Marine Corps and the
Soviet Union
by John Armstrong
The TWO Marguerite Oswalds
It is important to remember that children and young teenagers do not live by themselves. HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald are no exceptions. The tall, husky, well-built LEE Oswald lived with his tall, nice-looking mother, Marguerite Claverie Oswald, until joining the Marines in 1956. The short, thin, HARVEY Oswald lived with a short, heavy-set caretaker who also used the name Marguerite Oswald, but her true identity remains unknown. HARVEY lived with this caretaker until joining the Marines in 1956.
On July 1, 1956 the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor rented an apartment at 4936 Collinwood in Fort Worth. Her landlady, Mrs. James Taylor, remembered that her two sons lived with her. One of her "sons" was HARVEY Oswald, who remained at this address until he joined the Marines in October. The other son was Robert Oswald, the brother of LEE Oswald. On July 13 Robert Oswald opened an account at the West Side State Bank, and used 4936 Collinwood as his home address. Robert lived at this address, with HARVEY and the short, heavy-set caretaker, until he married Vada Mercer in November. This was the first and only time that Robert Oswald lived with HARVEY and/or the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor. Six years earlier, in 1950, Robert had attended the nearby Stripling Junior High school. Four years later, in the fall of 1954 HARVEY Oswald attended Stripling Junior High school. During the next 5 months, while living together at 4936 Collinwood, I believe that Robert Oswald and HARVEY discussed their attending Stripling Junior High. After HARVEY Oswald "defected" to Russia in 1959 Robert Oswald told reporters, on several occasions, that his brother had attended Stripling Junior High. In 1964 Robert Oswald told the Warren Commission that his brother attended Stripling Junior High. HARVEY Oswald did attend Stripling. When I met with Ricardo Galindo, the school Principal of Stripling in 1995, Mr. Galindo said it was common knowledge that Oswald attended Stripling. I was soon able to contact and meet former teachers and several classmates who knew HARVEY Oswald when he attended Stripling in 1954. LEE Oswald, however, never attended junior high in Fort Worth. In the fall of 1954 LEE Oswald was attending Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans.
In July, 1956 the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald, mother of LEE Oswald, quit her job at Goldrings Department Store in New Orleans. She moved to Fort Worth and, for the next 2 1/2 years, lived in apartment #3 at 3830 W. 6th. When the tall, husky, LEE Oswald took leave from the Marines, on several occasions, he travelled to Fort Worth and stayed with his mother. For more about the two Marguerite Oswalds, click here. At the same time, the Marguerite Oswald impostor was living at 4936 Collinwood in Ft. Worth.
Lee HARVEY Oswald-Marine Corps enlistment
Lee HARVEY Oswald, Platoon 2060--1957
On October 15, 1956 Lee HARVEY Oswald was interviewed in preparation for his enlistment in the Marine Corps. His physical appearance was listed as hazel eye color, brown hair, 5 ft 8, and 135 pounds. He gave his home address as 4936 Collinwood, Fort Worth, where he lived with Robert Oswald and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor.
NOTE: Robert Oswald lived at 4936 Collinwood with both HARVEY Oswald and the Marguerite Oswald impostor during the summer and fall of 1956. We know this because Robert opened up a bank account and gave 4936 Collinwood as his home address
(Newly discovered document above courtesy of Dr. James Norwood.)
Many of the entries on this document are attributable to HARVEY Oswald (not LEE Oswald). For example:
1. In Box 1 the original name given and entered was "HARVEY LEE OSWALD." The original name of HARVEY LEE OSWALD was erased and replaced with the name LEE HARVEY OSWALD. When this was done, and who authorized this change, is unknown.
2. Box 52 (a). In response to the question "Are your parents living?" HARVEY Oswald said no! (Why? At the end of WW2 thousands of orphan children were brought to the USA. One of these orphans was given the name "HARVEY Oswald," and placed with a caretaker (the short, heavy Marguerite Oswald impostor). Even though HARVEY Oswald said his parents were listed as "not living" (Box 52), the name "Marguerite Claverie Oswald, address of 4936 Collinwood, appears in Box 54 (name and address of mother). But the tall, nice looking, well dressed Marguerite Claverie Oswald, mother of LEE Oswald, was living at 3830 W. 6th St. The woman living at 4936 Collinwood was the short, heavy, Marguerite Oswald impostor, caretaker of HARVEY Oswald.
3. Box 52 (b). In response to the question "Are they divorced or separated?" HARVEY said no! (It is doubtful that HARVEY Oswald knew the family and marital background of LEE Oswald's mother, Marguerite Claverie Oswald who, by the year 1956, had been married and divorced twice. During the 10 years that HARVEY lived with the Marguerite Oswald impostor this woman was never married, never divorced, nor was involved in a relationship).
4. Box 53. The name of Robert E. Lee Oswald, DECEASED, was handwritten (not typed) as the father of Lee Harvey Oswald. When and by whom the name Robert E. Lee Oswald was handwritten on this document is unknown.
5. Box 56. The name of John Edward Pic (stepbrother) is listed as "First Beneficiary." Marine recruit HARVEY Oswald could not list the beneficiary as the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald, because this woman was not his mother. Instead, HARVEY Oswald listed the beneficiary as John Edward Pic, his "stepbrother" (HARVEY and John Pic were not biologically related). However, if this Marine recruit had been LEE Oswald, he would have listed the beneficiary as either Marguerite Claverie Oswald (mother) or John Edward Pic (half-brother). The name "John Edward Pic" as beneficiary also raises another question. For the past six months HARVEY Oswald had been living at 4936 Collinwood, in Fort Worth, with the Marguerite Oswald impostor and Robert Oswald. Why didn't HARVEY Oswald list his supposedly full brother, Robert, as beneficiary? Because HARVEY and Robert were not related.
6. Box 23 reads "I desire to enlist in the (USMC) for 3yrs". However, if we look carefully we can see the original type read "(24 Mos AD) - 24 months active duty.
7. The information on the medical record shown below was provided by HARVEY Oswald when interviewed on October 24, 1956. Oswald advised that he had a mastoidectomy in 1945 and was hospitalized for two weeks.
The information on the two USMC enlistment records and the medical record was provided by HARVEY Oswald when interviewed on October 24, 1956. Both records were dated October 24, 1956, and signed by Oswald. HARVEY Oswald advised that in 1945, when he was 6 years old, a mastoidectomy was performed followed by two weeks of hospitalization. HARVEY Oswald had a mastoidectomy in 1945. LEE Oswald had a mastoidectomy in 1946 at Harris Hospital in Ft. Worth in 1946.
LEE Harvey Oswald--Marine Corps enlistment
LEE Harvey Oswald (enhanced)
In 1997 I met with Frank DiBenedetto, LEE Oswald's supervisor at Tujague's in 1955-1956. Frank told the HSCA that Oswald worked for Tujague's "a year to a year and a half." After Mr. Tujague died, Frank purchased the company and in 1997 was in the same office in the Sanlin Building in New Orleans where he and Oswald worked in 1955-56. Frank told me that Oswald was his height, about 5 ft 11 inch, and quit Tujague's in the late summer of 1956 "to join the Marines." LEE Oswald's brother, Robert Oswald, was 5 ft 11 1/2 inch and weighed 150 lbs. In September, 1959 LEE Oswald's height and weight were listed as 5 ft 11 inch and 150 pounds on his Marine Corps discharge papers. LEE Oswald's height, from 1956 thru 1959 was 5 ft 11 inch. LEE Oswald and brother Robert Oswald are nearly identical in height and weight. An interesting thing happened when the Warren Commission showed Oswald's aunt copies of memoirs handwritten by LEE Oswald from Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans. Mrs. Murret answered, "I couldn't swear that was his writing... I think he was left-handed."
LEE Oswald, HARVEY Oswald, and Allen Felde--October, 1956 thru September, 1957
Lee HARVEY Oswald, Platoon 2060--1956
From Dallas to San Diego for basic training
At 6:05 PM on October 24, 1956 HARVEY Oswald and three other Marine recruits (Donald Gerald Davis, Pleas George Scott, Donald Melvin Elam) boarded an American Airlines flight to San Diego and arrived at 11:45 PM. Oswald, the 2 young men from Dallas, and a young man from Wisconsin named Allen R. Felde were assigned to Platoon 2060.
Allen Felde told the FBI that in November and December, 1956, and January, 1957, he and Lee HARVEY Oswald were in basic training.
Google Maps
There are no documents or witnesses that reported contact with LEE Oswald in boot camp or infantry training in 1956 or 1957. There is, however, a report that in October, 1956 LEE Oswald was assigned to the Marine Corps Air Facility at El Toro, California, 7 miles southeast of Santa Ana and 45 miles north of San Diego. At the same time HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were in San Diego. Another report places (LEE) Oswald at the Marine Corps Air Base in El Toro, California in June, 1956. Sgt. Wallace Ransberger met LEE Oswald and said he was either a Private 1st Class or a Private. Ransberger said that Oswald's duties were to furnish repair parts for vehicles and generators to a unit to which Oswald was assigned. A year later Ransberger was associated with (LEE) Oswald in Atsugi, Japan.
January, 1957--HARVEY Oswald, Allen Felde and LEE Oswald at Camp Pendleton, California
In January, 1957, after boot camp, Allen Felde told the FBI that he and HARVEY Oswald were transferred to Camp Pendleton for infantry training which lasted until May, 1957. Oswald and Felde shared a tent together with 6 other marine recruits. HARVEY Oswald wrote in his biography (underlined in red) that he was at Camp Pendleton until May, 1957. Felde told the FBI that Oswald continually discussed politics, championed the cause of the working man, and was "left-winged." From October, 1956 thru May, 1957 Felde and HARVEY Oswald were together for 26 weeks.
In early 1957 Sergeant Donald Goodwin supervised a 20 man communications group in the 5th Marine division at Camp Pendleton, one of whom was Private 1st Class LEE Oswald. Goodwin said that LEE Oswald was a radio communicator, but could not remember if he was a "CW operator" or "voice communicator." Goodwin also recalled that Oswald either owned an automobile or had the use of an automobile, and spent a great deal of time and effort reupholstering this vehicle. While HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were in infantry training at Camp Pendleton, Private First Class LEE Oswald was a radio communicator at the large jet base in El Toro.
March-April 1957--HARVEY Oswald a Camp Pendleton, California; LEE Oswald at Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville, Florida
While HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were stationed at Camp Pendleton in California (January--May, 1957), LEE Oswald began attending Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville, Florida on March 25, 1957. He graduated on May 2, 1957 and was ranked 46 in a class of 54 marines.
May thru June, 1957--LEE Oswald and Felde in Jacksonville, Florida; LEE Oswald in Biloxi,Mississippi
Allen Felde told the FBI that in May, 1957 he and HARVEY Oswald left Camp Pendleton, California. They were assigned to the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida and attended A&P classes (Airframe and Powerplant) in May and June, 1957. HARVEY Oswald wrote in his biography that he was in Jacksonville, Florida in May and June, 1957 (above, underlined in blue). Marine Corps Unit Diary #104-57 (pp 719, 724) 102-528 (pp 720, 721) confirm that on May 2, 1957 Felde and Oswald were at the Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville, Florida.NOTE: Information contained in Marine Corps Unit Diaries are the names of marines, their rank and serial numbers at a particular location on a daily basis. Marine Corps Diaries that listed the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" were withheld from the public until 1997
HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde left Camp Pendleton and arrived in Jacksonville, Florida on May 2, 1957. The next day, May 3, 1957, LEE Oswald boarded a train in Jacksonville, Florida en route to Biloxi, Mississippi. Sgt. Daniel Patrick Powers supervised a group of 6 marines that included himself, Edward J. Bandoni, James M. Brereton, Donald P. Camarata, Martin E. Shrand, and LEE Oswald. The group arrived in Biloxi on May 4th.
In the photo above, LEE Oswald is in the second row, far left side
In May and June, 1957, while HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were at the Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville, Florida, the group of 6 marines attended radar school in Biloxi, Mississippi from May 4 to June 18, 1957. Above is their graduation photo taken on June 18, 1957, with the 6 marines dressed in fatigues standing on either side of Air Force personnel in dress uniforms. LEE Oswald then took leave from the marines from June 20-June 30, 1957. His leave was remembered by Marguerite Claverie Oswald's neighbor, Lee McCracken, who lived at 3830 W. 6th in Ft. Worth.
On July 1, 1957 the group of 6 marines (including LEE Oswald) departed Biloxi and arrived at the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro, California. Sgt. Powers said they were supposed to report for duty on or before July 12. LEE Oswald reported for duty on July 9, was given a medical examination, and listed his mothers address as 3038 W. 6th St. in Fort Worth, Texas. The following day he was issued an immunization certificate (July 10, 1957) and once again listed his mother's address as 3830 W. 6th St. in Fort Worth.
On July 1, 1957 the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor moved from 4936 Collinwood (Fort Worth) to 1031 W. 5th (Fort Worth) without paying her past due utility bills. Mrs. James Taylor, her former landlady, visited her at 1031 W. 5th and presented her with the utility bills. The short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor refused to pay the past due bills--just like she had done in New Orleans when she moved out of 126 Exchange Place. It is important to know and remember there is no record of employment for the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor in Fort Worth from June, 1956 thru August, 1957. Her last known address in Ft. Worth, in July and August, 1957, was 1031 W. 5th. In September, 1957, the Marguerite Oswald impostor left Fort Worth, and moved to the upscale Hotel Senator in New Orleans.
In June, 1957 HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde completed classes at the Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville (May/June, 1957). In July they were transferred to the Naval Air Technical Training Center in Millington, Tennessee (Memphis), a 3000 acre facility with 13,000 personnel. They attended courses in aviation electronics, and may have attended courses in radar.
August, 1957
On August 21, 1957, while HARVEY Oswald was at the Naval Air Station in Memphis, the group of 6 marines from the radar school (including LEE Oswald) boarded the USS Bexar in San Diego, CA. The next day the ship left San Diego en route to Japan. When the ship stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii LEE Oswald mailed a postcard to his mother who lived at 3038 W. 5th in Ft. Worth.
LEE Oswald
HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde remained at the Naval Air Training Center in Memphis until September, 1957. Felde was then transferred to Opa Locka, Florida, where the CIA managed logistics for propaganda, psychological warfare, sabotage, and Cuban rebel forces. Allen Felde's 10 month association with Harvey Oswald, and their assignments together in San Diego, Camp Pendleton, Jacksonville, and the Naval Air Technical Training Center in Millington, Tennessee conflicted with the whereabouts of LEE Oswald at the same time.
NOTE: The marines who attended Aviation Electronics School in Memphis, TN in July, August and September, 1957 with Oswald (HARVEY) and Felde, are very important, but unknown to researchers and never mentioned by the FBI, SS, Warren Commission, HSCA, or ARRB. Allen Felde's 11-month association with HARVEY Oswald clearly conflicts with the known whereabouts of LEE Oswald during the same time period.
By closely following the movements and whereabouts of HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde from October, 1956 thru September, 1957 we now realize there was no time for HARVEY Oswald to have attended radar school in Biloxi. Yet we know that HARVEY Oswald worked in a radar bubble for 10 months with Nelson Delgado at MACS 9 at Santa Ana, CA. from October, 1958 through August, 1959. Therefore, HARVEY Oswald must have attended radar school, but when, and where?
In 1998 researcher William Weston interviewed former Marine Sherman Cooley who said that he, Daniel Powers, and Nelson Delgado were in platoon 1068, and that LEE Oswald was either in platoon 1069 or 1070. This is very, very significant, because HARVEY Oswald was in platoon 2060 and his photo appeared in the Platoon 2060 book along with Allen Felde and Marine recruits who accompanied HARVEY from Dallas to San Diego.
NOTE: It would be helpful to locate Marine Corps yearbooks for the year 1957 for platoons 1069 and 1070, and look for a photo of LEE Oswald.Cooley explained that Marines from platoons in the "1000" series (1001 to 1999) attended radar school a week or two before or a week or two after Marines from platoons in the "2000" series (2001 to 2999). We know that LEE Oswald (platoon 1069 or 1070), Powers & Delgado (platoon 1068) attended radar school in Biloxi from May 4-June 18, 1957. Therefore, if HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde (Platoon 2060) attended radar school in Biloxi, then it was a week or two before May 4 or a week or two after June 18.This could explain why there are conflicting entries in records related to radar school and class at Keesler.
The Folsom Exhibit No.1, published by the Warren Commission, shows the class for course 27330 at Biloxi radar school convened on April 24, 1957. However, on April 24 LEE Oswald was not in Biloxi, Mississippi. LEE Oswald was attending Aviation Fundamentals School in Jacksonville, Florida and graduated on May 2, 1957. After completing school LEE Oswald boarded a train in Jacksonville, Florida on May 3 and arrived in Biloxi, Mississippi on May 4.
An FBI teletype states that Lee Harvey Oswald graduated from radar school on May 27, 1957 with 4 other marines. But LEE Oswald graduated from radar school on May 18 and was on leave thru June 30. It is possible that HARVEY Oswald and Felde began attending radar school in Biloxi on April 24, 1957, instead of attending A&P school as reported by Allen Felde. It is also possible that HARVEY Oswald and Felde graduated from radar school on May 27, as stated in the FBI teletype.
HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald both attended radar school, and the Folsom Exhibit #1 and the FBI teletype may provide the dates as to when HARVEY Oswald attended. LEE Oswald was assigned to the Shipping & Receiving Section, Keesler AFB. But the school record published by the Warren Commission shows that Oswald was assigned to the 1st Armor Amphibian Company, USMCR, Gulfport, MS. In response to a 1987 FOIA request filed by Emory Brown, Jr. the Marine Corps advised that Oswald's attachment to the Armor Company was "administrative in nature" and only for record purposes. They further advised that Armor Company only maintained records for their own personnel. In other words, a Marine or Marines (HARVEY Oswald) attached to Armor Company could attend radar school in Biloxi or anywhere, but their school records (HARVEY Oswald) would be held and maintained only by the USMCR in Gulfport, MS. Therefore, both LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald could have attended radar school in Biloxi, but Marine Corps records would show that only ONE "Lee Harvey Oswald" attended radar school.
September, 1957--LEE Oswald in Japan
On August 22, 1957 LEE Oswald boarded the USS Bexar en route to Japan. The ship stopped in Honolulu for one day and LEE Oswald mailed a post card to his tall, nice-looking mother, addressed to 3830 W. 6th in Fort Worth. LEE Oswald wrote, "Well, only one day here but I have been having a lot of fun, 12 more days at sea to Japan. Love, LEE." The post card was mailed on August 31, 1957 from Honolulu. During the 3 week voyage Sgt. Powers and LEE Oswald often spent hours and hours together playing chess. Warren Commission attorney Jenner asked Powers if Oswald studied Russian, had sympathy for communist principles or Marxist doctrines, or listened to classical music. Powers replied "No" to all of these questions. The USS Bexar arrived in Japan on Sept 12, 1957 where LEE Oswald was assigned to MACS I.
3830 W. 6th, Fort Worth, Texas
NOTE: Lee Oswald's tall, nice-looking mother lived in apt. #3 of a small, 4-unit apartment building at 3830 W. 6th in Fort Worth, adjacent to Lee McCracken who lived in apartment #2. McCracken told the FBI that Lee Oswald visited his tall, nice-looking mother at the apartment during two or three military leaves (Marine Corps records show Oswald took leave in February 1957, June 1957, and November/December 1958)In 1995 I met and spoke with Zack Stout, who was living in El Dorado, KS. Zack was a fellow Marine who remembered the day that LEE Oswald arrived in Japan. He and Oswald became close friends and worked together every day for the next 10 months either in the radar bubble in Atsugi, the Philippines, Subic Bay, aboard ship, and were sometimes together while on liberty. LEE was assigned a bunk on the first level of barracks #5, a large two-story wood frame building that housed 72 men. Oswald slept on the upper bunk that he shared with Robert Augg, who slept on the lower bunk. I asked Zack if Oswald spoke or practiced speaking Russian in Japan. Zack answered, "Where do people come up with these stupid ideas. That's ridiculous. No, he never spoke Russian or had a Russian book or a Russian newspaper. If he had any of those things, all of us would have known about it."
Zack Stout
Another Marine who knew LEE Oswald in Japan was Richard Bullock. Bullock remembered that "Ozzie" was not in the radar section, but was a radio communicator. Some of you may recall that Sergeant Donald Goodwyn, who knew LEE Oswald at Camp Pendleton, also remembered that the Oswald he knew was a radio communicator.
Richard Bullock
I spoke with Mr. Bullock several times, for several hours, on the telephone. Bullock knew LEE Oswald as "Ozzie" and said, "He was NOT the guy I saw in the picture on TV shot by Jack Ruby." Bullock looked at a color mug shot of Lee Harvey Oswald taken shortly after he was taken into custody by the police and said, "It looks nothing like him. That's not the man I knew. The man I knew was 30-40 pounds heavier and 3-4 inches taller than the man accused of killing President Kennedy." Click here to see researcher William Kelley's meeting Mr. Bullock.
Sept. 1956--HARVEY Oswald at Arlington Heights High School in Fort Worth
1957--LEE Oswald in the USMC
1958--LEE Oswald on USMC leave photographed by Robert Oswald
Nov. 1963--HARVEY Oswald in police custody
The first photo on the left, above, is of HARVEY Oswald one month before he joined the marines. HARVEY went thru boot camp, basic training at Camp Pendleton, California, A&P school in Jacksonville, and courses at the Naval Technical Center in Millington, Tennessee. The 2nd photo of the tall husky, well-built LEE Oswald was taken by his friend George Wilkins shortly after he arrived in Japan. LEE was in Japan, the South China Sea, the Philippines, and returned to the United States on November 3, 1958. After taking leave in December, 1958 LEE Oswald was assigned to the Marine Corps Air Facility at El Toro, California. The 3rd photo is of LEE Oswald, taken by his brother Robert in 1958. From late October, 1958 to September, 1959 HARVEY (4th photo) was assigned to the lighter than air facility at Santa Ana, California.
On October 27, 1957, only 6 weeks after arriving in Japan, LEE Oswald accidentally shot himself in his left arm. Richard Cyr was standing about 15 yards from the barracks and heard what sounded like a gunshot inside the building. I met with Mr. Cyr at his home in Rhode Island and we discussed his memories of LEE Oswald. Cyr said that after hearing a gunshot he and other marines ran into the barracks and found LEE Oswald sitting on his locker with a nickel-plated derringer laying nearby on the floor. Oswald, with little emotion, said "It seems as though I've shot myself." LEE Oswald was taken to the US Navy Hospital in nearby Yokosuka where a navy surgeon closed his wound and allowed the slug, which lay just below the surface on the back side of Oswald's upper left arm, to remain in his arm. A week later the doctor made an incision on the back side of Oswald's left arm, removed the slug, and closed the wound with stitches. The shooting resulted in 2 scars in LEE Oswald's left arm above his elbow. However, in 1963 neither of these scars were noted by Dr. Earl Rose, who performed the autopsy on HARVEY Oswald after he was killed by Jack Ruby in 1963. HARVEY did not have scars on his upper left arm from a gunshot wound. LEE Oswald had these scars. Numerous scars on the body of LEE Oswald were not found on the body of HARVEY Oswald during autopsy.
The Marines who knew the tall, husky LEE Oswald said that he never talked about communism, was not interested in politics, never studied or spoke a foreign language, occasionally got into fights, and was always drinking. Peter Cassisi said that Oswald came back from leave several times completely drunk, and Jerry Pitts recalled one night when Oswald was passed out drunk in the parking lot next to the barracks. Pitts, along with Pete Connor, said that LEE Oswald hated the name "Harv" or "Harvey" and would fight anyone who persisted in calling him by either of these names." Three years earlier, in Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans, HARVEY Oswald told his homeroom teacher to always call him HARVEY. LEE Oswald wanted to be called "LEE." HARVEY Oswald wanted to be called "HARVEY."
October, 1957--HARVEY Oswald and the short, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" impostor in New Orleans
After attending the Naval Technical Training Center in Tennessee, HARVEY Oswald left the marines and soon moved in with the Marguerite Oswald impostor at the upscale Hotel Senator in New Orleans. Paul Fiorello began working at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory as a delivery boy in the spring of 1956 (a job he held until 1966). Paul told me, "About a year to a year and a half after I started working at Pfisterer's (which would equate to the summer or fall of 1957), Lee Harvey Oswald was hired."
Eighteen year old Palmer McBride was working in the dental lab as a messenger. He remembered when (HARVEY) Oswald was hired, and the two teenagers soon became close friends. He and Oswald were together on October 4, 1957 when the USSR launched "Sputnik," the first satellite into orbit. A month later, on November 3, 1957 the USSR launched a second rocket that carried a dog named "Laika" into space. Oswald told McBride that the Russians' successful space launches were proof of the superiority of the communist system. McBride responded by saying that he felt the US should place more emphasis on our space program. McBride said that he and Oswald discussed "recent Russian space successes and the possibility of war." The two young men were constantly discussing Russia and communism. Pfisterer office worker Amelda Smith told the FBI that she remembered that Oswald and McBride often discussed, and argued, the merits of communism.
McBride liked to visit the Opera House in New Orleans, where his father worked part time. On one occasion McBride and Oswald attended the opera "Boris Godounov." During the 1950s "Boris Godounov" played only twice in New Orleans, on October 10 and 12th, 1957.
Recent image of Hotel Sentator (long 3-story building on left) where HARVEY Oswald
lived when he worked at Pfisterer Dental Lab, the 2-story yellow building
at right, in 1957-1958 (Google)
HARVEY Oswald and Palmer McBride
attended this production
In the French Quarter the streets are very narrow. The Hotel Senator was directly across the street from Pfisterer's, less than 50 feet from the dental lab. McBride said that Oswald lived with his mother on the second floor of the Hotel Senator and every day Oswald would go home for lunch. On one occasion Oswald took McBride to his apartment and showed him "Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto," books in which McBride had no interest. Oswald introduced McBride to his mother, who soon left and told the boys she was going to the grocery store. McBride described Oswald's mother as "short, heavy-set, grey-haired, and not very friendly." McBride said that he invited Oswald to his home to listen to classical music on two or three occasions. McBride told me and JFK researcher William Weston that he was amazed that (HARVEY) Oswald and his mother could afford to live in such nice accommodations.
In November and December, 1957, while LEE Oswald was aboard the USS Terrell County on maneuvers in the Philippines and the south China Sea, HARVEY Oswald and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor were living at the Hotel Senator in the French Quarter. HARVEY was working across the street at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory with Palmer McBride.November, December, 1957
Marguerite Oswald (4th from left)
at Pauls Shoe Store during Christmas, 1957
Close-up of Marguerite Claverie
Oswald from the photo at left
Marguerite Oswald Imposter
Circa 1960
In November and December, 1957 LEE Oswald's tall, nice-looking mother was living in apartment #3 at 3830 W. 6th in Fort Worth and working at Paul's Shoe Store. During the Christmas holidays a group photo was taken of store employees. In the middle of this group (photo on left) is LEE Oswald's mother--the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Claverie Oswald who always worked in clothing and shoe stores. When this photo is compared with a photo of the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor (3rd phoo), anyone can see that their appearance, height, and weight are very different. These photos of two different women, both using the name Marguerite Oswald, are one of the most important "smoking guns" in understanding the teenage years of HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald.
In 1996 I showed McBride two photographs of Marguerite Oswald: 1) The short, dumpy, heavy-set, "Marguerite Oswald" imposter sitting in the living room of the apartment at 126 Exchange (circa 1954); 2) The tall, nice-looking, well-dressed Marguerite Oswald in Paul's Shoe Store (Christmas, 1957). McBride had no trouble identifying the photograph of the short, dumpy, heavy-set woman sitting in the chair as the woman HARVEY Oswald introduced to him as his mother in 1957. But when I asked Palmer if he recognized the woman in the second photograph (the tall, nice looking, well dressed Marguerite Claverie Oswald), Palmer said that he did not recognize her.
Marguerite Oswald impostor, circa 1954
Marguerite Claverie Oswald, mother of LEE Harvey Oswald,
Christmas, 1957
FOLLOWING AND UNDERSTANDING THE MARGUERITE OSWALD IMPOSTOR: One of the most noticeable features that distinguishes these two women is their eyebrows. The eyebrows of the Marguerite Oswald impostor, on the left, are angled sharply downward at a 45 degree angle. The eyebrows of Marguerite Claverie Oswald are nearly horizontal. In July, 1957 the short, heavy-set impostor moved from 4936 Collinwood to 1031 W 5th in Fort Worth. Two months later, in September, 1957, she moved to New Orleans, and resided with HARVEY in a small apartment on the second floor of the Hotel Senator.
1957-1958--New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association
By early 1958 Palmer McBride had been attending bi-monthly meetings of the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association for three years, most recently at the home of Walter Gehrke, who lived at 208 Hector Avenue in nearby Metairie, Louisiana. McBride told the FBI, "In early 1958 I took Oswald with me to a meeting of the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association at the home of Walter Gehrke ..... " When interviewed by the FBI Gehrke confirmed McBride's memory of his meeting Oswald in 1958. Gehrke told the FBI, "None of the meetings of the NOAAA were held at my house until about 1958." Gehrke's statement meant that McBride and HARVEY Oswald could not have attended a NOAAA meeting at his house any time prior to 1958. Ralph Hartwell, Palmer McBride, William Wulf and Walter Gehrke's statements leave no doubt that HARVEY Oswald attended a meeting of the NOAAA at Gehrke's home in early 1958.
January, 1958. James Harrison Vance was Palmer McBride's best friend and a member of the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association (NOAAA). On one occasion McBride asked Vance if he would work in his place at the Pfisterer Dental Lab, which Vance agreed to do. When the two young men arrived at the lab, McBride introduced Vance to (HARVEY) Oswald. A few days later, on January 31, 1958, the (NOAAA) held a special meeting at Vance's house when the first US satellite was placed in orbit aboard Explorer I, launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 9:38 pm (CST).
Ralph Hartwell was vice-president of the NOAAA in 1955, when meetings were held at the Cunningham Observatory, and in 1956 when meetings were held at De La Salle High School. On December 18, 1956 Hartwell joined the Air Force and left New Orleans, but corresponded with members of the NOAAA via voice tape recordings. Hartwell told the FBI that while he was in the Air Force, he heard that Oswald either became a member or had attended meetings of the NOAAA. Hartwell remembered that Palmer McBride and William Wulf had dealings with Oswald.
NOTE: In early 1958, while HARVEY Oswald was working at the dental lab, palling around with McBride, and getting acquainted with members of the astronomy association, LEE Oswald was in the South China Sea. On January 22, 1958 LEE Oswald left Subic Bay (Philippines) aboard an LST (Landing Ship Tank) en route to Corregidor, a distance of 40 miles. In Corregidor, Zack Stout, George Wilkins, Bobby Warren, and LEE Oswald spent countless off-duty hours exploring caves, tunnels and old battle sites from WWII. Oswald took numerous color photographs of Stout, Wilkins, Warren and fellow Marines that are now located in the National Archives. I showed Mr. Stout these photos and he identified most of his fellow marines.
In the late winter/spring of 1958 McBride took HARVEY Oswald with him to William Wulf's house. Wulf remembered, "He (McBride) brought Oswald over to my house one evening about 10:30 pm or so. We got into a very long conversation that lasted maybe until 3:00 am, about 2:30, 3:00 in the morning." A couple of weeks later McBride and Oswald returned to Wulf's house for a second visit. Wulf recalled, "The second time I met him (HARVEY Oswald) was under the same circumstances, this boy (McBride) brought him (Oswald) over. And we had another long conversation and this time I was interested in history, etc., and he brought up, I don't know how we got around to it, communism and he started bringing up his association, he believed in Marxism, Lenin, the Lenin theory, and that he would, he advocated this. He even mentioned that he had tried to join a cell of the communist party in New Orleans. And he couldn't find any apparently .... We got into a discussion on communism and he was very vehement about it. And my father, this was about two or three o'clock in the morning and we ended up waking my father up and he came back and he heard the conversation, my father had enough of communism when he was in World War I on the German side and when he got out the Social Communist revolt was going on in Germany .... He was not the man to accept someone else's views especially when this boy at his age was very antagonistic to anyone who didn't believe his way. So my father literally threw him out." This was Oswald's second and last visit to Wulf's house and the only occasion during which Wulf's father saw HARVEY Oswald.
In the spring of 1958 Palmer McBride and HARVEY Oswald continued to deliver the finished products of the Pfisterer Dental Lab to local dentists, and continued to discuss astronomy and argue about communism. McBride recalled that he and Oswald also spent a lot of time talking about a new novel by Boris Pasternak, Dr. Zhivago. This novel was first published in the U.S. in 1958, and earned Pasternak the Nobel Prize for literature.
IMPORTANT: McBride and Oswald could not have discussed Dr. Zhivago in 1956, the year during which the Warren Commission said Oswald worked at Pfisterer's, because Dr. Zhivago was not published in the United States until 1958.McBride and Oswald continued their friendship thru the spring of 1958 and occasionally double-dated. On one occasion, when McBride, Oswald, and their dates attended a movie, Oswald began to talk about communism. The young girl with Oswald became so annoyed that she ended the date early and left. After this incident McBride and Oswald's friendship began to cool and they saw less and less of each other after work.
In May, 1958 HARVEY Oswald told McBride that he was moving to Fort Worth with his mother, where he had a job selling shoes. When I asked McBride to pinpoint the date of Oswald's departure he said, "I joined the Air Force reserves on August 15, 1958 and Oswald quit approximately two months earlier." It appears that HARVEY Oswald and his caretaker/mother left New Orleans sometime in June, 1958, and returned to Fort Worth, Texas.
3006 Bristol Road, Fort Worth, Texas
On July 29, 1958 the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor opened a bank account at the First National Bank of Fort Worth, and gave her address as 3006 Bristol Road. HARVEY Oswald, who was living with his caretaker/mother, wrote a letter to the dental lab and said that he had a job in Fort Worth selling shoes. The letter was read aloud to McBride and to the delivery boys by office manager Earl Williamson.
On November 22, 1963, Palmer McBride was in the US Air Force and stationed at Patrick Air Force Base in Cape Canaveral, Florida. After learning that Lee HARVEY Oswald had been arrested in Dallas, and was charged with murdering the President, McBride contacted officers from the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). McBride told officers at the OSI that he had worked with Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans, LA, in 1957 and 1958. The OSI contacted the FBI, and then sent the following memo to FBI headquarters, Dallas, and New Orleans. The next business day (Monday) FBI agents arrived at the dental laboratory and began interviewing the owners and employees of the company.Palmer McBride--November 22, 1963
The OSI officer who interviewed McBride wrote, in his own handwriting, what McBride said about his knowledge and friendship with Lee HARVEY Oswald while working with him at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in 1957-58. The FBI obtained the OSI officer's handwritten interview of McBride and prepared a 4 page typewritten transcript which was given to the Warren Commission, identified as CE 1386, and published in the 26 volumes.
This 4-page document, CE 1386, was well known to the FBI and to the Warren Commission. This document, and the resulting testimony from Palmer McBride and other employees from the dental lab, would have shown that Lee HARVEY Oswald was working at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans in 1957-1958 while at the same time LEE Harvey Oswald was in Japan and on maneuvers in the Philippines and the South China Sea. In 1996 l travelled to California and met McBride at his home in Sun Valley. McBride had recently retired from a 30 year career working for NASA. It didn't take long to realize that McBride was very intelligent and possessed a superb memory. He remembered dates, times and places from the 1950's and 1960's better than I could remember events from last year. In 1997 I brought Palmer to a Dallas conference on the JFK assassination, where he talked about working with Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957 and 1958.
HARVEY Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
McBride told the OSI that he met Oswald while working at the dental lab in the fall of 1957 and had worked with him until June of 1958. When high level FBI officials realized that Marine Corps records showed that "LEE Harvey Oswald" was in Japan from September 1957 thru November 1958, they knew this was a serious problem that could expose the two Oswald's. Quite simply, one "Lee Harvey Oswald" could not have been working in New Orleans and in the Marine Corps in Japan at the same time, and certainly not for 8 months. The following business day, Monday, November 25, 1963, FBI agents were sent to the Pfisterer Dental Lab and confiscated all employment records, interviewed the owners and 10 employees. They told each and every employee in the dental lab, and the owners of the lab, not to discuss the case among themselves or with anyone. James Harrison Vance, who knew HARVEY Oswald from both the dental lab and the astronomy association, was interviewed at length by the FBI. Vance said, "they really shook me up." Employees and owners of the dental lab, and members of the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association who knew HARVEY Oswald in the fall of 1957 and the winter/spring of 1958, were very important witnesses. But their statements and knowledge of HARVEY Oswald in New Orleans in 1957-1958 could never be made public. This is why Palmer McBride was never questioned by the FBI or the Warren Commission.
In 1997 Palmer and I were together for a JFK conference in Dallas. Palmer telephoned his old friend James Harrison Vance, who was then living in Mexico. They talked about their adventures in New Orleans and their memories of Oswald. Palmer also renewed his acquaintance with Walter Gehrke, who was living in Denver. Palmer asked Gehrke if he had any records from their NOAAA meetings in the 1950's. Gehrke did not have any records, but still remembered the day when McBride brought Oswald to an association meeting at his (Gehrke's) home in early 1958. Presiding over the January, 1958 meeting at Gehrke's house was McBride's good friend, William E. Wulf, a student at Cor Jesu High School in the 11th grade. Gehrke recalled that Oswald praised communism and recent Russian space successes, much to the dismay of association members. McBride recalled the members were so annoyed with Oswald's pro-communist talk that Wulf finally told Oswald, "If you like Russia so damn much why don't you just go over there." This was the first and only time that HARVEY Oswald attended an NOAAA meeting, and it occurred at Gehrke's home in early 1958, while LEE Oswald was on maneuvers in the South China Sea.William Wulf and Harvey Oswald
I first spoke with William Wulf via telephone in November, 1993. I asked Wulf the year that he met Oswald. Wulf thought for a minute and said, "It was either late 1957 or early 1958." I then asked him if he remembered telling the Warren Commission he had met Oswald in 1955. Wulf replied, "I don't remember telling them that, but it's possible." Wulf never understood why he was called to testify instead of McBride. Wulf said, "McBride worked with Oswald every day for 8 months at the dental lab, but I barely knew Oswald. Why did they interview me instead of interviewing Palmer?" Wulf and McBride discussed this topic on several occasions, and they always wondered why the Warren Commission interviewed him instead of McBride. The Warren Commission, and later the HSCA and the ARRB, never interviewed Palmer McBride, William Wulf, members of the astronomy association, or any of the employees or owners of the Pfisterer Dental Lab, and today we know why.
In 1996, I met William Wulf for lunch in his home town of Slidell, LA. Wulf worked as a computer systems analyst. Wulf said, "I was just a kid and was so overwhelmed by the events and testifying before those people (Warren Commission) that I didn't remember much. The one thing I do remember is that it seemed to me they were mostly interested in what Oswald had to say about communism and my father kicking him out of our house." I asked Mr. Wulf to pinpoint the date of his first meeting with Oswald by listing his years of attendance in junior high and high school and then relating those years to his association with the NOAAA. Wulf wrote on a napkin the years of his junior high school attendance and his sophomore year at De La Salle High School (1955-56 ). He then recalled that he had missed the entire 1956-57 school year due to an illness. Wulf said, "When I returned to school I began my junior year at Cor Jesu (high school), in the fall of 1957, and again attended meetings of the astronomy club. I met Oswald sometime after Christmas, 1957, probably in early January. 1958. I met him for the first time at Walter Gehrke's house when he was with McBride." This meeting occurred in early January, 1958, and was the only time that HARVEY Oswald visited Gehrke's house or attended a NOAAA astronomy meeting. However, it was not the last time that Oswald and Wulf would meet.
November 23-25, 1963--the FBI begins a coverup
HARVEY Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental in New Orleans for 8 months, while LEE Oswald was in Japan, is the key to understanding HARVEY Oswald, LEE Oswald, and their involvement in the assassination of President Kennedy and the murder of DPD Officer J. D. Tippit. If we understand who was responsible for creating HARVEY and LEE then we will know who was responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy.
We are now able to conclude, with a reasonable amount of certainty, that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover knew about HARVEY and LEE Oswald before November 22, 1963, and he knew about each of their backgrounds. Hoover was prepared. On November 22, 1963 Hoover knew where to send his agents and he knew which records and documents needed to be seized. Hoover also knew, or was told on November 22, that the American public could never be told about the two Oswalds or the CIA's "Oswald project". The FBI's first priority was to locate and seize records that would show LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald in different places at the same time. This is the reason they seized records from Tujague's within hours of the assassination, from Striping Junior High the next morning, from the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory on Monday. Within the next 3 days Oswald's Minox spy camera became a "light meter," LEE Oswald's driver's license and file disappeared from the Texas Dept. of Public Safety, school records were seized in NYC, New Orleans, Ft. Worth. The FBI fabricated W-2 forms to change the dates of Oswald's employment in 1955 and 1956. Hundreds of items of evidence were fabricated, altered, or manipulated. The FBI then gave photographs of this so-called "evidence" to the Warren Commission so they could piece together documents and establish a timeline and historical background for one fictitious "Lee Harvey Oswald." All the Commission had to do was follow the FBI's so-called "evidence" and conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President Kennedy. Within 72 hours the FBI had "officially" solved the case and issued a written report. A few of the unanswered questions are: (1) When did Hoover first learn about HARVEY and LEE (2) How did Hoover acquire detailed biographical information about HARVEY and LEE prior to 11/22/63 (3) On November 22, 1963 who, if anyone, directed Hoover to seize and destroy all records relating to a 2nd Oswald?
On Monday morning, 11/25/63, FBI agents arrived at the Pfisterer Dental Lab. The agents took the owners and employees of the company, one by one, into a private room and told them they were not to discuss the “Oswald matter” among themselves or with anyone. The agents then took all records and files relating to Oswald and left the building. These records would prove that HARVEY Oswald was working in New Orleans in 1957 and 1958 while at the same time LEE Oswald was in the Marine Corps in Japan. All of the files from the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory disappeared and were never seen again. More FBI Coverup.
The FBI was sent Palmer McBride's statement by the USAF Office of Special Investigations. McBride's statement clearly said that Oswald lived at the Hotel Senator in New Orleans in 1957 and 1968. When FBI agents were sent to the Hotel Senator, they specifically requested records as to Marguerite and LHO's presence at this hotel in 1955 and 1956. They did not request information for the years 1957 and 1958, as reported by McBride. No records were found, which allowed the FBI to report that the Oswalds never lived at the Hotel Senator. More FBI Coverup.
During the next three days, the FBI fabricated a 1956 W-2 form in an attempt to show that one person, "Lee Harvey Oswald," worked at Pfisterer's in the year 1956, rather than 1957 and 1958. This fictitious form was placed among Oswald's possessions at FBI headquarters and returned to the Dallas Police on November 26, 1963. The FBI photographed this fictitious form and gave a photograph to the Warren Commission. More FBI Coverup.
The FBI gave only one document to the Warren Commission to show that Oswald worked at Pfisterer's. This document was a black and white photograph of a 1956 W-2 form that was fabricated by the FBI. The FBI provided no verifiable documentation whatsoever to show that Oswald worked for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in 1956.
The Warren Commission, however, with no verifiable documentation and no dates of Oswald's employment at the dental lab, reported that "Lee Harvey Oswald" quit work at J.R. Michels and then worked at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory “for several months thereafter...." More FBI Coverup.
The day after the assassination Oswald's personal possessions from his room at 1026 N. Beckley and Ruth Paine's home in Irving were confiscated by the Dallas Police. Each and every item was dated, initialled and inventoried by police detectives, and then photographed on the floor at Dallas Police Headquarters. The following day these 225 items were secretly sent to FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. Three days later the FBI returned these 225 items, and an additional 230 hundred items, to the Dallas Police. The fabricated W-2 forms for Dolly Shoe, Tujague's, J.R. Michels, and Pfisterers were created by the FBI and were among the 230 additional items the FBI returned to the Dallas Police. The FBI wants us, and the public, to believe these fabricated W-2 forms for the year 1956 were given to 16 year old Oswald, kept by him in pristine condition for the next 7 years, and found by the Dallas Police among his possessions in 1963. However, not one of these W-2 forms were initialled or dated by Dallas Police detectives, none were listed on the inventory of items confiscated from either 1026 N. Beckley or Ruth Paine's home in Irving, and none were photographed by the Dallas police on the evening of November 22. The only initials on these W-2 forms were those of FBI document examiner Robert Frazier. Each and every one of these W-2 forms were fabricated by the FBI, for the express purpose of merging the background and employment of HARVEY and LEE into one person--"Lee Harvey Oswald." None of these W-2 forms were ever verified or matched with state or federal tax records, never verified or matched with Social Security Administration records, and these original fabricated W-2 forms disappeared--only black and white photographs remain at the National Archives. Black and white photographs of the W-2 forms were sent to the Dallas Police on November 25, and were to be listed by the Dallas Police as Oswald's possessions. I sent a copy of each of these W-2 forms to the archivist at the IBM Corporation. The archivist said that all of these W-2 forms were typed with the same typewriter. These W-2 forms are fabrications, created by the FBI in an attempt to merge the teenage employment and school history for both HARVEY and LEE into one fictitious "Lee Harvey Oswald."
Fabricating and destroying Government Records
HARVEY Oswald's employment at Dolly Shoe, Tujague's, J.R. Michaels, Pfisterer's and the Marine Corps (Dept. of the Navy) required that payroll taxes were withheld and sent to the Internal Revenue Service and to the Louisiana Department of Revenue. Deductions were made from Oswald's payroll checks and sent to the Social Security Administration, while numerous records were prepared and sent to the Internal Revenue Service and to the Louisiana Department of Revenue. These records could have confirmed Oswald's beginning and ending dates of employment with each and every company where he worked as a teenager. The FBI, Warren Commission, the HSCA and the ARRB could have requested these records from federal and state governments, but they didn't. Why Not? Because these records would expose two Lee Harvey Oswald's and two Marguerite Oswalds. For example, tax records would show that while HARVEY Oswald was working at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in New Orleans for 8 months, LEE Oswald was in the Marine Corps in Japan. These records could never be given to the Warren Commission, and could never be made public. Within days of President Kennedy's assassination all of Oswald's original employment records as a teenager were confiscated by the FBI, and nearly all of the original records disappeared. Only black and white photographs of a few questionable records remain at the National Archives. But what about income tax reports and records sent to the Internal Revenue Service and to the Louisiana Department of Revenue? What about payments to the Social Security administration and their records? Surely these government records would remain intact.
After Oswald's death on November 24, 1963 his widow, Marina, applied for "survivors benefits" from Social Security. According to the Social Security Administration, Marina was entitled to benefits based upon her husband's life-time earnings, calculated as though he had reached full retirement age.
Marina was entitled to receive benefits based upon her husband's average lifetime earnings. However, unknown to Marina, Oswald's records at the Social Security Administration had been altered. There was no record of Oswald's employment in the 1950's--no record of his employment or earnings at Dolly Shoe, Tujague's, Pfisterer's, J. R. Michaels or 3 years in the Marine Corps. Why? Why were there no records for Oswald's employment for over 5 years in the 1950's ?? Because these social security records would show LEE Oswald's year long employment at Tujague's in 1955 and 1956, while HARVEY Oswald was attending Warren Easton High School. These records would show LEE Oswald's employment in the Marine Corps in 1957, 1958, and 1959, while at the same time HARVEY Oswald was employed for 8 months at the Pfisterer Dental lab in New Orleans.
Social Security records for Oswald's employment in the 1950's had to disappear, and they did disappear. Oswald's first year of employment, according to social security records, was in 1962, after he returned from the Soviet Union. When Marina applied for social security benefits, the only years of employment found in social security records for Oswald were 1962 and 1963. What we are seeing here is the government covering up government records.
A month later, after receiving a completed "Application for Survivors Insurance Benefits" filled out by "Marina M. Oswald," the social security office in Dallas had completed a "Determination of Award" form. Below is the first part of that form:
William B. Reily & Co.
Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, Inc.
Leslie Welding
Texas Book Depository
Grand Total
The amount shown under the heading "Total Earnings" is, according to the Social Security Administration, Oswald's total earnings from 1951 (First Base Year or Starting Date) through 1963 (Last Base Year or Closing Date). At the time of his death, Social Security records for Lee Harvey Oswald were safely tucked away in their files from the date of Oswald's first employment in 1955 (Dolly Shoe) to his last employment in November, 1963 (TSBD). Monies were withheld from Oswald's earnings and, along with his employer's contribution, were paid into his account at the Social Security Administration by Dolly Shoe (1955), Tujague's (1955-56), J.R. Michaels (1956), the Pfisterer Dental Lab (1957-58), and 3 years in the Marines (Dept. of the Navy-1957 thru 1959). However, the only contributions to Social Security that were used to calculate the Determination of Award for Oswald's widow, Marina, were those made in 1962-1963 (see above). Why?
How could anyone explain Lee Harvey Oswald's 1957-1958 income for 8 months at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans while at the same time Oswald's 1957-1958 income for 8 months of service in the USMC in Japan?
If the Warren Commission, the HSCA, or the ARRB wanted the names of all of Oswald's employers, and a fact based accounting of his earnings, contributions to Social Security, and dates of his employment, they could have requested his records and file from the Social Security Administration. However, if Oswald's original, unredacted records ever became public, or known to the public, they would show that payments and contributions were made by employers of both LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald to the Social Security Administration at the same time. How to explain contributions to Social Security from the Dept of the Navy (1956 thru 1959) while at the same time contributions were made by the Pfisterer Dental Lab in New Orleans for eight months (1957-1958)? This was the reason neither the Warren Commission, the HSCA, or the ARRB requested such documentation.
The lack of information relating to Oswald's teenage employment, including the dates and income earned in 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959, came to the attention of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). On May 15, 1978 Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, requested from the Social Security Administration "access to all files and documents concerning or referring to Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald." On July 28 the Social Security Administration responded to Mr. Blakey's request and provided dozens of documents, but not a single document relating to Oswald's Social Security file or his employment in 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, or 1959.
The Social Security Administration did, however, somehow acquire and provide documents that were not in their files. They provided (see item #23) "Copies of three pages of the Warren Commission Report re employment of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to service in the Marine Corps." In 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, and 1959 monies were withheld from both LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald's earnings and, along with employer contributions, were sent to Social Security. If original Social Security records were given to the Warren Commission and/or to the HSCA it would be impossible to explain how HARVEY Oswald could work for Dolly Shoe while at the same time LEE Oswald was attending Beauregard Junior High School (winter/spring, 1955). Original Social Security records would show LEE Oswald working at Tujague's from June, 1955 thru August, 1956, while at the same time HARVEY Oswald was attending Warren Easton High School (Sept/Oct, 1956), working for J.R. Michaels (January, 1956) and, according to the Warren Commission, working for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in the "spring of 1956." Original Social Security records would show LEE Oswald in the Marine Corps (Japan) in 1957-1958, while at the same time HARVEY Oswald was working at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans (October, 1957-June, 1958).
Robert Blakey, and the HSCA, did not pursue their request for "access to all files and documents concerning or referring to Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald".... documents that would show HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald in different places at the same time. Blakey and the HSCA also failed to request access to documents on another issue, concerning the whereabouts of both HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald in September, 1958.... documents that would show HARVEY Oswald in Taiwan while at the same time LEE Oswald was in the hospital in Atsugi, Japan. People in both the Warren Commission and the HSCA knew enough about HARVEY and LEE to avoid any investigation into Oswald's teenage employment and employers.
The FBI gave the Warren Commission a copy of their report of Palmer McBride's interview with the OSI, which the Commission identified as CE 1386 and published in the 26 volumes. The Commission quickly realized that Lee HARVEY Oswald, living in New Orleans in 1957 and 1958 while working at the Pfisterer Dental Lab, was a serious problem and could not be ignored. The Commission knew they could never interview Palmer McBride or Pfisterer employees or owners of the company, because these people knew or could quickly find out the years that Oswald worked at the dental lab. And if McBride were interviewed he would provide the names of Pfisterer Dental Lab owners and employees, members of the New Orleans Amateur Astronomy Association (NOAAA), NOAAA records, William Wulf's father, and friends who would confirm that HARVEY Oswald lived in New Orleans in 1957-58.
Warren Commission coverup of HARVEY Oswald at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957-1958
The Warren Commission was never serious about finding the exact dates of Oswald's employment at the dental lab. They could have requested copies of his employment application, his W-4 form, W-2 forms, time cards, payroll records, and cancelled checks from the dental lab. They could have requested payroll tax records from the Louisiana Department of Revenue, federal payroll tax records from the IRS, and Social Security Administration records. The Warren Commission could have easily determined the beginning and ending dates of Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental lab, Tujague's, J.R. Michels, and Dolly Shoe. But these records would expose the two Oswalds.
Someone at the Warren Commission, or perhaps someone in the FBI, decided to solve this problem by creating the illusion that Oswald worked at the dental lab BEFORE he joined the Marines in October, 1956. The FBI had given the Commission a black and white photograph of the fabricated 1956 W-2 form for the Pfisterer Dental Lab. The Commission now had a document that showed Oswald worked at the dental lab in 1956. The Commission then needed to find a witness to interview who could confirm that Oswald worked at the dental lab. Someone who knew Oswald on a casual basis. From McBride's FBI interview the Commission learned that his friend, William Wulf had met Oswald. The Commission also knew that the years 1957 and 1958, as reported by McBride, had to be changed. The year of Oswald's employment at Pfisterer had to match the year 1956 as shown on the Pfisterer W-2 form. The Warren Commission avoided Pfisterer's, and their lack of action demonstrates that one or more people within the Commission knew there was a serious problem that had to be avoided. The Commission had to find a way to report HARVEY Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer dental lab, but not during the years 1957 and 1958, because at this time LEE Oswald was in the Marines in Japan. Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler was chosen to "fix" this problem.
Liebeler devised a clever way to deal with and "fix" the 1957 and 1958 problem. In his opening statement to William Wulf, Liebeler said, "We want to inquire of you concerning possible knowledge that you have of Lee Harvey Oswald during the time that he lived in New Orleans during the period 1954—55. Before we get into the details of that, however, would you state your full name for the record." Wulf replied, "My name Is William Eugene WuIf. No junior." Liebeler intentionally and dishonestly established, for the Commission's records, that Wulf knew Oswald in 1954-55 instead of 1957-1958 as reported by McBride. When Liebeler asked Wulf if he knew Oswald in 1955, Wulf replied "1955, yes. But it is sketchy." I really cannot say for sure. I could get it (the date) from the Astronomy Club's records." But no one from the Commission asked for the NOAAA records. In fact, the Commission never asked for any documents or records whatsoever that would have established the dates of Oswald's employment at the dental lab. During most of the interview Liebeler focused attention on Oswald's interest in communism. Warren Commission cover up.
NOTE: Warren Commission supporters reject Wulf's claims that he met Oswald in 1958. They point to Wulf's Warren Commission testimony, wherein he surmised that he may have met Oswald in 1955, but said the date "was sketchy." But they have not spoken with Wulf, never allowed Wulf to reconstruct his school years, nor realized that Warren Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler elicited testimony from Wulf with a leading and improper question. Wulf told me, "I was just a kid, and didn't think it mattered whether I met Oswald in 1955 or 1958." The important questions, asked by Wulf and numerous researchers but ignored by Warren Commission supporters is, "Why did the Commission fail to ask for the Pfisterer or the NOAAA records? Why did they fail to request Oswald's state and federal income tax returns, state and federal tax payments, and contributions to social security? Why were neither Vance, Hartwell, McBride or Gehrke interviewed by the Warren Commission, the HSCA in 1978, or the ARRB in 1996?" Because their testimony and the Pfisterer/NOAAA records would have confirmed that all of these young men met and knew HARVEY Oswald in early 1958 in New Orleans, when LEE Oswald was in the Marines and on maneuvers in the South China Sea. If anyone wants to know more about meeting and sharing time with HARVEY Oswald in early 1958, just to talk to them--they were there. In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and provided them with the names of Palmer McBride, William Wulf, and Linda Faircloth (President of Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans). I wrote a short synopsis of their statements and requested they interview these people for the historical record. McBride's name appears on internal ARRB memos but neither he, Wulf, nor Faircloth were contacted. The ARRB's reluctance to contact these people followed the all too familiar pattern of the FBI, Warren Commission, and HSCA, who ignored troublesome witnesses. More government sponsored coverup.It is worth remembering that the Warren Commission collected documentation, time cards, and interviewed the owners of Dolly Shoe, the Gerard F. Tujague Company, and J.R. Michaels. But the Warren Commission never interviewed the owners of Pfisterer's nor did the Commission request or obtain a single document relating to the date of Oswald's employment at Pfisterer's. Why not? Because the only documents, the only tax reports, the only social security records, and the only person who was a close personal friend HARVEY Oswald at the dental lab, Palmer McBride, would have testified that Oswald was living in New Orleans and working at the dental lab for 8 to 9 months in 1957 and 1958.
We now understand why and how the dates of Oswald's employment at Tujague's and Pfisterer's were changed, and why some of his early school records in New York City had to disappear. And we are now able to understand the true meaning of a memo that Commission attorney Albert Jenner wrote to General Counsel J. Lee Rankin. On April 10, 1964. Jenner wrote, "My purpose was to obtain a chronology...of the life, school, places of residence, etc.--of Mrs. Oswald, her several marriages, her husbands and her three children and, in particular, Lee Harvey Oswald.... Our depositions and examination of records and other data disclose that there are details in Mr. Ely's memoranda which will require material alteration and in some instances omission." Material alteration and omission. The instructions of the Warren Commission's General Counsel were clear--certain background information on Oswald and his mother had to be altered and omitted.
We now know that much of the background information on "Lee Harvey Oswald" was altered and omitted. The most obvious omission and alteration were Oswald's dates of employment with Tujague's in 1955-1956 and with the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in 1957 and 1958. The Warren Commission provides a good example of this on page 680 of the Warren Report. The Commission, with only a photograph of a fabricated 1956 W-2 form from the Pfisterer Dental Lab, wrote, "In January (1956) he (Oswald) worked briefly as an office boy for J.R. Michaels, Inc. For several months thereafter, he was a messenger for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory." That's all. Nothing more. Not a single date of employment, not a single document, not a single witness (excluding Palmer McBride) to show the years that Oswald worked at Pfisterer's. No proof whatsoever. Oswald's employment record for 1956, as presented by the WC, is a complete and pure fabrication of the historical record. The year(s) of Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental Lab(1957/1958) had to be changed to the year 1956 for the Warren Commission's historical record, because without this change there was no possible way to explain LEE Oswald in the Marines in Japan and the South China Sea (1957-58) while HARVEY Oswald was working at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in New Orleans (Oct, 1957 thru Spring, 1958). It is now obvious that at least one or more members of the Warren Commission (most certainly former CIA Director Allen Dulles) knew about HARVEY Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957-58, and were co-conspirators in covering up the existence of HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald. What the Warren Commission wrote in their final report is proof of their collusion in covering up HARVEY and LEE.
In 1997 I contacted the then current president of the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory, located in Metairie, LA. Linda Faircloth told me that Pfisterer's was now a nationwide company and held annual meetings of company Presidents. A few years earlier Mz. Faircloth had been chosen as speaker to prepare a talk and discussion at the annual meeting of her company. Her subject of choice was Lee HARVEY Oswald, who she learned had worked for the Pfisterer Dental Lab in New Orleans in 1957-1958.
Linda Faircloth, President of the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory
Click here to see 1997 interview of Linda Faircloth
Spring, 1958--LEE Oswald still on maneuvers in the Philippines
In January, 1958 LEE Oswald was in the Philippines and Corregidor, involved with setting up mobile radar stations.
On March 7, 1958 LEE Oswald and his unit left Corregidor (Philippines) aboard the LST USS Wexford County (LST 1168) for Subic Bay. Ten days later, on March 18, they returned to Japan.
On April 11, LEE Oswald was court-martialed and found guilty of possessing an unauthorized weapon.
Closeup of the "PROSTHESIS REQUIRED" field from record above
On May 5, 1958 LEE Oswald visited the base dentist. It should be remembered that LEE Oswald's friend, Ed Voebel, told the Warren Commission that Oswald lost a tooth after fighting with Johnny Neumeyer in October, 1954. After LEE Oswald reached biological adulthood (age 18) he was likely examined and given dental impressions that were sent to a dental lab where a bridge was constructed. Dental prosthesis devices replace or repair missing or damaged teeth. While waiting for the bridge to be made, he would likely have been fitted with a temporary denture that would replicate his missing front tooth. Either a denture or a bridge could have been damaged or loosened that prompted his visit to the dentist. It appears that LEE Oswald had either a dental bridge or a denture fitted in order to replicate a damaged or missing front tooth. On LEE Oswald's dental chart there is a note that states, "Prothesis, FAILED." A "dental prosthesis" is an item made in a dental laboratory that is used to reconstruct defects such as missing teeth, missing parts of teeth, and missing soft or hard structures of the jaw and palate. This note indicates that a previously installed prosthesis, either a laboratory made dental bridge with porcelain tooth, or a denture (unlikely), was no longer properly attached. A dental bridge (prosthesis), in this case, would be used to replicate LEE Oswald's front tooth that was damaged or broken or knocked out (during LEE's fight with Johnny Neumeyer in Oct, 1954, as described by Ed Voebel).
LEE Oswald--1955 Beauregard Junior High missing front teeth
LEE Oswald--1957 Japan
Damage to LEE Oswald's front teeth can be seen in a photo taken by Ed Voebel in October, 1954 in Helen Dufour's English class at Beauregard Junior High. This photograph appears to show that he is missing one or more front teeth (photo above). Voebel, who was Oswald's best friend in the Spring semester at Beauregard Junior High (New Orleans), told the WC that Oswald lost a tooth as a result of the fight. The photo above (right side) was taken of LEE Oswald 3 years later in Atsugi, Japan, in 1958, and shows discoloration and an unnatural and irregular appearance of his upper front teeth.
NOTE: In 1995 I spoke with John Neumeyer, who was then living in Las Vegas, for several hours about Oswald and Beauregard Junior High. Mr. Neumeyer is a successful entrepreneur in the design and development of upscale restaurants. I asked Neumeyer if he knocked out Oswald's front tooth, but said that he could not say for sure. The next day I tried to locate Ed Voebel, and ask him if he was certain that LEE Oswald lost a tooth in his fight with Neumeyer. I telephoned Quality Florists in New Orleans, a long time family business owned by Voebel's parents. Voebel's sister answered the phone and we spoke for over an hour. She explained that one evening, in 1971, her brother Edward called home, said he was in the hospital, and would return home the following morning. The next morning Ed Voebel was dead, but from unknown causes. Voebel's sister told me that her father was convinced that his son's death had something to do with his friendship with Oswald. She then told me something that she did not understand. Voebel's sister said that news of her brother's death appeared in the local newspaper, but the paper reported that he died in the Memorial Hospital. She said this was not correct. Her brother had not died in the Memorial Hospital. Her brother died, at age 31, at the Oschner Clinic. Dr. Alton Ochsner was a fervent anti-communist and a CIA asset.
HARVEY Oswald--autopsy 1981 with natural front teeth
In June, 1958 HARVEY Oswald and his caretaker left New Orleans and moved to 3006 Bristol Road in Fort Worth. In early September, 1958 HARVEY Oswald was in Yokosuka, Japan, and beginning the process of assuming the identity of LEE Harvey Oswald. It was important to establish and show that HARVEY Oswald was in Japan and the South China Sea. On September 14, HARVEY was aboard the USS Skagit en route to Taiwan, accompanied by a group of Marines who were not from Atsugi, and did not know LEE Oswald. However, Marines aboard the USS Skagit would be able to confirm they had been with HARVEY Oswald in the South China Sea and in Taiwan. The Marine Corps Unit Diary 151-58 (744), shows that Lee HARVEY Oswald departed Yokosuka on September 14, en route to Taiwan.
HARVEY Oswald in Yokosuka, Japan
One member of this new group of Marines was William K. Trail, who accompanied HARVEY Oswald and later served with him at MACS 9 in Santa Ana, California. HARVEY Oswald arrived in Taiwan on September 30 and was soon observed by Lt. John Donovan taking photos of troop deployments, fighter aircraft, ammunition bunkers and F-86 aircraft. Lt. Donovan would later become HARVEY Oswald's immediate superior at MACS 9 in Santa Ana, CA. The thought occurred to me that Oswald may have been taking these photos in preparation for his upcoming "defection" to the Soviet Union. This may or may not have been the reason Oswald took the photos, but after President Kennedy's assassination many of these photos, taken in Taiwan by HARVEY Oswald, were found among his possessions by the Dallas Police. On the evening of October 4, three weeks after arriving in Taiwan, HARVEY Oswald was on guard duty. Lt. Charles Rhodes heard four or five rifle shots, ran outside and found HARVEY Oswald slumped against a tree, shaking, and crying while holding his rifle. Oswald kept saying that he just couldn't bear to be on guard duty. Rhodes reported the incident to his commanding officer and two days later Oswald was sent on an 800 mile trip back to Japan. Marine Corps Unit Diary 158-58 lists Oswald in Ping Tung, Taiwan on October 6.
HARVEY Oswald was in Taiwan from September 14 to October 6. Following his "defection" to the Soviet Union, HARVEY Oswald discussed his assignment in Taiwan with reporter Priscilla Johnson, who wrote news articles about Oswald and his "defection." A naval message of November 4, 1959 reported that Oswald served with Marine Air Control Squadrons in Taiwan. In 1964 the Warren Commission received a memorandum from the Assistant General Counsel for the Department of Defense that stated Oswald had been stationed in Ping Tung, Taiwan.
HARVEY Oswald Departed for Taiwan Aboard the
USS Skagit (AKA 105) on Sept. 14, 1958.
Note "AKA 105" Under "Record of Events" near top left above
Unit Diary shows HARVEY Oswald was
in Ping Tung, Taiwan, on Oct. 6, 1958
With HARVEY Oswald aboard, the USS Skagit departed
Yokosuka, Japan bound for Taiwan on Sept. 14, 1958
A Naval Message Dated November 4, 1959, also Confirms
HARVEY Oswald was Stationed in Taiwan.
Photo taken in Taiwan that was found among Harvey Oswald's possessions.
While HARVEY Oswald was in Taiwan (September 14 through October 6), LEE Oswald was in Japan (September 16 through October 6). We know this because medical records for NAS Navy 3835 (Naval Hospital) show numerous entries for visits to the hospital by LEE Oswald which were recorded on Sept 16, 20, 22, 23, 29, and October 6. HARVEY Oswald in Taiwan, while LEE Oswald made numerous visits to the Naval Hospital, is documented placement of two "Oswald's" in different places at the same time.
A year later, when in Moscow, HARVEY Oswald was interviewed by UPI (United Press International) reporter Ailene Mosby. Oswald told Mosby that he had been in Formosa (Taiwan), and described his thoughts about American technicians instructing the Chinese military on the use of large guns.
While HARVEY Oswald was in Taiwan, LEE Oswald was being treated for a Venereal
Disease in Atsugi, Japan, more than One Thousand Four Hundred Miles Away.
Following his return from Taiwan to Japan on October 6, 1958 HARVEY Oswald was sent to a Marine Squadron at Iwakuni, a Marine air base 400 miles southwest of Tokyo. Owen Dejanovich, who first met HARVEY Oswald at radar school in Biloxi, Mississippi, spent time with him at Iwakuni. Dejanovich thought that Oswald had grown bitter toward the Marines and recalled seeing him occasionally talking to a Eurasian girl.
We know that after returning to Japan from Taiwan HARVEY Oswald was in Iwakuni in early October. In Iwakuni HARVEY Oswald met up with Owen Dejanovich, who said that he attended radar school with (HARVEY) Oswald. The Marine Corps Unit Diaries show Dejanovich together with Sherman Cooley (platoon 1068) in radar school in Biloxi. Readers may remember that Cooley told researcher William Weston that platoons in the "1000" series attended radar school either a week before or a week after Marines in the "2000" platoon series. This is the first Marine who said that he attended radar school with (HARVEY) Oswald. If Dejanovich was correct, it would mean that both LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald did attend radar school at Biloxi, but with different class schedules. Once again, this could be the reason for several overlapping discrepancies in the Warren Volumes concerning the radar school at Biloxi.
The following day, October 7, 1958, LEE Oswald was admitted to the Naval hospital in Atsugi and on October 10 he had a colon examination for rectal bleeding. LEE was discharged from the hospital on October 13, but returned on October 16th and 27th to have vaccinations that were required before returning to the US. In other words, while HARVEY was at Iwakuni, LEE was over 400 miles away at the Naval hospital in Atsugi.
HARVEY Oswald departed Iwakuni and returned to the United States in October, but the location of his departure, the name of the vessel, and the date of his departure is unknown. During the last half of October, 1958, HARVEY Oswald was assigned to the Marine Corps Air Facility (MACS 9) in Santa Ana, California, a lighter than air base (helicopters) and was home to 600 Marines. Nelson Delgado worked in a radar bubble at MACS 9 with 5 enlisted men, and 3 officers. Delgado told the Warren Commission, "I didn't take no particular notice of him at the time, but later on we had--we started talking, and we got to know each other quite well. This is all before Christmas [1958], before I took my leave.... At the time he was--he was commenting on the fight that Castro was having at Sierra Madres... [Castro, however, had ended the fighting in the Sierra Madre mountains several months earlier, on August 21, 1958]. When I went on leave, it just so happened that my leave coincided with the first of January, when Castro took over. So when I got back, he was the first one to see me, and he said, 'Well, you took a leave and went there and helped them, and they all took over.' It was a big joke."
Sergeant Erwin Lewis told the Warren Commission that Oswald transferred to MACS 9 in either October or November, 1958. Lewis said, "It was a matter of common knowledge that Oswald could read, write, and speak Russian. Read, write, and speak Russian?? This young man, HARVEY Oswald, was certainly not the same Marine who served with Richard Bullock, Zack Stout, Bobby Warren, George Wilkins, and other Marines in the South China Sea. Zack Stout said, "No, he never spoke Russian or had a Russian book or a Russian newspaper. If he had any of those things, all of us would have known about it." Richard Bullock said, "He was NOT the guy I saw in the picture on TV shot by Jack Ruby....It looks nothing like him. That's not the man I knew. The man I knew was 30-40 pounds heavier and 3-4 inches taller than the man accused of killing President Kennedy."
On October 29, 1958 Marine Corps medical records confirm that HARVEY Oswald was at the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana, California. But on October 29 LEE Oswald was still in Japan, preparing for his return to the USA. On October 29, 1958, with LEE Oswald still in Japan, Marine Corps medical records that show HARVEY Oswald was in California. Four days later, on November 2, LEE Oswald boarded the USS Barrett in Yokosuka, Japan. Thirteen days later the ship arrived in San Francisco, and LEE Oswald took leave, while HARVEY Oswald was stationed in Santa Ana, California.
NOTE: In California LEE Oswald was assigned to the 3rd Marine Air Wing at the large jet base (5000-6000 Marines) in El Toro, CA. HARVEY Oswald was assigned to the much smaller light than air facility at Santa Ana, with 600 Marines.
Late 1958--HARVEY Oswald assumes the identity of LEE Oswald.
HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald's activities in the far east ended in October, 1958. In late October HARVEY Oswald returned to the United States and was assigned to MACS 9 at the small Marine Corps Air facility in Santa Ana, California. LEE Oswald left Japan on November 3 en route to San Francisco. In mid-December, after a two week military leave, LEE Oswald was briefly assigned to the large Marine Corps jet base in El Toro, California. HARVEY Oswald, in Santa Ana, began promoting himself as a supporter of all things Russian. But where did he learn Russian? Not in Japan. Nobody in Japan heard LEE Oswald speak Russian, listen to Russian records, or receive Russian newspapers. LEE Oswald never spoke Russian, but HARVEY Oswald knew the Russian language from childhood. Ask any supporter of the Warren Commission to explain and identify when and where Oswald learned to speak, read, and write Russian before he "defected" to Russia. You will never get an honest answer.
After the assassination, the FBI focused their attention on Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald, the man accused of assassinating President Kennedy, and avoided people who knew the taller, huskier, LEE Oswald. They intentionally avoided interviewing Marines who knew the tall, husky LEE Oswald in Japan. On November 27, only four days after the assassination, the FBI send a teletype to agents that read, "the Bureau did not consider it plausible to identify and interview military personnel who served with Oswald during 1958 (this would conflict with HARVEY Oswald living and working in New Orleans at the Pfisterer Dental Lab)." The Marines in Japan (except those stationed at Iwakuni) knew the tall, husky LEE Oswald, but never met the short, thin, Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald. This FBI teletype shows that certain top level FBI officials knew about the two Oswalds and wanted to avoid interviewing Marines who served with the tall, husky LEE Oswald in Japan. I would like to point out that not a single Marine who knew the tall, husky LEE Oswald in Japan was stationed in Santa Ana with Russian speaking HARVEY Oswald.
Author Edward Epstein interviewed over 100 marines who knew the tall, husky, LEE Oswald in Japan. Epstein's interviews and historical records were placed in "special collections" at Georgetown University. I was told they were not available to the public, but contacted Georgetown with the hope that I could obtain copies or read these interviews. After several inquiries I was notified that all of these records had "disappeared."
1958--the Marguerite Oswald impostor assumes the identity of Marguerite Claverie Oswald
From 1956 thru 1958. LEE Oswald's tall, nice-looking mother lived in apartment #3 at 3830 W. 6th in Fort Worth. She worked at Clyde Campbell's Men's Store, the City of Fort Worth, Paul's Shoe Store, Family Publications, and Cox's Department Store. In 1959 Marguerite Claverie Oswald left Ft. Worth, returned to New Orleans, and continued her usual occupation of working in up-scale clothing stores. Mrs. Logan Magruder, who had known Marguerite for nearly 20 years, saw her at Krieger's Dept. store. Mrs. Oris Duane, who had known Marguerite since 1943, saw and spoke with her at Goldrings Dept Store. Top level FBI officials knew this woman was not the short, heavy-set caretaker of HARVEY Oswald. This explains why FBI never interviewed co-workers or employers of Marguerite Claverie Oswald when she worked in Fort Worth from 1956 thru 1958, or in New Orleans from 1959 thru 1961 when she worked for Goldrings, Kreigers, and Holmes Dept Stores. This why the FBI never obtained any employment information, W-4 forms, W-2 forms, payroll records, employment applications or anything from these companies. The FBI could not interview anyone or gather records from any employer who knew the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Claverie Oswald. The FBI's failure to interview these people and their companies is confirmation they were aware of two "Lee Harvey Oswald's." The FBI focused their attention and interviews on people who knew the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor, the caretaker of HARVEY Oswald.
NOTE: We now understand why the tax returns for Marguerite Oswald have never been released.
By the end of October, 1958 LEE Oswald and HARVEY Oswald had "switched" identities. In California HARVEY Oswald assumed the identity of LEE Harvey Oswald and began promoting himself as a Russian speaking supporter of communism. LEE Oswald would leave the Marines and soon be seen in New Orleans, Key West, and Miami with an assortment of anti-Castro mercenaries. The short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald was now living in Fort Worth, where she began to assume the identity of the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Claverie Oswald. She began working for the King Candy Company, operating a candy booth in the Fair Ridglea Department store. On December 5 this impostor, who worked alone, claimed to have suffered a work-related injury when a jar of candy allegedly fell on her face and nose. There were no witnesses to the accident. The following day Dr. Milton N. Goldberg noted a small laceration on her nose with swelling. Two days later she returned for another examination. On December 29 she returned and complained of headaches and pains in her neck. Dr. Goldberg determined that she had suffered no partial or permanent disability. In January, 1959 she once again visited Dr. Milton Goldberg, and told him that her son "wanted to defect to Russia." This impostor, caretaker of HARVEY Oswald, was preparing for his upcoming "defection." From early 1959 onward, the only woman using the name "Marguerite Oswald" in and around Fort Worth was the short, heavy-set impostor. LEE Oswald's mother, Marguerite Claverie Oswald, had moved to New Orleans. Following the assassination of President Kennedy, the FBI, Dallas Police, Warren Commission, and many researchers sought out this woman for interviews, believing that she was the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald.
NOTE: Many people ask me if I have any idea as to the true identity of the Marguerite Oswald impostor. I don't know her true identity, but there was one piece of evidence that sparked my interest. The name Margaret Keating appears in New Orleans City Directories, telephone books, voter registration records, etc., from 1933 thru the early 1960's. In the 1956 New Orleans City Directory, which lists the names, addresses, and phone numbers for 1955, she is listed as "Margt. Oswald." This is the only occasion where the name "Margaret Keating" appears as Margt. Oswald. Who was Marg. Keating? She was the first wife of Robert E.L Oswald, father of LEE Oswald, and her photo has similar features to the Marguerite Oswald impostor. What intrigues me is that during the Spring and fall of 1955 LEE Oswald and his mother were living at 126 Exchange Place. The address of HARVEY Oswald and the Marguerite Oswald impostor, when they were working at Dolly Shoe, and HARVEY Oswald, when was attending Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955, are unknown. Yet the New Orleans City Directory listed the address of Margt. Oswald at 120 N. Telemachus. This address was just off of Canal Street, halfway between Beauregard Junior High and Warren Easton High School. It also intrigued me that shortly after President Kennedy was murdered, Margt. Keating vacated her home of 30 years on Telemachus St. and temporarily moved into an apartment on St. Charles Street, where she remained for the next two years. More research is needed.
Late 1958 to 1959--HARVEY Oswald in Santa Ana
In October and November, 1958, HARVEY Oswald was becoming very friendly with Sergeant Nelson Delgado at MACS 9 in Santa Ana, CA. Delgado told the Warren Commission that he and Oswald talked continuously about Castro, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Oswald showed Delgado a copy of Das Kapital, which was probably the same book that he had shown to Palmer McBride a year earlier in New Orleans. Delgado, Sergeant Erwin Lewis, Sergeant Camilous Brown, Buddy Simco, Mack Osborne, Neil Tessem, Henry Roussel, Robert Allen, and Paul Hickey all knew and associated with Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald in November and December, 1958--while at the same time LEE Oswald was either aboard ship en route to the USA (11/3/58 to 11/15/58) or on leave in Texas (LEE returned to El Toro on 12/22/58).
HARVEY Oswald, 1958
LEE Oswald, 1958, photo by
Robert Oswald
David Josephs enhanced the b&w image shown above right using Photoshop and new AI filters.
HARVEY Oswald at Santa Ana... LEE Oswald at El Toro....
On December 8, 1958, while on leave in Texas, LEE Oswald opened a bank account at the West Side State Bank in Fort Worth and listed his address as the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro. Robert and LEE went on a short hunting trip and Robert took a photo of the husky, well-built LEE Oswald that appears in Robert's book, LEE, on pages 96-97. LEE was briefly assigned to the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), El Toro, CA., a base for jet-aircraft that housed 5-7000 marines (7 miles southeast of Santa Ana, CA).
I hope that everyone understands that the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro (MCAS), and the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana (MCAF) are two very different bases and are 7 miles apart. LEE Oswald was assigned to MCAS 3 at the much larger Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro, CA, while HARVEY Oswald was assigned to MACS 9 at the much smaller Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana. LEE at MACS 3....HARVEY at MACS 9
In early 1959, after returning from leave, LEE Oswald was sent to the Lake Meade Marine base north of Las Vegas. One of the marines, Gerald Hansen, noticed that one of the supply clerks called out the name "HARVEY" to a marine who had the name Benjamin stencilled on his shirt. Hansen was curious and asked his sergeant why the man was using the name "Harvey" instead of Benjamin. Sergeant Ackerman replied that even though "Benjamin" was stencilled on this mans shirt he was using the name Harvey. Ackermen went on to explain that the man's real name was Oswald and he was from Texas.
On January 23, 1959 Marine Corps records show that LEE Oswald was at Vincent Air Force Base in Yuma, AZ--the same day that Nelson Delgado returned from leave and spoke with HARVEY Oswald about Castro's revolution in Cuba. Six weeks later in March, 1959, Allen Graf arrived at El Toro and soon became a close friend of LEE Oswald. Graf was Oswald's platoon sergeant and they spent a lot of time together and often went to the movies. Graf told Warren Commission attorney John Hart Ely that Oswald (LEE) never studied a foreign language and didn't speak Russian. Sgt. Graf gave Ely the names of several marines who knew and worked with LEE Oswald at El Toro, including John Castle, Raymond Glidden, James King, Abraham Rubenstein, Goutier, Herd, Maulden and Sawchuk. Ely's job at the WC was to gather background information on Oswald, but now he was puzzled because this was the first time that he heard the names of these marines.
After interviewing Allen Graf, Ely wrote a memo to his Warren Commission supervisor that read, "He [Graf] is equally clear that they were stationed together at El Toro and not at Santa Ana. They were, he says, stationed with Marine Wing Headquarters Group III, Airport Radar Team 1, and were not at the Lighter Than Air Station" [in Santa Ana, CA]....moreover, the names he [Graf] mentioned as having been in his unit are not those generally mentioned as having been in the unit after Oswald returned from Japan." The stories and memories of Marines who knew and worked with LEE Oswald at El Toro remain unknown, as do LEE Oswald's Marine Corps records from El Toro. Not one of these marines were interviewed by the FBI or the Warren Commission or the HSCA. The FBI and Warren Commission limited their investigation to Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald and Marines with whom he worked at the lighter than air facility in Santa Ana, CA.
In later life John Hart Ely was a professor of law at Havard, a professor of law at Yale, and dean of the law school at Stanford University. Ely was a brilliant lawyer, and was very close to discovering there were two "Lee Harvey Oswalds." If Ely had interviewed the Marines named by Sgt. Graf at El Toro, and if Ely had interviewed the Provost Marshall at El Toro, then he would have discovered that in the Spring of 1959 a marine named LEE Oswald was at the jet base in El Toro, while at the same time a marine named HARVEY Oswald was stationed at the lighter than air facility at Santa Ana, California.
In the spring of 1959 Major William P Gorsky was the Assistant Provost Marshall at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. According to Gorsky's files LEE Oswald had been arrested for hitchhiking and was discharged from the marines in March, 1959. Records of LEE Oswald's discharge in March, 1959!! What happened to these records? It should be remembered that, according to the Warren Commission, Oswald was discharged from the Marine Corps on Sept. 11, 1959, NOT half a year earlier, as the El Toro records apparently indicated. It should also be recalled that Oswald rather infamously worked in the radar bubble at MACS 9 in Santa Ana from October 1958 to August 1959, a period extending well before and well after the March 1959 El Toro discharge date. How can these dates be explained if there was only one Private Lee Harvey Oswald? Once again the FBI and Warren Commission avoided El Toro by failing to conduct a proper investigation and failing to obtain LEE Oswald's discharge papers or to interview Major Gorsky. The FBI and Warren Commission's refusal to investigate and interview Marines who served with LEE Oswald in Japan and marines who served with LEE Oswald in El Toro, is an absolute coverup.
After LEE Oswald was discharged, in March, 1959, he stayed away from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He was, however, seen in several locations on the east coast, including Coral Gables, Key West, New Orleans, and Cuba. His tall, nice-looking mother terminated her employment at Cox's Dept. Store in Ft. Worth and returned to New Orleans. From late 1958 through 1961 the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald worked in the ladies department at Goldrings and Holmes Department Stores and at Kriegers. Mrs. Logan Magruder, who knew the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald for over 20 years, saw and talked with her at Kreigers (circa 1959-60). Mrs. Oris Duane saw and spoke with Marguerite at Goldrings (circa 1960). Marguerite Claverie Oswald remained in New Orleans, undoubtedly changed her name, and never returned to Fort Worth.
In the spring of 1959 the only person serving in the Marine Corps in California, and using the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" was the short, thin, Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald. And he made sure that everyone knew about his interest and ability in the Russian language. He constantly spoke Russian, listened to Russian records, read Russian newspapers, and passed a Russian language exam in February, 1959. HARVEY Oswald's ability to read, write, and speak near-perfect Russian, without any formal training, is irrefutable. The multi-year preparations for Lee HARVEY Oswald's "defection" to Russia were now complete.
LEE Oswald's Photo (with altered hairline) Appeared on HARVEY Oswald's 1959 Passport
1959 Photo of HARVEY holding Cathy
During the spring and summer of 1959 HARVEY Oswald continued to promote communism and anything and everything Russian to fellow marines. On September 4, HARVEY Oswald applied for a passport in Santa Ana, California. On his passport application Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald listed Robert Edward Lee Oswald as his father and gave his birth date as 1908, when in fact the father was born in 1896. HARVEY Oswald listed Marguerite Claverie Oswald as his mother and gave her birth date as 1909, when the correct date was 1907. Robert Edward Lee Oswald and Marguerite Claverie were not HARVEY Oswald's parents, and he was not familiar with either of their backgrounds or their year of birth. HARVEY Oswald listed his date of departure from the United States as September 21 and his port of departure as New Orleans. HARVEY Oswald knew exactly where he was going and how he was going to get there even before he was discharged from the Marines. Only six days later (September 10) the passport was issued, but the photograph on this 1959 passport was of LEE Oswald and would be familiar to people who knew him from New Orleans and Fort Worth, Texas. When the photo of LEE Oswald on the 1959 passport is compared with a photo HARVEY Oswald, taken a week later holding Robert Oswald's daughter Cathy, it is easy to see these are two different people.
We believe that HARVEY Oswald was originally from Hungary, and he may still have had relatives living there. His handlers knew about his background and were likely concerned that when he arrived in Europe he might skip out and return to his relatives in his native Hungary. However, there was a statement in his passport that read: “This passport is not valid for travel in Hungary.”
DOD ID Card Given to HARVEY
Oswald on September 21, 1959
On September 11 HARVEY Oswald was given a Department of Defense photo ID card. Look at the photo on this card; it is a composite--the left half of the photo was of LEE Oswald, while the right half of the photo was of HARVEY Oswald. This allowed either HARVEY Oswald or LEE Oswald to use the ID card. I would like to point out that a nearly identical card was found on Richard Case Nagell in September, 1963--only 2 months before President Kennedy was assassinated.
Richard Case Nagell's Verson of the
"Oswald" ID Card with Different Picture
Richard Case Nagell was a former Army Intelligence officer and CIA agent. He heard rumors about the impending assassination of President Kennedy, and he wanted no part of it. Two months before the assassination Nagel walked into a bank in El Paso, TX, fired shots into the ceiling, and then walked outside and waited for police. He was arrested, charged with attempted bank robbery, and was in jail when President Kennedy was assassinated. It remains unknown why Nagell had a copy of Oswald's Department of Defense Card. But this Department of Defense card, and Nagel's knowledge of Oswald and the impending assassination of JFK, are all links to CIA involvement.
On September 20, 1959 Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald boarded the SS Marion Lykes in New Orleans en route to Europe. But where did Oswald get the money for this trip? The Warren Commission showed that Oswald earned over $3400 while in the marines and claimed that he could have used some of this money for his trip to the Soviet Union. But the Warren Commission never told the public that all marine personnel in Japan were paid in non-convertible military script that could only be used at the base commissary--they were never paid in cash. Where Oswald got the money to pay for his trip remains a mystery, but when he arrived in Europe he reported that he had $700 cash in his possession.
On October 8, 1959 Oswald arrived in France. The following day he arrived in England. One day later he arrived in Helsinki, Finland and quickly obtained a 6-day visa that allowed him to enter the Soviet Union. On October 16 HARVEY Oswald arrived in Moscow by train and was met by Intourist guide Rimma Shirakova. Rimma drove Oswald to the Hotel Berlin where he registered as a student and told Rimma that he didn't know a single word of Russian. Oswald then told Rimma that he wanted to apply for Russian citizenship, and she was shocked.
On October 21, as his VISA was about to expire, HARVEY Oswald met with an official with the Passport and Visa Department who advised him to "go home." That evening, in his hotel room, he cut his left wrist in a futile attempt at suicide. The doctor who examined HARVEY Oswald at Botkinskaya Hospital wrote, "A 'show' suicide,' since he was refused political asylum, which he had been demanding." After a few days in the hospital HARVEY Oswald was taken to the passport office on October 28. Three days later he attempted to renounce his US citizenship at the US Embassy, an incident that was soon reported in various newspapers in the US. The Fort Worth Star Telegram wrote about his "defection," but they published a photograph of LEE Oswald--not HARVEY. The photograph of LEE Oswald was necessary, because people who had grown up with LEE Oswald in Fort Worth would recognize LEE Oswald's photo, but they would not recognize a photo of the short, thin HARVEY Oswald.
For more about the manipulation of the 1959 "Defection" photos shown above, including their probable original source, click here.
The Fort Worth Star Telegram published this washed-out
photo of Lee Oswald when Harvey Oswald "defected."
The photo above was purchased by the author from Wide World Photos. The typed label indicates: "This is a retransmission of FW1 of Nov. 1 to provide better copy." Associated Press/Wide World Photos
If the higher quality "retransmitted" photo had been used by the
Star-Telegram, this is how the article would have appeared.
Composite Image of HARVEY
and LEE Oswald.
Separating the Composite Images, with Lee
on the Left, Harvey on the Right.
On November 16, 1959, the Fort Worth Press published an article about Oswald's "defection" and included a photograph--but this photograph was actually a composite of both HARVEY and LEE. Robert Oswald lived and worked in Fort Worth, but when reporters interviewed him and asked how they could locate his mother Robert always replied, "no comment." Robert's mother, the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Claverie Oswald, was living and working in New Orleans. The short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor, who was not Robert's mother, soon left Fort Worth in order to avoid reporters, publicity, and to avoid people who knew the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald--people who would know that she was not LEE Oswald's mother. For the next couple of years the Marguerite Oswald impostor lived in small towns in Texas, insisted on being paid in cash, and changed residences and employment often.
On January 4, 1960 HARVEY Oswald was taken to the passport office and given a Soviet residence document for people without citizenship and told that he would be sent to the city of Minsk. His CIA-sponsored "defection" to the Soviet Union, years in the making, was now complete. The KGB could check and verify Lee Harvey Oswald's background in the US from his birth in New Orleans, his schooling, his employment, and his military service in the Marines. In all likelihood they would uncover nothing unusual. But US intelligence now had a Russian-speaking agent inside the Soviet Union.
Three days later Oswald left Moscow, arrived in Minsk, and began work at the Minsk Radio and TV factory. Stanislaw Shushkevich, an engineer at the factory, was told by authorities to give Oswald lessons in the Russian language. Shushkevich quickly learned that Oswald knew very few words in Russian and found it nearly impossible to communicate with fellow factory workers in any meaningful way. The few words that he did learn in Russian were the result of common and often repeated words spoken by co-workers, such as hello, good-bye, thank you. It appeared to Shushkevich that Oswald was not very interested in learning the Russian language, but enjoyed being treated as "special" by factory officials. After a month Shushkevich was told, unexpectedly, to discontinue giving Oswald lessons in Russian. He then began to wonder if his job was not really to teach Oswald Russian, but instead to see how much Russian Oswald knew or with whom he had made contact. Click here to see the interview of Stanislaw Shushkevich by author Peter Savodni.
Oswald's boss at the Radio and TV factory was Alejandro Zieger, who lived with his wife and two teenage daughters--Anita and Eleanora--in an apartment near the factory. Oswald was given an apartment close to the Zigers and soon began spending 3 or 4 evenings a week with his new neighbors. For the next two years, nobody spent more time with Oswald than the Zieger family. In 1998 I flew to Buenes Aires, Argentina where I met and interviewed Anita Zeiger for 3 days. Anita, who speaks only Spanish and Russian, invited me to her home along with my friend and interpretor, Eduardo Zuleta. Anita said, "Oswald was not an affectionate person, was not open, and did not express himself often or at all." She said the main reason that her family was never able to learn much about Oswald was his unwillingness to learn or to speak Russian. Anita said, and I quote her, "My father (who spoke English) always interpreted for him, because I never heard him speak Russian." I said, "Anita, you knew Oswald from the time he arrived in Minsk to the day he and Marina left for the United States. During this time he never spoke any Russian, even up to the day he left Minsk?" Ana replied, "No--not a word." These were the words of Anita Zieger. Oswald may or may not have spoken a limited amount of Russian while in Minsk. But it is clear that he hid his fluency in the Russian language during his stay in the Soviet Union, and gave the impression that he was struggling to learn the language.
My conversation with Anita Zieger caused me to remember the constant assertions of Marina Oswald, who told the FBI, Warren Commission, researchers, and anyone who would listen to her that Oswald spoke near-perfect Russian with a Baltic accent. Marina said Oswald always spoke Russian while in Russia. But Anita Zieger, their neighbor in Minsk, said that he never spoke a word of Russian. One of these woman--either Marina or Anita Zeiger--was lying, but why? I could not imagine the calm, sincere, and gracious Anita Zieger lying to anyone. But Marina, who repeatedly changed her story on virtually every subject relating to the Kennedy assassination, was a different matter. In California, 6 months before his "defection" HARVEY Oswald prided himself on his ability to speak Russian to his Marine buddies. Yet here he was in Russia, and apparently speaking very little or no Russian. But maybe Oswald had no choice. As a spy on assignment for US intelligence, in the middle of the cold war, he had to conceal his knowledge of Russian from the Soviet authorities. Therefore, I concluded that it was Marina who lied when she said that Oswald spoke Russian with a Baltic accent. But why?
In July, 1959 17-year old Marina Prusakova met Robert Webster, the second "defector" from the United States at a trade exhibition in Moscow. In the USA Webster worked for Rand Development, a notorious CIA think-tank, and shortly after arriving in Russia he met and talked with Marina for several hours, in English. But where, how, and when did 17-year old Marina learn to speak English?? 17 years old !!! And how was she able to meet and talk for hours with a "defector" from the United States, who was obviously under the watchful eyes of the KGB ?? A year later, in the fall of 1960, Marina travelled to Leningrad and resided for a short time in the same apartment building as Webster. She met with Webster on several occasions and had long conversations with him--all in English. A few months later, in March, 1961 Marina was in Minsk and met the 3rd American "defector," HARVEY Oswald, at a Friday night dance. Oswald walked her home and they agreed to meet the following weekend. However, on the following Thursday Oswald was admitted to the Fourth Clinical Hospital where his adenoids were removed. He remained in the hospital for the next 11 days, during which time Marina visited him, and spoke with him in English. The day that HARVEY Oswald was discharged from the hospital, he and Marina filed a notice of intent to marry at the registrar's office. How is it possible, at the height of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union, that a teenage girl can meet the 2nd and 3rd American "defectors" in different cities hundreds of miles apart, and talk with both of them in English. And how likely is it these two people would marry without experiencing any courting, dating, romance, or affection, and then be able to leave the Soviet Union a year later without any difficulty. These details, and other aspects of Marina's background, is what caused CIA analysts to conclude that young Marina Prusakova worked for the KGB. If Oswald did not speak any Russian while he lived with Marina in Minsk, then they must have conversed in English. But when Marina arrived in the United States, she dared not speak a word of English. If she spoke English, our intelligence agencies would want to know when, where, and how this 20 year old Russian woman learned English. They would, quite naturally, suspect her of being a spy for the KGB.
On June 3, 1960, J. Edgar Hoover received an AIRTEL from the FBI's New York office regarding Lee Harvey Oswald's birth certificate. Hoover then wrote a memo to the Office of Security at the State Department that read, "Since there is a possibility that an impostor is using Oswald's birth certificate, any current information the Department of State may have concerning subject will be appreciated." In the winter of 1960, while HARVEY Oswald was in Russia, LEE Oswald was at a CIA safe house in Miami, Florida and at CIA sponsored camps in the everglades. A month later, on January 20, 1961 two men visited the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans. They told assistant manager Oscar Deslatte they were interested in purchasing 10 Ford Econoline Trucks for the Friends of Democratic Cuba. One of the incorporators, and vice-president of Friends for Democratic Cuba, was Gerard Tujague, who employed LEE Oswald for a year to a year and a half in 1955-56. When Deslatte asked for their names, one of the men replied, "LEE Oswald." Oswald also visited the Dumas Milner Chevrolet dealership and spoke with James Spencer about purchasing a 1958 Chevrolet. Spencer recalled that when the man returned a second time he talked a lot about Cuba, Castro, and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Spencer wrote "Oswald" on the back of one of his business cards and in 1963 told the FBI that he had no doubt the man he met in 1961 was Lee Harvey Oswald. In 1961, HARVEY Oswald was in Russia.
In the Spring of 1961 LEE Oswald fueled up his 43-foot Chris Craft diesel boat in Key West, Florida but didn't have enough money to pay for the fuel. The owner of the fuel station called Sheriff Thompson, and when Thompson arrived he began questioning Oswald about his unpaid fuel bill. Oswald then made a telephone call to Texas, and within 2 hours a man named "Ruben" arrived and paid for the fuel. The identity of "Ruben" is unknown, but he may have been Jack Ruby who was actively running guns from Florida to Cuba during this period. In 1961, HARVEY Oswald was in Russia.
On May 7,1961 Dr. Enrique Luaces was sitting in a bar in Havana, Cuba when 2 men approached him. One of the men was Robert Tabor, who Dr. Luaces knew as a correspondent for CBS. Tabor introduced his friend as Lieutenant Harvey Oswald, who opened his briefcase and showed Dr. Luaces several brochures that contained information on military hardware. When interviewed by Army intelligence in 1963, Dr. Luaces identified the man introduced to him by Tabor as Lee Harvey Oswald, whose picture recently appeared in the local press as the accused assassin of President Kennedy. But in May, 1961, HARVEY Oswald was in Russia.
In 1961 Ray Carnay was news director for the Balaban Radio Stations in Dallas. He was contacted by a man who asked to meet him at the KBOX news car at the Dallas-Garland airport. Over a period of 7-9 days this man continually expressed his pro-Castro views, and asked Carnay for the names of pilots. Following the assassination of President Kennedy, Carnay recognized and positively identified this man as Lee Harvey Oswald. But in all of 1961, HARVEY Oswald was in Russia.
In October, 1961 New Orleans Levee Board Police Officer Charles Noto and his partner noticed two young men sitting together in a white panel truck late at night. The passenger in the truck identified himself as LEE Oswald and, after being questioned by Noto, asked to see the officer in charge. After a closed-door meeting with Marcel Champon, the officer in charge, Oswald was released. On October 12, 1961, the name LEE Oswald appeared on a CIA document regarding one of their proprietary companies, Transcontinental SA, that was engaged in the import/export business. All of these sightings, and many more, occurred when HARVEY Oswald was in Russia.
In the 1960s there were two young men living in and around Greenwich Village, New York City, named "Steve Landesberg." Although they were similar in age and appearance, there were distinct differences between them. One boy, Stephen Harris Landesberg, was a student from Queens. He was quiet, introverted, kept to himself, a bookworm, and was an honor student. He had black hair, a life-long speech impediment, stuttered profusely when excited, never wore glasses, and had no southern accent. The other boy, Stephen Richard Landesberg was from the Bronx, was outgoing, likable and gregarious. He had reddish brown hair, occasionally wore rimless eyeglasses, enjoyed being around people, had no speech impediment, and acquired a Southern accent that he could use or not use at will. In late 1961 and early 1962 Stephen Richard Landesberg became entangled in activities involving the harassment of liberal and minority-oriented political groups that were active in and around the Village. During this time he befriended and became involved with American-born Lee Oswald, while at the same time Harvey Oswald and Marina were living in Russia. In the 1970's Stephen Richard Landesberg gained notoriety as an actor on the TV show, Barney Miller. The actor's relationship with Oswald motivated a number of JFK researchers, including author Carleton W. Sterling, Professor Stan Weeber (UNT, Denton, TX), attorney Carol Hewitt, author/researcher Joachim Joesten, and myself to investigate the two "Steve Landesbergs." For more information on the Steven Landesberg story, click this link.
In April, 1962 LEE Oswald showed up at the Texas Employment Commission in Fort Worth. He was given a written "General Aptitude Test" that was later forwarded to their Dallas office and noted on documentation published by the Warren Commission. In April, 1962, HARVEY and Marina were still in Russia.
A few weeks later, on May 22, in Russia, the Zieger family accompanied HARVEY Oswald and Marina to the train station to begin their long journey to America. Can you imagine Marina's surprise when her husband, who never spoke Russian while in the Soviet Union, began speaking perfect Russian after arriving in America? In Fort Worth, Texas the Oswald's lived briefly with Robert Oswald and his family. Robert's wife, Vada, who had been introduced to the tall, husky LEE Oswald by her husband in 1957, said of Lee HARVEY Oswald, "he lost his bull neck......" Apparently Vada never realized, or chose to ignore, or was told to ignore, that the tall, husky young man she met in 1957 (LEE) was not the same man she met in 1962 (HARVEY). But Robert Oswald knew that HARVEY Oswald was not his brother. Robert grew up with his tall, nice-looking mother and his brother LEE Oswald prior to joining the Marines in 1952. Following his discharge from the Marines in July, 1955, Robert lived briefly with his mother and brother LEE at 126 Exchange in New Orleans. A year later Robert began living with HARVEY Oswald and the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor at 4936 Collinwood in Fort Worth in July, 1956. It was during this period (summer/fall, 1956) that Robert met and became engaged to his future wife, Vada Mercer. But Robert never introduced his fiance to HARVEY Oswald or to the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor prior to their marriage in November, 1956. Why would Robert Oswald dare to introduce his future wife to people to whom he was not related?
HARVEY Oswald, Marina and daughter June left the Soviet Union and arrived in Hoboken, NJ on June 13, 1962. The following day, June 14, the Oswalds arrived in Fort Worth, TX and resided for a short time with Robert Oswald and his family. Four days later, on June 18, HARVEY Oswald met with Pauline Bates, and paid her $10 to type his handwritten notes relating to his 2 1/2 year residency in the Soviet Union. While she was typing HARVEY Oswald remained in her office and made sure that she did not lose or take any of his notes. After typing ten pages, single spaced (about 1/3 of Oswald's handwritten notes), Oswald left and never returned.
A year later HARVEY Oswald applied for a new passport, even though his passport was valid for another 3 years. Why? Because the US passport issued in 1959 had a photograph of LEE Oswald. The new US passport issued in 1962 had a photograph of HARVEY Oswald.
In the 1970's CIA finance officer James B Wilcott testified before the HSCA. He said that in 1959 he worked out of the covert station in Japan and dispensed unvouchered funds for the "Oswald Project." The Oswald project, years in the making, was probably organized and handled by James Angleton of the Counterintelligence/Special Investigations Group at CIA headquarters. But in order to place two Oswalds in the Marine Corps using the same serial number, often at the same time in different locations, it appears that certain members of the Office of Naval Intelligence were also involved. James Wilcott said Oswald's defection to the Soviet Union was phony and that Oswald was on an intelligence operation for the CIA. Wilcott said the cryptonym for the Oswald project was RX-ZIM. (Click here for more on Wilcott)
1959 Passport
1963 Passport