
investigation have been reduced to written form and consequently the
information will all be available for these two supervisors. We can
prepare a memorandum to the Attorney General [Robert Kennedy] to set
out the evidence showing that Oswald is responsible for the shooting
that killed the President. We will show that [HARVEY] Oswald was an
avowed Marxist, a former defector to the Soviet Union and an active
member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), which has been
financed by Castro. We will set forth the items of evidence which make
it clear that [HARVEY] Oswald is the man who killed the President."
Within 24 hours of President Kennedy's assassination the FBI had
already decided that (HARVEY) Oswald killed President Kennedy. During
the next 3 days the FBI manipulated and altered some of the 225 items
of evidence collected by the Dallas police. But more significant was
the fact that the Bureau added an additional 230 items of "evidence"
and then returned a total of 455 items of evidence to the Dallas
Police. The FBI's goal was to produce and manipulate "evidence" to show
that one person, “Lee Harvey Oswald,” murdered President Kennedy. FBI
official William Sullivan said, "Hoover did not like to see the Warren
Commission come into existence. He showed marked interest in limiting
the scope of it or circumventing the scope of it and taking any action
that might result in neutralizing it." Sullivan explained, "When an
enormous organization like the FBI with tremendous power still can sit
back and shuffle the deck of cards and pick up the card they want to
show you it may be you're not going to get the entire picture as fully
as you would otherwise.... If there were documents that possibly he
[Hoover] didn't want to come to the light of the public, then those
documents no longer exist, and the truth will never be known." Warren
Commission attorney Samuel Stern was also skeptical and aware of
potential problems. Stern told the HSCA, "at the outset we realized
that there was no possible way to penetrate any official involvement in
a cover-up or conspiracy if there was such complicity... the FBI and
CIA could formulate and maintain a cover-up which no one would ever
penetrate." Mr. Stern's skepticism and analysis proved to be
correct, but only for a few decades.
FBI document expert James Cadigan told the Warren Commission, “Time was
of the essence and this material, I believe, was returned to the Dallas
Police within two or three days.....” Cadigan was correct. The FBI
returned 455 items of “evidence” to the Dallas Police three days later,
on November 26, 1963. Without a written chain of custody, the FBI was
able to return many more items than they received on November 23. The
455 items were then jointly inventoried and photographed by the FBI and
Dallas police. A summary list of these 455 items was then given to the
Warren Commission and identified as Commission Exhibit 2003 (CE 2003).
The FBI fabricates W-2 forms for "Lee
Harvey Oswald"
One of the most important items created by the FBI during this three
day period, and added to the original 225 items of evidence found by
the Dallas Police, were photographic copies of W-2 forms purporting to
show where one person, "Lee Harvey Oswald," had worked in 1955 and
1956. These W-2 forms were not found by the Dallas Police on November
22. These W-2 forms appeared for the first time on the joint FBI/Dallas
Police inventory of November 26, only after Oswald's possessions were
returned to the Dallas Police from FBI headquarters in Washington, DC.
Each of these fabricated W-2 forms has the initials of FBI laboratory
technician Robert Frazier on the back side, but none of these W-2 forms
were seen, nor initialed, nor inventoried, nor photographed by the
Dallas Police on 11/22/63. All of these W-2 forms are forgeries,
created for the purpose of supporting the FBI's attempt to “merge”
HARVEY and LEE Oswald's work and school attendance from 1955 thru 1958.
NOTE: Researchers should look closely at the Dolly Shoe and
Tujague W-2
forms for 1955, and focus on the social security number "433 54 3937"
and "126 Exchange" on both forms. In the mid-1990's I made
transparencies of each W-2 form. When these transparencies are overlaid
onto one another, the address and social security numbers match
perfectly. Jim Hargrove, creator of this website,
sent copies of both forms to Dawn Stanford, an archivist at the IBM
Corporation. Dawn studied the forms and noted that the characters,
pitch and typewriter offsets on each of these W-2 forms are identical.
In her words these W-2 forms "were typed with the same typewriter."
Different w-2 forms, for different companies, for different years, but
created with the same typewriter.
The creation of these W-2 forms within days of the assassination is
proof positive that top FBI officials knew intimate details of HARVEY
Oswald and LEE Oswald's backgrounds as teenagers. The W-2 forms were
created in order to help “merge” the backgrounds of HARVEY and LEE and
show that one “Lee Harvey Oswald” worked at these companies and
attended Warren Easton High School prior to joining the US Marine
Corps. Their creation shows that top FBI officials were not only
familiar with the backgrounds of HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald, but also
shows their intent and willingness to keep this information secret. The
creation of the W-2 forms momentarily resolved the problem of HARVEY
Oswald and LEE Oswald being in different locations at the same time on
multiple occasions. But there was still a big problem.
QUESTION: HARVEY Oswald was 15 years old when he worked at Dolly
and LEE Oswald was 15 years old when he began working at Tujague's. Is
it likely that a 15 year old teenager would keep W-2 forms from 1955
for the next 8 years in pristine condition, while traveling to Japan,
Taiwan, the Philippines, Russia, Ft. Worth, New Orleans and Dallas? And
is it likely that Oswald would keep all of his W-2 forms from 1955-56,
but not keep W-2 forms from his employment with two companies in Dallas
in 1962? Is it even likely that a 15 year old kid would file an IRS tax
return? The FBI provided the Warren Commission with only photographs of
these W-2 forms. The original W-2 forms, created by the FBI,
President Johnson told his aide, Cliff Carter, to contact Dallas
District Attorney Henry Wade and order him “not to allege a
conspiracy”, and then to order Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry to
immediately turn over all of the evidence collected by the Dallas
Police to the FBI. Curry told the Warren Commission, “We got several
calls insisting we send this, and nobody would tell me exactly who it
was that was insisting, 'just say I got a call from Washington, and
they wanted this evidence up there,' insinuated it was someone in high
authority that was requesting this....”
When former CIA Director and Warren Commission member Allen Dulles heard Curry's answer, he abruptly adjourned the hearing.
When Curry's testimony resumed not another word was mentioned about
“someone in high authority.” Curry later said, “about midnight Friday
night--November 22--we agreed to let the FBI have all the evidence and
they said they would have an agent stand by and when they were finished
with it, return it to us.” During the early morning hours of November
23, FBI agent Vincent Drain took the items of evidence from the Dallas
Police, boarded an Air Force C130 at Carswell AFB, and departed at 3:10
am (11/23/63) for Washington, DC .
A few hours later, around 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning (11/23/63), FBI
document specialist James Cadigan received Oswald's possessions (225
items) at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. Warren Commission
attorney Melvin Eisenberg questioned Cadigan about certain documents
that were included among Oswald's possessions. Cadigan said, “On
November 23, when the vast bulk of this material came in it was select one item out of four or five hundred, I
cannot, in all honesty, say I definitely recall seeing this....” The
item of evidence that Eisenberg was discussing is not important. What
is important--very important--is that Eisenberg, and the WC, now knew
the FBI had received the evidence gathered by the Dallas Police
(Oswald's possessions-225 items)
on November 23, several days
before the FBI “officially” became involved in the investigation. Less
than 24 hours after the assassination all of Oswald's possessions were
at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC.
1963--Original Social Security records
In 1963 the original detailed records at the Social Security
Administration showed the dates of Oswald's teenage employment. These
records posed a serious problem, could never be made public, and may
have been altered. In 1963 Marina Oswald applied for Social Security
benefits shortly after her husband's death. She was entitled to receive
benefits based upon his lifetime earnings from 1955 through 1963.
However, all SSA details of Oswald's employment prior to 1962 were
withheld and never made available to Marina, the Warren Commission, the
HSCA, the ARRB or the public. The identity of the person or
organization responsible for the SSA's refusal to release Oswald's 1955
through 1961 social security records from 1963 onward remains unknown.
In 1978 the HSCA wrote to the Social Security Administration and asked
for copies of Oswald's file. The SSA responded by providing Oswald's
employment records for 1962 and 1963. But for employment records prior
to 1962 the SSA advised the HSCA to review the Warren Commission report.
Identifying both real and fabricated
Many items of “evidence”, such as the W-2 forms, were added to Oswald's
possessions by the FBI. This fake "evidence" is very easy to identify,
if you know what to look for. The original 225 items that belonged to
HARVEY Oswald were initialed by Dallas Police officers, all of these
items appear on the Dallas Police Department's (DPD) handwritten and
type-written inventories (WC exhibits), and were photographed on the
floor at DPD headquarters. However, the 230 items of "evidence" that
were added by the FBI were NOT initialed by Dallas Police officers,
they do NOT appear on either the handwritten or type-written Dallas
Police inventories, and were NOT photographed on the floor at DPD
headquarters. To determine which items of "evidence" were found by the
Dallas Police, simply look for the initials of DPD Officers and then
locate the item on the handwritten and typed DPD inventory report (WC
exhibits). If not initialed by DPD officers, and not found on the DPD
inventories, then such items were added by the FBI and returned to the
DPD on 11/26/63.
Why did the FBI add over 230 items of evidence? Many of these items
belonged to LEE Oswald, and were added: 1) to help frame HARVEY Oswald
for the assassination and 2) were added to help merge the historical
background of HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald into one fictional “Lee
Harvey Oswald”.
In 1964 if the public had known that 225 items of evidence were sent to
the FBI on November 23, and three days later the FBI returned 455 items
of evidence to the Dallas Police, they would have demanded to know why
and how this happened? Did the FBI tamper with evidence?
Of course they
Encino, California--1955-56
In the fall of 1955 fifteen year old HARVEY Oswald enrolled in Warren
Easton High School in New Orleans as a sophomore. On October 7, 1955, a
note was delivered to Warren Easton that read, “Becaus (sic) we are
moving to San Diego in the middle of this month Lee must quit school
now. Also, please send by him any papers such as his birth certificate
that you may have. Thank you. Sincirely (sic) ….Mrs. M. Oswald.”
Eight years later, in October, 1963, HARVEY Oswald visited the Texas
Employment Commission and was interviewed by Laura Kittrell, a
counselor who had worked at the TEC since 1950. Kittrell was the
daughter of Bill Kittrell, a prominent local politician and former
secretary of the Texas Democratic Party. Mr. Kittrell was personally
acquainted with Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Sam Rayburn, Lyndon
Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and numerous other national political
figures. In early October, 1963 (probably October 8) Laura was
interviewing a colored woman who said that she used to work as a maid
for a man named Murray Chotiner (a close friend of Richard Nixon) in
California. Their conversation was overheard by a young man, wearing a
black leather jacket, and sitting nearby at the desk of counselor
Donald Brooks. After Laura completed her interview the young man came
to her desk and said, “Excuse me, I don't mean to be butting in, or
anything like that, but didn't I hear that colored woman tell you that
she worked in California for Murray Chotiner? Laura refused to discuss
her conversation with the colored woman and the young man left.
A few days later the same young man was referred to Laura by a
co-worker (Mrs. Elrod) as “Mr. Oswald.” He arrived at the TEC and
took a seat in the waiting area. Laura recognized the young man as the
person who had asked her about Murray Chotiner. Laura introduced
herself and began the interview. The young man told Laura that he had
just arrived from New Orleans and his wife was about to have a baby.
Laura asked "Mr. Oswald" how he knew the name “Murray Chotiner.” She
said, “Did you work for Murray Chotiner in California?” The young man
replied, “He's a crook.” Laura wondered how the young man could have
known the name of a little-known political figure in another state. But
if HARVEY Oswald lived in California in late 1955, as suggested in the
note found in his file at Warren Easton High School, this would explain
how he knew about Murray Chotiner. And
the 4/12 "YEARS EXPERIENCE" as shown below listed as one of LHO's
"Civilian Occupations" indicates he worked four months (4/12 of a year)
as an Office Boy, perhaps for Murray Chotiner in California.
During the interview (HARVEY) Oswald talked about his life in the
Soviet Union. He told Laura, “I speak three
languages....Russian....I've been to Russia. Matter of fact married a
Russian girl...You see, I had this job in a factory there....I worked
for months in this electronics factory....I was taking these little
bitty metal parts and doing something with them.” (HARVEY) Oswald then
expressed his desire to find a white-collar job in Dallas and said, “I
used to sell shoes and that is white-collar experience, isn't it?” (HARVEY)
Oswald then told Laura about working in an office in California when he
was 16 years old. He explained, “It was before I went into the Marines
even. It was when I was just sixteen. I had this messenger-boy job in
California. It was a motor-scooter messenger-boy job, but I worked in
the office too, filing and taking care of the mail. It was for
an investment company and I worked there six months. The name of it was
the 'ETI Realty Company'.” Laura said, “The ETI Realty Company....I
thought you said it was an investment company.” (HARVEY) Oswald
replied, “It was, but it was also an investment company.” Laura
remember the name of the city as Encino, Calif.

NOTE: In the year 2000, JFK researchers William Weston and
Stephen Gaal
searched for an “ETI Realty" in Encino, CA in 1955-56. They did not
find "ETI Realty," but did find a company named “Encino Escrow Company”
and another company named “Escrow Title Insurance” (possibly ETI ??)
located at 16000
Ventura Blvd. and listed in the 1958 telephone
directory white pages. Additional research is needed on this subject.
Laura recalled that (HARVEY) Oswald had a “sketchy background in offset
printing (Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall?)” and suggested that he pursue that
line of work. Laura also recalled that Oswald's wife was about to give
birth. Laura remembered this interview with "Mr. Oswald" as the longest
interview of her career, which lasted for 1 hour and 42 minutes. A few
days later HARVEY Oswald was hired at the Texas School Book Depository.
On or about October 17, while HARVEY Oswald was working at the TSBD, a
man closely resembling HARVEY Oswald showed up at Laura Kittrell's
office. At first Laura thought this man was "Mr. Oswald," but soon was
having second thoughts. Laura remembered this man wore a red and white
table-cloth checkered sports shirt, and appeared somewhat "shaggy." The
young man said, “The unemployment Claims Office sent me to you. You
have to change my Primary Code. I have just joined the Teamsters
Union." As their conversation continued Laura began to notice
differences between this man (LEE Oswald) and “Mr. (HARVEY) Oswald,”
the man she had interviewed a few days earlier. She said, “they were
much alike in size, shape, and outline, generally, there was a marked
difference between them in bearing and manner. The man I remember as
"Mr. Oswald" was a trim, energetic, compact, well-knit person....The
man I remember as the 'teamster' was a trifling, shiftless
good-for-nothing lout who sprawled over his chair...he was not dirty,
but messy looking.” Laura thought that the man wearing the checkered
shirt was pretending to be "Mr. Oswald," and had been coached upon how
to answer certain questions." Kittrell never realized that she was one
of the few people who had met and talked to both HARVEY and LEE Oswald
face to face. She was also the only person who recognized the subtle
differences between these two young men.

Shown above is the bottom
of page 8 and the top
of page 9 of a ten-page July 18, 1978 memo from
HSCA's Gaeton Fonzi to Robert Blakey. Fonzi conducted
a lengthy interview with Laura Kittrell.
Near the end of October, 1963 Laura mailed a post card to the mailing
address on (HARVEY) Oswald's application (2515 W. 5th, Irving, TX) to
learn whether or not he had found a job. A few days later a woman
(probably Ruth Paine) called Mrs. Kittrell and said, “I wanted to call
you and say that he (Oswald) had found a job....He found a job at the
Texas School Book Depository.”
The most intriguing portion of Laura Kittrell's story is that she not
only met and interviewed two Oswald's in October, 1963, but that she
noticed subtle differences between them. After President Kennedy was
assassinated Laura repeatedly tried to contact authorities and tell
them about the meetings she had with two different men who looked very
similar and used the name “Oswald.” On December 26, 1963 she sent a
2-page letter to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and kept the postal
receipt for her certified letter. Four months later, in April, 1964,
Laura sent a 20 page manuscript about her meeting with the two "Mr.
Oswald's" to US Attorney Barefoot Sanders, who forwarded her manuscript
to the Warren Commission (see below). Laura's manuscript apparently
disappeared, because it cannot be found among Warren Commission
documents. A year later, on June 4, 1965, Laura sent a certified,
14-page letter to Robert Kennedy (1965), described her contacts with
these two very similar looking young men, and asked that someone in
authority contact her. The FBI, in July, 1965 finally interviewed Laura
for the first time.
NOTE: It is important for researchers to remember the note
delivered to
Warren Easton High School on October 7, 1955 “....we are moving to San
Diego in the middle of this month...” This note suggests that (HARVEY)
Oswald and his caretaker/mother may have moved to Calif in late 1955.
In October, 1963 (HARVEY) Oswald told Laura Kittrell about his work as
motor-scooter delivery boy working in the office of ETI Realty in
Encino, CA, and knowing about Murray Chotiner. These are indications
that young (HARVEY) Oswald may have briefly resided in
It is important to remember that Laura Kittrell met, identified,
and wrote about meeting two “Mr. Oswalds” years before anyone had any
notion, thought or idea that there were two young men using the name
“Lee Harvey Oswald” in the weeks and months leading up to President
Kennedy's assassination. There is no doubt that top FBI officials knew
about the two Oswald's, and there are several indications that Warren
Commission and a few staff attorneys knew, or should have known, of the
possibility of two “Lee Harvey Oswalds.” The Commission however, chose
to avoid this most contentious, unexplained, and troublesome issue.
Perhaps they were following the advice of
WC member Allen Dulles, former Director of the CIA.
The author’s complete file of documents related to Laura
Kittrell is nearly 200 pages long, includes many handwritten pages by
Miss Kittrell herself, and can be read and downloaded
without cost at the Baylor University John Armstrong Collection.
Click here for access.
In the final analysis, the seemingly mundane records of "Lee Harvey
Oswald" attending Warren Easton High School, and hiis employment as a
15-16 year old teenager at a shoe store,
freight forwarding company, and dental laboratory remain a testament to
how the "Crime of the Century" was turned into the "Lie of the Century"
by the FBI and the Warren Commission.