After a few days in the hospital HARVEY Oswald was taken to the passport office on October 28. Three days later he attempted to renounce his US citizenship at the US Embassy, an incident that was soon reported in various newspapers in the US. The Ft. Worth Star Telegram wrote about his "defection," but they published a photograph of LEE Oswald--not HARVEY.  This was because people who had grown up with LEE Oswald in Ft. Worth may have recognized LEE Oswald's photo, but they would not have recognized a photo of HARVEY Oswald.

The Fort Worth Star Telegram published  this washed-out
 photo of  Lee Oswald when Harvey Oswald "defected."

The photo above was purchased by the author from Wide World Photos. The typed label indicates: "This is a retransmission of FWI of Nov. 1 to provide better copy." Associated Press/Wide World Photos

If the higher quality "retransmitted" photo had been used by the
Star-Telegram, this is how the article would have appeared.